Chapter 191 We broke up

Yan Yan (⊙o⊙)
What was the reason that made Master Jin full of ridicule towards Zheng Shao's miserable situation? !

Could it be that Zheng Shao offended Master Jin when he didn't know?
Out of curiosity, Yan Yue couldn't help but asked, "Master Jin...why did you say that?"

Nalan Shaojin sneered: "Bringing a third party to find a real girlfriend, is it strange to be kicked out?"

Yan Yue looked at the entrance of the hotel, then turned to look at Nalan Shaojin: "Master Jin, what do you mean...that woman next to Young Master Zheng intervened between him and Miss Mu...a third party?"

"more or less."

Yan Yan (⊙o⊙)
"Bringing a third party thousands of miles away to find a real girlfriend? What is Young Master Zheng thinking? Was he kicked in the head by a donkey? It's not surprising that he was beaten up, not to mention kicked out!"

After all, it’s a shame to do this thing~!

Inside the hotel.

After Yu Lingchu gave instructions to her subordinates, when she returned to the room again, Mu Si was making a call with her mobile phone.

The phone was connected quickly, and when Mu Si heard the voice from the other side, her eyes blushed uncontrollably, and she choked up and called out: "Dad~!"

Father Mu heard that his daughter's voice was wrong, and said anxiously: "What's wrong with Sisi? Who bullied you? You tell Dad, Dad will support you!"

"Dad~" Mu Si choked up and cried out.

"Sisi, what's wrong with you?"

Father Mu's tone was hurried, and his worry was palpable.

As soon as he finished speaking, a woman's voice came out of the receiver: "Don't be afraid, baby Sisi! Tell us what's going on! Even if the sky falls, your father and I will support you! You Don't be afraid, huh~? Send me your location, and Auntie will book a plane ticket with your dad. No matter what happens, we will go to Yuncheng to support you!"

Mu Si sniffled: "Aunt Yang, I'm fine. I called to tell you and my dad that Zheng Huaizhou and I... are over!"

Aunt Yang was taken aback.

How much Mu Si likes and accommodates Zheng Huaizhou, she has always noticed it all these years.

Now Mu Si, who is thousands of miles away, suddenly called home to tell her that she and Zheng Huaizhou were over. It must be Zheng Huaizhou who did something bad to make her baby Sisi so sad and determined!

Both the Mu family and the Zheng family are well-known families in the imperial capital.

The relationship between the two children has long passed.Because of the relationship between the two children, the Mu and Zheng families supported each other a lot, and they were often involved with each other.

If it was just ordinary young couples who were having trouble, Sisi would not have called unreasonably to tell the elders at home that they were about to break up.

Since Sisi made this phone call, it means that she has made up her mind and breaking up with Zheng Huaizhou is a foregone conclusion!

The purpose of making this phone call is to tell the family that they may part ways with the Zheng family, and even tear themselves apart!

Aunt Yang pressed the speakerphone on the phone and said to Mu Si: "Sisi, Aunt Yang respects your decision. It's just... can you tell us the reason? Your father and I... are very worried about you."

"Aunt Yang..." Mu Si choked with sobs, and told what Zheng Huaizhou had done in detail.

Aunt Yang and Father Mu were on the phone, and they were furious when they heard it.

After Mu Si finished speaking, Father Mu couldn't restrain himself anymore, he raised his hand angrily and swung the tea set on the table to the ground.

The sound of porcelain shattering exploded together with the sound of Father Mu burning with anger.

"The boy from the Zheng family is too much of a bully! He humiliated my daughter so much, did he think that there was no one in my Mu family? Did he think that Sisi's elder was dead, and no one would give her justice!"

Aunt Yang glared at Father Mu reproachfully: "What are you yelling at! What to do if you scare Sisi!"

After finishing the words, she took the phone and said softly: "Sisi, you have been wronged. Your marriage contract with Zheng Huaizhou is over now. He dares to humiliate our precious daughter of the Mu family like this. Your father and I will not forgive him!"

"Aunt Yang." Mu Si sniffed and said, "I...I beat them today and even scolded them."

When Aunt Yang heard what Mu Si said, her heart ached.

Her family, Sisi, was gentle and generous since she was a child, and she was kind to others. She couldn't bear to trample an ant to death.Being able to force her gentle, generous, weak and kind-hearted baby girl into beating and swearing, it can be seen how much that kid from the Zheng family and that wild woman named Jun Ning have gone too far!

pissed her off!

If those two sluts were in front of her, she would definitely tear them apart immediately!

"Sisi, you fought well and scolded you rightly! Aunt Yang told you, when dealing with a bitch who is in a hurry to get a kick, don't be verbose if you can do it!"

Father Mu quickly calmed down, leaned in front of Aunt Yang, and said to the phone: "Your Aunt Yang is right, girl, you did a good job and played well! Don't worry, this matter won't be left alone, Even if we broke up, his Zheng family must give us an explanation!"

Aunt Yang also hurriedly said, "Sisi, let me send you a location, and I will let your sister go to accompany you."

Thousands of miles away, the well-behaved and sensible eldest daughter was bullied by a scumbag, how could this old mother feel at ease.

Of course, it is necessary to quickly send the pungent little daughter to support the eldest daughter as a companion!
"Aunt Yang, no need. Niannian is still studying, don't delay her study."

Aunt Yang heard Mu Si's refusal, and immediately said: "Her sister has been bullied, how can she still be in the mood to study! Sisi, good boy, send me the location, and I will let Niannian pass. With her to accompany you, your father and I will be able to read." Take it easy."

"Aunt Yang, I really don't need to read it. Don't worry, I have made two good friends here, and they take good care of me."

After Mu Si finished speaking, she looked at Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin: "My family is worried about me, can you say hello to my family?"


"of course."

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin agreed at the same time.

Han Zexin took Mu Si's cell phone first, put it to his ear, and said to the person on the other side of the phone: "Hello, uncle and aunt, I am Mu Si's friend, a martial artist with good skills, don't worry, I will take good care of Mu Si , whoever dares to bully her has to pass me first!"

After hearing Han Zexin's words, Aunt Yang and Father Mu hurriedly said, "We, Sisi, will ask you to take care of us."

"Uncle and aunt, don't worry."

After speaking, Han Zexin handed the phone to Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu took it over and put it in his ear and said, "Hello, uncle and aunt. I am Mu Si's friend. My name is Yu Lingchu. I am the person in charge of the security work of the entire crew. Don't worry, Han Zexin and I will take good care of you." Musi's.

As long as we are here, Mu Si's safety will be guaranteed.People she doesn't want to see will never appear in her sight. "

Aunt Yang and Father Mu looked at each other, and said to Yu Lingchu: "I'll leave Sisi to you. Sisi has been gentle and sensible since she was a child, but because she is too sensible, some people who don't know what to do think she is easy to bully. Her father and I are not by her side now, if anyone wronged her, please support her."

"Don't worry, Auntie. Anyone who wants to bully Sisi has to ask my fist first!"

(End of this chapter)

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