After complaining about Yu Lingchu's character in all directions, the Yu family father and son began to complain about Yu Lingchu's clothing and social interaction.

"Lingchu's closet is almost full of sports clothes, and she doesn't wear a skirt like other little girls."

"I don't like to dress up very much. Buy her a set of skin care products, and there will be more than half of the bottle left after the expiration date! Makeup doesn't even exist!"

"Sigh~ Her mother and I want to take her to a banquet or something, it's like killing her, that child is not good at socializing!"

"That's right! There's a banquet or something at home, and she doesn't want to help with the preparations. She's too lazy to treat it."

Father Yu and Yu Chengze fought hard to get rid of the marriage, talking about Yu Lingchu's shortcomings and dark history.

After the father and son complained about the same, Father Yu looked at Nalan Shaojin and said, "Shaojin, your Nalan family has a prominent family and a prosperous world. Your future wife must be a beautiful woman with a heart, gentle and virtuous." Generally speaking, this is not an insult to your illustrious family.

Uncle, I am ashamed, I have no way to teach my daughter, which makes my daughter mischievous and mischievous like a wild girl, and I have failed the old man Nalan's heart of flattery.

Your Nalan family thinks about the kindness of the past, so it’s hard to say anything, but my Yu family can’t be someone who doesn’t know what to do. It’s hard for her to be the lintel of your Nalan family at the beginning of Lingchu. Uncle can’t wrong you. The marriage between the two families, Let it go today! "

After laying the groundwork for so long, he finally revealed his purpose, and Father Yu couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Nalan Shaojin's eyes darkened.

He had expected that there must be a demon if things went wrong, but he didn't think that Father Yu was waiting for him here.

break off an engagement?
Ah!How could his grandfather cook the duck for him with great foresight and put it in his hand, how could he let it fly away!

"Uncle Yu." Nalan Shaojin opened his mouth to fight, but Father Yu interrupted him by raising his hand.

"Shaojin, you don't have to bear any burdens, this is settled!"

Nalan Shaojin frowned.

What to decide?

Have you asked his opinion?
Dear uncle, hasty ah hello!
Nalan Shaojin quickly expressed his opinion: "Uncle Yu, I like Lingchu!"

Father Yu, Mother Yu, and Yu Chengze looked at Nalan Shaojin in disbelief when they heard this.

Father Yu blinked, and said: "Shaojin, you don't have to force yourself so much in order to repay your kindness. The important things in life are not to be taken lightly. You just listen to Uncle, and we will dissolve this engagement. From now on, you and Lingchu, male and female When a married woman marries, everyone will be happy."

"Uncle Yu, Aunt Yu, I'm serious!" Nalan Shaojin reborn his own mind with a straight face.

"I fell in love with Lingchu at first sight!"

Yu Chengze looked at Father Yu in disbelief. (⊙o⊙)
Nalan Shaojin, fell in love with my sister at first sight?
real or fake?

Father Yu also expressed shock.

Nalan Shaojin, fell in love with his daughter at first sight?
Why do you feel a little unreal? !

"I like Lingchu very much."

Nalan Shaojin continued to express his heart: "She is the perfect wife in my heart. If I can't marry her in this life, I would rather die alone."

Yu Chengze (⊙o⊙)
Good guy!This is more love than Jin Jian!
Is his sister so attractive? !

"Uncle Yu, back then my grandfather owed your old man his life, and we, the Nalan family, should have repaid the favor.

But today I have to have the audacity to ask you for favors again, please fulfill my whole heart for Lingchu. "

Father Yu looked at Yu Chengze.

Son, what should I do?
Your father I will not!

Yu Chengze bit his lip.

This. The situation seems to be getting more complicated...

Originally they thought that Lingchu and Nalan Shaojin had no intention of each other, so the Yuyu family would be the villain and just call off the marriage.

But in the current situation, it seems that his sister has no intention of marrying Nalan Shaojin, but Nalan Shaojin is not married to his sister.

In such a situation, if the engagement is forcibly withdrawn, I'm afraid that Nalan Shaojin will be offended, and he might hate the Yu family because of his love.

But if he didn't withdraw the engagement, it would be difficult for Yu Lingchu to explain.

He understood his sister, since Lingchu said that she had no intentions towards Nalan Shaojin, she really had no intentions.Continuing to forcibly bind the two of them with the marriage contract, which made Lingchu anxious, maybe she would do something, and it might be a situation where the marriage would not be a marriage but an enemy would become an enemy.

Yu Chengze thought about it for a while, gritted his teeth, and simply made it clear: "Shaojin, our family appreciates and is very satisfied with you, sister has no intentions of you. This twisted melon is not sweet. The time you have been together is still short, you are not deep in it, it is better to get out as soon as possible. You are so good, you deserve a better girl!"

Nalan Shaojin said solemnly: "Except for Lingchu, no one else in this world can come into my eyes! In my eyes, in my heart, Lingchu is the best!"

Yu Chengze looked at Father Yu.

Father, my son, I have told him so clearly, he won't listen...

Now, son, I don't know what to do
"I know that Lingchu doesn't like me." Nalan Shaojin continued to speak, and successfully attracted the eyes of the Yu family father and son to fall on him with one sentence.

"But what does that matter?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly, and continued: "It's enough for me to like Lingchu! Because I like it, I'm willing to give her some of mine. I believe that sincerity is what makes gold and stone open!"

Now no matter who makes me give up Lingchu, it is absolutely impossible, even if Lingchu has someone else in his heart!As long as she doesn't get married for a day, I still have a chance, right? "

Father Jade: "..."

Yumu: "..."

Yu Chengze: "..."

The family of three looked at each other, and no one knew what to say at this time.

Facing their silence, Nalan Shaojin smiled gently: "I understand the worries of Uncle Yu, Aunt Yu and Brother Chengze. You are afraid that I will not love you in the end, and you will hate Lingchu and even the Yu family because of your love. Retaliation, right?"

My worries were seen through by others, and I even said it face to face, Yufu and Yu Chengze felt extremely embarrassed for a moment.

Father Yu argued dryly: "Shaojin, Uncle has always believed that you are a person who values ​​affection."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Father Yu and smiled slightly: "Uncle Yu, I can swear to God that I will be infinitely tolerant to Lingchu, and no matter what happens between me and Lingchu in the end, I will never hurt her or Yuyu. If you don't, I, Nalan Shaojin, will die!"

Father Yu heard Nalan Shaojin make such a heavy oath, and quickly stopped him: "Hey! Hey! Hey! Shaojin, you are serious!"

"Uncle Yu, Aunt Yu."

Nalan Shaojin stood up and looked at Yufu and Yumu with serious expressions: "My words are not proven, I will prove with my actions that I am the most suitable husband candidate for Lingchu, please fulfill my wishes and give I have a chance to get the soul."

As Nalan Shaojin said, he humbly lowered his head and made a gesture of request.

Nalan Shaojin's attitude was so low, which really shocked the Yu family.

Thank you hw for the monthly pass

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