Chapter 155
Everything was done, and seeing that it was getting late, Director Wang asked Yu Lingchu to rest today, and then shoot her second female role tomorrow.

Yu Lingchu has now replaced Liu Yi as the second female lead, so she doesn't need to use the computer to change faces in the post-production for the shots she took instead of Liu Yi.

And with Yu Lingchu's talent and savvy, Director Wang felt that the next filming should be much easier.

The director sat back in front of the monitor in a good mood and directed everyone to start working again.

After Han Zexin finished filming a scene in the twilight, the crew called it a day. Everyone packed up their things and began to leave the set in an orderly manner.

Mu Si greeted Yu Lingchu in advance, and instead of leaving with everyone, she stayed on the set alone.

She was waiting for someone, and her boyfriend said he would come to the set and pick her up for dinner.

But watching the crew leave, the twilight faded, and the night fell, but the person she was waiting for still did not appear.

Mu Si tried to call him, but found that the other party had turned off the phone.

In the dark night, only the sound of the wind blowing the leaves softly sounded.

Everything that is clear during the day becomes blurred in the night, and the surrounding darkness is like the huge mouth of a monster, as if it wants to swallow people.

In the darkness, Mu Si embraced herself with both hands, and stood outside the studio, looking at the darkness in the distance with worry and anticipation, hoping that a beam of light could shine from afar.

But time passed by, and the surrounding area was still empty and quiet.

Mu Si tried to call Zheng Huaizhou several times, but the phone of the other party was turned off.

The dark sky made her panic, and her boyfriend's loss of contact made her worry.

Shocked and frightened, she could only call Yu Lingchu for help.

At this time, Yu Lingchu had returned to the hotel and was chatting with Han Zexin in her room.

The phone rang, and she glanced at the screen with a little surprise in her eyes.

Didn't Mu Si say that her boyfriend picked her up for a date?

What do you call her when she's on a date with her boyfriend?
Confused, Yu Lingchu answered Mu Si's call immediately.

As soon as the call was answered, Mu Si's choked up voice came from panic: "Lingchu, can you come to the set to pick me up?"

Yu Lingchu frowned: "Didn't you say that your boyfriend took you on a date? Why are you still on the set at this time?"

Mu Si choked up: "He didn't come, and he turned off the phone when I called him. Lingchu, do you think something will happen to him? I'm so scared!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll go over right now. I have left people on the set to check the equipment. Where are you on the set? I'll let them go over to accompany you for a while."

While talking on the phone with Mu Si, Yu Lingchu picked up the coat she had put on the chair, and strode out of the room.

Seeing this, Han Zexin got up and walked out.

After Mu Si reported her location, Yu Lingchu told her to stand still and hang up the phone.

After finishing the call with Mu Si, she immediately called the people she stayed over there, and asked them to dispatch the person closest to Mu Si to go there immediately.

Afterwards, Yu Lingchu called Mu Si again and chatted with her until her people went to find Mu Si.

The car speeds through the night.

Yu Lingchu sat in the co-pilot, and when she learned that her fellow had found Mu Si, she asked Mu Si to give the phone to the other party, and after explaining a few words, she ended the call.

Seeing that Yu Lingchu had finished talking with Mu Si, Han Zexin couldn't help but said while driving, "Lingchu, you said that Mu Si's boyfriend won't be in any real danger, right?"

Otherwise, how could he leave his girlfriend there and turn off the phone to play and disappear after clearly making an appointment!

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "It's hard to say. When we see Mu Si in a while, let's talk about what to do next. If you are sure that the person can't be found, you can only call the police."

Although they didn't like Mu Si's boyfriend, something happened, and they couldn't ignore it.After all, it is a human life, and the other party is Mu Si's favorite...

The car was speeding in the night, and the lights and shadows on both sides of the road quickly receded. The hotel where the crew stayed was originally about 40 minutes' drive from the filming location, but Han Zexin just drove there in more than 30 minutes.

The people left behind by Yu Lingchu were waiting by the side of the road with Mu Si.

Seeing them coming, Mu Si's eyes turned red, and she choked up and said, "Lingchu, what should I do? I can't get in touch with Huaizhou at all, do you think something will happen to him! Huh~"

"Don't panic." Yu Lingchu quickly comforted: "Do you know which hotel your boyfriend lives in Yuncheng? Let's go and look for it first, and you can call him a few more times to try. If you can't find it If anyone arrives, we will call the police.”


Mu Si nodded and wiped the tears off her face: "Huaizhou told me about the hotel where he stayed, so let's go there now.

Lingchu, Zexin, I only have you two friends in Yuncheng, so I need to trouble you for your help. "

"Since we are friends, I should help you. You are welcome."

Yu Lingchu opened the rear door, let Mu Si get in the car, sat in the driver's seat, started the car and left the set.

Han Zexin sat in the co-pilot, quickly located Zheng Huaizhou's hotel with her mobile phone, and turned on the navigation mode.

Following the navigation prompts, the three of them drove quickly on the road in Yuncheng.

The more you drive, the more something is wrong for Yu Lingchu, and she couldn't help but say: "Musi, the hotel your boyfriend stayed in is more than a star and a half away from the hotel where our film crew stayed."

Han Zexin also noticed this, and subconsciously frowned as she watched the passing scenery outside the car window.

Not only is it far away, the directions of these two hotels are clearly in opposite directions.

Speaking of their crew's hotel, it's not that people who visit the crew are not allowed to stay.

Since Zheng Huaizhou came to see Musi on purpose, why didn't he just stay in the crew hotel, wouldn't he be able to better accompany his girlfriend?
Even if he didn't want to stay in the crew's hotel for some reason, there were several other hotels near the crew's hotel. Why didn't he choose the one that was close to him, and why did he have to choose one that was so far away?

"The hotel in Huaizhou is near the Yuncheng Scenic Area. He said that he will help me explore the way in Yuncheng first, find beautiful scenery and food, make a strategy, and then take me to play."

That said, it's reasonable.

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin stopped thinking about it.

Halfway through the car, the phone that Mu Si had been holding tightly in her hand suddenly rang.

She hurriedly looked down, seeing Zheng Huaizhou's name displayed on the screen, her pupils shrank.

While staring at the name on the phone screen, she hurriedly said to Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin, "Huaizhou called me back!"

"Hurry up!"

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin spoke almost at the same time.

Before they finished speaking, Mu Si had already answered the phone.

She called excitedly and hurriedly: "Hello, Huaizhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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