Chapter 157

The filming went smoothly, and the atmosphere of the whole crew also became relaxed and happy.

Near noon, the scene manager came over and whispered a few words with the director.

As soon as the crew left, the director immediately announced to everyone present that the popular floret Wu Feifei would airborne to the crew in the afternoon and play a guest role in the play.

In view of Wu Feifei's tight schedule, the director hopes that everyone can maintain a good shooting state in the morning, and get up to 12 points in the afternoon, so as to strive to pass the shots with Wu Feifei.

Wu Feifei is the hottest female artist in the entertainment industry in the past two years, with a huge number of fans.The crew can invite her to come as a guest star, which is of great benefit to the promotion of the whole show and attracting audiences.

The news announced by the director is undoubtedly exciting.

There are also several fans of Wu Feifei in the crew. After hearing the news announced by the director, they have already started to look forward to it. After seeing Wu Feifei in the afternoon, they can ask for the idol's autograph.

Yu Lingchu is no stranger to the name Wu Feifei.

Han Zexin herself is in the entertainment industry, so naturally she has admired Wu Feifei's name for a long time.

She leaned into Yu Lingchu's ear and whispered: "Lingchu, I heard that Wu Feifei is the daughter of a wealthy family in Haicheng, and you are from the same town."

Yu Lingchu nodded: "It's from my hometown."

Han Zexin said again: "Since you are from the same town and your family is also a rich family in Haicheng, the two of you...should know each other?"

Han Zexin thought so, but unexpectedly Yu Lingchu shook her head lightly and said, "I don't know her."

"I don't know?" Yu Lingchu's answer was somewhat beyond Han Zexin's expectations. She said, "Don't you high-class daughters all communicate and connect with each other? Today she holds a banquet and invites you to it. Tomorrow you will Throw a party and invite her to one of those."

Yu Lingchu smiled and explained: "Senior Sister, wealthy families are also divided into grades. The Wu family is the top wealthy family in Haicheng, and they only like to play with their own level or high-level people.

A family at the tail end of a wealthy circle like our Yu family might not be willing to take it seriously. "

Han Zexin nodded suddenly: "I see. It is said that rich families have deep waters, and the relationship between rich families is so high and low?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "It's not all like that. However, although our Yu family and Wu family belong to Haicheng, we really don't have any friendship.

And senior sister, we are sisters who grew up together, when did you see me holding a banquet for the fellowship of rich ladies? "

Han Zexin thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It's really not. The other daughters of the family should be playing piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing, flower arrangement, beauty shopping, you, tsk!"

Han Zexin clicked her tongue, looked Yu Lingchu up and down, and said: "Swords, spears, swords and halberds, jumping up and down, flying over the eaves and walls, heart and mouth smashed into stones, all of a sudden, this... is really not the same as those rich ladies, play Less than one piece, huh?"

"Host, have you ever done something like breaking your heart? That's a really fierce group!"

It is a white lotus system, and a polygonal female warrior was bound hastily at the beginning!

Yu Lingchu ( ̄'i ̄;)
"I never did that! My senior sister exaggerated!"



Yu Lingchu←_←

"believe it or not!"

Wu Feifei doesn't have many guest roles this time, if all goes well, one afternoon is enough to finish the filming.

In order to let everyone have a good state to play with Wu Feifei, after lunch, the director did not rush to start filming, but let everyone rest on the spot.

This rest, rest until two o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that the time was getting late and Wu Feifei hadn't appeared yet, the director had to ask the scene manager to call Wu Feifei's manager to inquire.

The field manager got a reply quickly, and Wu Feifei was taking a nap after lunch.

If the crew wants to shoot, they have to wait until Wu Feifei wakes up.

It's not that the director has never encountered actors playing big names.

Liu Yi was a small Internet celebrity before, and she joined the group with money, didn't she put on a lot of airs?
It's not surprising that a popular actress like Wu Feifei put on a show.

Anyway, Wu Feifei doesn't have many roles, even if she can show off, she will pass the patience.

Wu Feifei has been in the entertainment industry for so long, so her acting skills should be pretty good.After filming her few scenes, the crew went their separate ways with her. From now on, it will be hello, hello me, hello everyone, just maintain the harmony of the performance.

Wu Feifei was not coming for a while, so the director made everyone busy.

As for Wu Feifei, she can come whenever she likes.

It was said that she acted in friendship, and the crew also paid her and signed a formal contract with her.

To influence her role, she has to come and finish filming, otherwise it will be a breach of contract!

When the hour hand pointed to 03:30, a nanny car appeared on the set of the crew.

Wu Feifei supported the assistant's hand and got out of the car.

The staff of the crew hurried up to greet her, and greeted with a smile: "Sister Fei Fei, you are here, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Wu Fei Fei glanced at the manager, and said arrogantly: "What's the matter, do you think I'm late?"

"No! No!" Chang Chang hurriedly explained: "I mean looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally I am looking forward to you, Sister Feifei. You are much more beautiful than on the screen."

Wu Feifei benefited from the field manager's compliment, she raised her lips and smiled, and glanced at her assistant.

The assistant immediately said: "Okay! Is it up to you to say that our sister Fei Fei looks good? Hurry up and ask the makeup artist to come over and put on makeup for our sister Fei Fei. After the filming, our sister Fei Fei Fei has to rush to schedule, but there is no time to talk to her." You are wasting."

"Good! Good!"

The scene manager responded quickly, leading Wu Feifei and his party to the dressing room on the set, and at the same time calling someone to find Mu Si, and asked Mu Si to go to the dressing room to wait in advance.

Wu Feifei has very few roles, and the crew has limited space, so there is no separate dressing room for Wu Feifei.

In order not to make Wu Feifei feel neglected, the field manager specially greeted Han Zexin in advance, and temporarily requisitioned Han Zexin's dressing room.

During Wu Feifei's expropriation, Han Zexin temporarily shared a dressing room with Yu Lingchu.

When the field manager led Wu Feifei to the dressing room, Mu Si was already waiting there.

Seeing Mu Si, Wu Feifei subconsciously frowned.

Seeing her displeasure, the assistant also took a look at Mu Si, and asked, "Are you the stylist responsible for putting on Sister Feifei's makeup?"

"Yes." Mu Si responded generously.

The assistant looked Mu Si up and down, and said as if checking her household registration: "You are so young, which beauty studio? How long have you been in this business?"

Mu Si still replied generously: "Our brand is called Yunshang, and it has just been established not long ago. But don't worry, Ms. Wu, I will definitely do my best to create a makeup that suits you and the role for you and styling."

(End of this chapter)

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