Chapter 150 Let You Know Who I Am!
Producer Li stood aside, looked at Yu Lingchu, then at Mr. Hu and Liu Yi who were kneeling on the ground in embarrassment, and looked up at the sky.

It's none of his business, he's just a backdrop now...

Mr. Hu, you're so bullish, you kicked the iron plate this time, you deserve it~

The two of them knelt on the ground with a "bang" just now, and I don't know if their knees hurt~
He can't clean it up, and someone who dares not offend someone dares to clean it up~
This is really the sky has eyes, one thing falls one thing, hahaha~
Mr. Hu was kicked to kneel on the ground, raised his head and glared fiercely at Yu Lingchu.

This young man doesn't talk about martial arts, so let someone kick him no matter how he comes up!
"You dare to kick me?!" Mr. Hu gritted his teeth.

Yu Lingchu pointed to his head: "Are you sick here? Oh~ sorry, wrong question, are you blind? The one who kicked you is my subordinate, not me!"

Producer Lee "..."

What is the difference between shirk and non-shirk?

Yu Lingchu raised her head slightly: "I ordered it, why not!"

Producer Li: "..."

emm... It turns out that Yu Lingchu didn't intend to shirk, but wanted to be tough, sorry!sorry!
Mr. Hu stared at Yu Lingchu, and tried to stand up with his hands on the ground, but he was kicked back to his original position by Li Rui just as his knees left the ground.

Yu Ling looked at him condescendingly at first, and sneered: "What are you doing standing up? You want others to kneel so much, why don't you kneel more?"

Seeing Mr. Hu suffering, Liu Yi said, "Yu Lingchu, don't bully people too much! It's obvious that the dog under your hands has eyes but doesn't know Taishan, and made mistakes first! Why do you come here indiscriminately? Someone kicked me and brother Hu! You're not making sense!"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "Can't you see it because you're blind? Of course I'm not trying to reason, I'm here to support my people! Open your mouth and call people a dog, what are you!"

As Yu Lingchu said, he raised his finger and pointed at the security guard just now, and said loudly: "He! Live on his own, do his best, don't steal or rob! Why do you bully him, and what right do you have to look down on him!"

"Yu Lingchu, it doesn't matter if you look down on me, but why do you disrespect Brother Hu? Do you know who he is!"

Liu Yi moved out her benefactor Hu Zong, trying to deter Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu didn't buy it at all, and said with a sneer, "Who he is is none of my business! Anyone who dares to bully me, I'll let you know who I am first!"

An Bao looked at Yu Lingchu adoringly, feeling both grateful and moved in his heart.

The first sister is mighty!He followed the right person!

Producer Li watched the play for a long time and felt that the time was almost up, so he stood up to smooth things over and said, "Lingchu, Mr. Hu was also deceived for a while, and that's why he misunderstood that little security guard over there, this enemy." It is better to untangle than to tie, it is better for both of you to take a step back and just pretend that you don't know each other."

"We don't know each other without fighting? Heh!" Yu Lingchu sneered, looked at Producer Li and said, "Okay, of course I can give Producer Li this face, but they have to apologize to my people!
It's true that I, Yu Lingchu, brought people to Yuncheng because I was hired to protect the safety of the crew, but every penny we earn is upright, and no one can be humiliated at will! "

Producer Li pursed his lips, pondered for a while and said, "You first ask your people to release Mr. Hu, and I'll talk to him, do you think it's okay?"

Yu Lingchu nodded slowly.

With her consent, Producer Li walked up to Mr. Hu and bent down to help him up.

Seeing Mr. Hu being lifted up by Producer Li, Liu Yi also wanted to stand up, but was kicked back by Li Rui mercilessly.

"Brother Hu~" Liu Yiai mourned and looked at Mr. Hu for help.

Don't get up and ignore me, I'm still forced to kneel!
Producer Li glared at Liu Yi, pulled Mr. Hu aside, and whispered: "Mr. Hu, to tell you the truth, Nalan Group has always sent people to pay attention to Yu Lingchu's movements in the crew. It was because she was afraid that she would be wronged by us.

I know Mr. Hu, you are rich and powerful, but if you can not offend a giant like the Nalan Group, let's try not to offend it, because it is not worth getting yourself into trouble for such a trivial matter, what do you think? "

Mr. Hu licked his teeth, and said a little unwillingly: "According to you, I just let that girl bully me? I don't want to lose face, do I?"

Producer Li sighed: "If Mr. Hu thinks he can touch Nalan Group, then... I have nothing to say."

After speaking, he planned to step back to the side again.

It's hard to persuade the damn ghost, he thinks it's enough, since Mr. Hu won't listen, then he can only let go of the complex of helping others and respect the choices of others.

Mr. Hu grabbed Producer Li who wanted to distance himself from him again, gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice, "Let me ask you, what is the relationship between this Yu Lingchu and the Nalan Group?"

Producer Li was stopped by the question, so he could only say frankly: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Mr. Hu frowned: "You are so happy, but now you tell me that you don't know the relationship between Yu Lingchu and Nalan Group, are you kidding me?!"

Producer Li looked innocent: "I really don't know, but what I can tell you is that when Nalan Group contacted me, it was because Yu Lingchu didn't want others to know about her relationship with Nalan Group. They don't even want to rely on Nalan Group to get anything, so Nalan Group invested in the film crew and asked the film crew to take special care of Yu Lingchu's affairs, and they had to keep it from Yu Lingchu, because they were afraid that Yu Lingchu would be unhappy if he found out."

Needless to say, the identity of a woman who can be protected by the Nalan Group silently, and who is afraid of offending her, should be known by others. She cannot afford to be offended!

Mr. Hu thought about it and took a deep breath.

Seeing that his expression was relaxed, Producer Li couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Mr. Hu, those who know the current affairs are heroes. You and Yu Lingchu have no quarrel at all, so you can't be impulsive to make a grudge just because of a few provocations from others. A man is a man who can bend and stretch. Do you need me to tell you this truth? "

Mr. Hu thought for a while in silence, and said to Producer Li: " go there with me, and make peace with me?"

"no problem!"

Producer Li agreed very happily, and led Mr. Hu to walk in front of Yu Lingchu.

Mr. Hu squeezed out a smile: "Miss Lingchu, I was the one who was abrupt, please forgive me!"

For Mr. Hu's apology, Yu Lingchu was a little surprised.

She didn't expect that Producer Li could really persuade Mr. Hu to lower his posture and apologize to them, which made her face soften a little.

She glanced at the security guard next to her, and said, "Mr. Hu, it's not me who made things difficult for you, but our brother from the security company."

The implication is simple, to apologize, you have to find the real victim.

(End of this chapter)

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