Mu Si was a little disappointed.

But she is not the kind of person who likes to mess around and make things difficult for others.

She didn't want to spoil Zheng Huaizhou's interest in traveling in the mountains and rivers.Calling him back now, I'm afraid they won't be able to play well.Instead of that, it's better to play separately for the time being.

Holding the phone, Mu Si smiled sensiblely: "Okay, come back tonight, and we'll have dinner together."

"Good boy." Zheng Huaizhou smiled relaxedly: "I'll go back to bring you a souvenir at night."


Unable to go on a date with Zheng Huaizhou, it was a rare half-day vacation, and Mu Si didn't want to go back to the hotel, so she went to find Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin again.

After discussing with each other, the three of them easily decided on a half-day tour guide for the nearby area.

But before they set off, two brothers, Shen Shan and Mo Hai, approached and proposed to travel with the three of them as a companion.

As if they were afraid that the three of them would disagree, the two brothers immediately tried their best to sell themselves after making the request.

Shen Shan: "Mo Hai and I still know how to do some kung fu, so you should bring two more free bodyguards~"

Mo Hai: "We two brothers can also take turns to be the driver to drive for you."

"If you are shopping, we can help carry the bag~"

"There are a lot of people shopping, we can line up for you, and you can rest for a while~"

Mo Hai was pitiful: "Three well-meaning beauties, if you feel that bringing the two of us is too burdensome, you can do without Shen Shan. He is dead in the house and boring, unlike me, he especially likes traveling in mountains and rivers People are also very humorous.”

Shen Shan Д)
Mo Hai, you son of a bitch, do you want to listen to what you are talking about? !

The promised brothers will walk together for life, but you step on me at the critical moment? !
Shen Shan pushed Mo Hai away: "Three young ladies, choose me! I also like to travel around! The key is that I am strong enough to carry a shopping bag and beat hooligans! We are not like Mo Hai, who talk too much nonsense with one mouth , especially annoying!"

Mo Hai stared: "Shen Shan, who are you calling annoying?"

Shen Shan: "What are you talking about!"

"You stuffy man! You're just jealous that I can speak well!"

"Bah! I can't see your glibness!"

"That's better than if you can't beat a fart with three sticks!"

"I call it calm!"

"You're so boring!"

" are frivolous!"

"You... old-fashioned!"

Yu Lingchu looked at the two people who were pushing each other speechlessly, frowned and said, "Stop arguing!"

Shen Shan and Mo Hai stopped their voices at the same time, and looked at Yu Lingchu attentively: "Miss Lingchu, choose me!"

Yu Ling gave the two of them a first look: "We three girls go out to relax and chat, it's inconvenient to bring you along, you want to play ~ go by yourself!"

After saying that, Yu Lingchu left with Han Zexin and Mu Si.

Mo Hai turned his head and looked at Shen Shan resentfully: "It's all your fault for arguing with me, is it okay now? Neither of us can follow!"

Shen Shan gave him a blank look: "Are you ashamed to blame me? It's all your fault! If you insist on pushing me down, it's all right now, no one can go, huh!"

"Tsk! I said why are you so undedicated? In order to complete the task, why did you let me step on it!"

"Why can't I step on you? If you hadn't argued with me just now, maybe I would have become Miss Lingchu's driver now!"

"You have to step on me this time? Let me step on you first this time, and you will step on me next time, okay?"

Shen Shan raised his eyebrows: "I'm sorry, my feet are itchy today, so I just want to step on someone, can't I?!"

Mo Hai (`へ)
Shen Shan()
After staring at each other for two seconds, they all looked back together.

Mo Hai: "Forget it, with Miss Lingchu's skills, one can beat us both, so we probably don't need our protection."

Shen Shan: "They don't take us, why don't we drive along?"

Mo Hai smiled: "That's right, we'll follow by ourselves, we'll go wherever they go~ Shen Shan, you've finally become clever with your elm head~"

Shen Shan rolled his eyes at him: "I've always been smarter than you!"

Mo Hai: "Bah! You said you're fat and you're out of breath!"

Above the cloud city, above the clouds, Nalan Shaojin looked down at the cloud city below through the porthole.

The corners of his lips raised slightly, showing everyone that he was in a good mood.

At the beginning of Yuling, Haicheng is farewell. I haven't seen you for a long time. I really miss it~
The plane landed safely at Yuncheng Airport.

When Nalan Shaojin walked out from the airport, Wu Feifei was walking into the airport surrounded by his entourage.

Inadvertently, Wu Feifei felt a familiar figure appear in her peripheral vision.

She turned her head to look over, and happened to see the back of Nalan Shaojin getting into the car.

Wu Feifei paused, staring thoughtfully at the black commercial vehicle in the distance.

The bodyguard next to the car, after the man got into the car just now, closed the car door neatly, blocking Wu Feifei's probing eyes.

"Sister Feifei?" Seeing her standing still suddenly, Susu couldn't help calling out.

Just as Susu spoke, the black commercial vehicle started slowly.

Wu Feifei frowned, staring at the direction of the black business car until it disappeared.

She felt that the figure who got into the car just now looked very much like Nalan Shaojin.

Su Su called out, and seeing that Wu Feifei didn't respond, she stretched her neck and looked in the direction Wu Feifei was looking at.

With the traffic coming and going around the airport, there seems to be nothing worthy of special attention.

She didn't understand what Wu Feifei was looking at so intently, but she didn't dare to disturb her anymore.

Wu Fei frowned.

Could that figure from the back just now be Nalan Shaojin?
Has Nalan Shaojin come to Yuncheng?

Is it the crew who came to explore Yu Lingchu?
Why didn't she come early, why didn't she come later, but when she left the crew? !
Or is it Yu Lingchu's special request for Nalan Shaojin to visit the class?
That woman just didn't want her to have any contact with Nalan Shaojin, and was afraid that she would snatch Nalan Shaojin away, so she deliberately waited for her to leave the set before letting Nalan Shaojin come to visit the set!
Wu Feifei shook her head lightly.

Will not!
How could someone like Nalan Shaojin listen to Yu Lingchu's arrangement!

There are a lot of people behind the image, maybe she is wrong...

Wu Feifei walked thoughtfully, and continued to walk into the airport.

The black commercial vehicle drove out of Yuncheng Airport, galloped on the wide road, and drove all the way to the hotel where the crew stayed.

Following Nalan Shaojin's instructions, the driver parked the car on the side of the road not far from the hotel.

Nalan Shaojin sat in the car, looking in the direction of the hotel entrance.

Yan Yue, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned around and looked at Nalan Shaojin: "Master Jin, why don't we go in and wait for Miss Lingchu?"

Nalan Shaojin glanced at him indifferently: "If I rashly show up at the hotel where Lingchu stayed, are you responsible for scaring her?"

Yan Yue: "..."

But you have appeared in the city where Miss Lingchu works without stopping →_→

I came all the way here in a hurry, not to mention just to hide from peeping outside the hotel →_→

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