Chapter 169 Planning to Retire

After posting the photos, Han Zexin edited another message and sent it over,
"Sister Feng, this is my junior sister. She wants to enter the entertainment industry. I want her to sign with our company. What do you think?"

The driving car stopped slowly, Yu Lingchu, Han Zexin and Mu Si got out of the car and walked into the hotel side by side.

A group of people entered the hotel entrance, and Han Zexin's phone rang.

She glanced at the phone screen and stepped aside to answer it.

As soon as the call was connected, the manager's excited voice came through the receiver: "Zexin, are you serious?"


Han Zexin was stunned by Sister Feng's excitement.

Sister Feng couldn't wait to say: "It's the photo you sent me! Is that your junior sister? Do you want to enter the entertainment circle?"

"Yes." Han Zexin blinked: "Is there any problem?"

"No!" Sister Feng excitedly said: "There is no problem at all! Besides, your junior sister's appearance is really good! If she has some acting skills, she can sing, dance and so on , the package will be popular! But it doesn’t matter, can we take the traffic route, just her face can attract a lot of fans!"

Han Zexin thought for a while, and replied: "My junior sister knows martial arts, and her martial arts are better than mine."

Sister Feng: ".No! Zexin, you mean, after she enters the circle, she wants to follow the route of becoming a star like you? With such a beautiful face, are you sure you don't want to consider taking the route of being an idol?"

Han Zexin smiled: "I don't know what route she wants to take, but my junior sister is quite versatile. She fights very well. Almost none of our seniors can beat her."

Sister Feng: "."

When is being good at fighting considered a talent?

"My junior sister also sings very well."

Sister Feng╭(_>)╮

This can have~
"I can draw."

Sister Feng╭(_>)╮

Not bad!

"Can dance sword dance"

Sister Feng╭(_>)╮

very good!very good!
"can mix wine"

Sister Feng╭(_>)╮_?
This skill seems useless...

"She is very talented in acting. Now the second female lead of the drama I took over has been replaced by her. I have recorded clips of her filming. I will find it and send it to you later?"

"Yes." Sister Feng became interested.

Han Zexin hung up the phone, found the video of Yu Lingchu's filming after returning to the room, and sent it to Sister Feng.

Not a while after the video was posted, Sister Feng called again: "Your junior sister is also on the set in Yuncheng, isn't she?"

"Yes." Han Zexin answered very simply, but couldn't help complaining in her heart.

Sister Feng is not very old, why has her memory become so bad?
Didn't she just say that Lingchu is in the same crew as her.

Sister Feng received an affirmative answer, and immediately ordered in an unquestionable tone: "Then you show her to me! Don't let her be snatched away by other brokerage companies! I will book a ticket to Feiyun City immediately! "

Han Zexin_?
"Han Zexin, do I treat you well on weekdays?"

"Not thin."

"Fat and water don't flow into the field of outsiders! I signed you, junior sister! You must show me someone, don't let anyone rob you!"

Han Zexin blinked: "Oh."

At present, only she and Mu Si know about Lingchu's desire to enter the entertainment industry, and no one else knows, so who will grab it~
Sister Feng continued to threaten: "Such a good seedling, if someone else takes the lead, I will only ask you!"

Han Zexin responded obediently: "Oh."

Sister Feng hung up the phone in satisfaction.

After confirming that her agent intends to sign Yu Lingchu, Han Zexin immediately told Yu Lingchu the news.

Sister Feng said that if she wanted to buy the nearest air ticket to fly to Yuncheng, she always had to make Yu Lingchu prepare in advance.

Sister Feng's efficiency is indeed high.

The night before, he said that he would buy the nearest flight to fly to Yuncheng, but the next morning, he had already appeared at the door of the hotel where the crew was staying.

It's a pity that she came a little bit late, the crew had already left the hotel and rushed to the set.

After asking for a location with Han Zexin, Sister Feng didn't care about rest, and took a taxi to chase the crew to the set.

At this time, the sun is rising.

Thousands of miles away in the imperial capital, Nalan Shaojin boarded the plane to Haicheng in the early morning light.

When Sister Feng chased her to the set, Yu Lingchu and her party had just arrived.

Mu Si is applying makeup to Yu Lingchu in the dressing room.

Sister Feng knocked on the door and came in, and the moment she saw Yu Lingchu, amazement flashed in her eyes.

Yu Lingchu herself looked even more aura and radiant than the photo Han Zexin sent her.

Sister Feng felt that she was about to pick up a treasure.

Yesterday Han Zexin posted her video, but she watched it seriously.

For Yu Lingchu, her initial impression is that she has good looks and acting skills.Such a person can go a long way in the entertainment industry, whether it is the idol route or the strength route, it is no problem.

With such a good innate condition, if I am a little bit more competitive, coupled with the company's strong support, I will be very popular just around the corner!

Which manager doesn't want to be a bole who knows people, and doesn't want to personally bring out stars who are popular all over the country!

Feng Xi felt that Yu Lingchu had the potential to become famous, so he rushed to Yuncheng in a hurry, wanting to sign him.

She looked at Yu Lingchu with fiery eyes, and introduced herself enthusiastically: "Lingchu, right? I'm Feng Xi, Zexin's manager. I heard from Zexin that you plan to enter the entertainment circle, but I don't know if you have Are you not interested in coming to our company for development? We can discuss the terms."

Yu Lingchu turned her eyes to look at Feng Xi, and smiled politely: "Senior sister told me about you, and she said you are a very good manager."

Feng Xi's eyes lit up.

Han Zexin helped her speak well in front of Yu Lingchu!
She really deserves to be an artist under her hands, the pain is not in vain!
"Then Lingchu, what do you mean? Are you interested in joining me? I think you have excellent conditions in all aspects. As long as you are willing to be my artist, I promise to do my best to train you."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "I intend to sign a contract with your company, but before signing the contract, I want to get to know each other first. After all, we are partners for future cooperation. We still need to observe whether we can work together."


Nalan Shaojin, who arrived on time, walked out of the airport and got into the car that came to pick him up.

Not caring about going back to the hotel to rest, he directly ordered the driver to drive to Yu's house.

Yu's family had already received the news that Nalan Shaojin was coming to visit. Father Yu and Yu Chengze didn't go to the company, they just waited at home.

Jade Father counted the gifts that Nalan Shaojin brought during his last visit, and asked the servants to put them in the living room.

As for the sports car that Nalan Shaojin gave Yu Chengze, Yu Chengze drove it out of the garage and parked it in the yard.

Since Yu Lingchu made it very clear that he didn't want to marry Nalan Shaojin, the Yu family father and son decided to take advantage of Nalan Shaojin's visit this time, try not to hurt the peace, and negotiated to annul the marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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