Chapter 205
"Lingchu, Zexin, you are in good condition." The director smiled and praised Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin, and then said: "The next time you are filming someone else's scene, go to the side and have a good rest."

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin nodded to the director and walked away from the center of the venue.

Seeing that they had finished their work, Mu Si quickly waved to the two of them, beckoning them to come to her side.

Yu Lingchu and Han Zexin noticed Mu Si and walked towards her with a smile.

When the two arrived, Mu Si hurriedly introduced with a smile: "Lingchu, Zexin, this is my best friend Chu Qing. Qingqing, they are the good friends I told you about on the set."

Yu Ling first looked at Chu Qing.

The girl in front of me, like a rose blooming under the scorching sun, is proud and bright, pretty and lively, full of vitality.

When she and Mu Si stand together, there will be a great contrast.Just like the collision of sunlight and moonlight, one is so beautiful that people feel that the years are gentle and quiet, and they want to take care of it with heart, and the other is so beautiful that people feel that the world is bright and warm, and they should be chic and unrestrained.

Two completely different beauties, but both are pleasing to the eye.

Yu Lingchu smiled and stretched out his hand first: "Hi, my name is Yu Lingchu, nice to meet you."

"Hi, nice to meet you too." Chu Qing smiled and held Yu Lingchu's hand.

"Hello, my name is Han Zexin."

After Yu Lingchu greeted Chu Qing, Han Zexin quickly introduced herself with a smile.

"Hello." Chu Qing responded politely.

After the three of them greeted each other, Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "We made an appointment with Sisi to eat delicious food tonight, I wonder if you would like to join, Chu Qing, so that we can give us a chance to clean up the dust for you. "

"Of course, I like eating delicious food the most." Chu Qing responded with a smile.

A few people talked to each other, and I talked to each other. They started to discuss what to eat at night, chatting and chatting, the chatting became more and more speculative, and more and more common topics were discovered, which made the distance between them unknowingly being pulled closer.

Time passed quietly in a harmonious atmosphere and busy work. In a blink of an eye, the sun was setting and the tired birds were returning to their nests.

After everything was packed, Li Rui escorted the crew back to the hotel, while Yu Lingchu drove Mu Si, Han Zexin and Chu Qing to the agreed restaurant.

On a secluded road in Yuncheng, Nalan Shaojin was sitting in a black business car, turning his head to look outside the car.

The driver was outside the car, placed the warning sign 100 meters away from the rear of the car, and then stood near the warning sign, watching the occasional passing vehicles.

About twenty minutes later, a white SUV drove up from a distance.

The driver took a careful look at the car, and quickly waved his hands to try to stop the car.

In the white car, Han Zexin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at the person waving desperately on the side of the road ahead, frowned and said: "The person in front seems to be blocking the car, his car must have broken down."

While driving, Yu Lingchu observed the surrounding environment, and said with a smile, "The girls in our car can't be of much help by stopping, so let's go quickly."

Han Zexin instantly understood Yu Lingchu's meaning, and said with a smile, "Indeed. And this place is so remote, we'd better be careful."

Yuncheng is located at the border, and this section of the road is relatively secluded. If you encounter any bad guys, those who have gangs, although she and Yu Lingchu are good at kung fu, they may not be able to keep Mu Si and Chu Qing unscathed.

It’s true to be kind and help others, but you can’t blindly help others with kindness. It still depends on the situation.

Just like now.

A car stopper suddenly appeared on a secluded road at the border. They were full of girls, so they should put their own safety first and avoid helping others blindly.

On the side of the road, Nalan Shaojin's driver waved desperately, and Yu Lingchu drove beside him, showing no intention of stopping.

Sitting in the car, Nalan Shaojin saw through the rearview mirror that the driver failed to stop Yu Lingchu's car, so he quickly opened the door and got out of the car.

He just got out of the car when Yu Lingchu's car sped past him.

The car roared by.

The wind picked up suddenly, carrying the smell of exhaust, and stirred the broken hair on Nalan Shaojin's forehead.

Nalan Shaojin maintained the movement of waving to stop the car, was stunned for a second, then turned to look at the roaring car.

This... just left?

Is it completely different from what he expected? !
In the car, Yan Yue pursed his lips and watched the scene outside, trying hard to control the twitching muscles on his face.

can't laugh...

With a smile, the salary and bonus are all gone...

hey... hey hey...

uh-huh!Hold back!Don't hold back!

He said long ago that since they are all here, he will go directly to Miss Lingchu, Master Jin will not listen, he will not listen~
I just had to make a car that broke down on the road, and happened to stop Miss Lingchu's car by chance.

Saying that they met like this, it would appear that the fate between them is deep and they are a match made in heaven.


Falling flowers intend to follow flowing water, while flowing water has no intention of falling in love with falling flowers...

Fate to hell, hahaha...

Miss Lingchu didn't even reduce the speed of the car...

Tsk tsk, look at how fast the car is~
Yuelao is here, and he can't catch up with Miss Lingchu's unhesitating speed...

Nalan Shaojin slowly put down the hand that was raised but could not be waved in the future, bent down depressed and sat back in the car.

Yan Yue looked at him and asked respectfully, "Master Jin, what shall we do next?"

Nalan Shaojin was silent, obviously depressed about the failure of the chance encounter.

Yan Yue was waiting for his instructions.

After a while, Nalan Shaojin looked at him: "Why didn't Lingchu stop the car?"

Yan Yue blinked: "Maybe...Miss Lingchu...doesn't want to meddle in her own business today?"

"Impossible!" Nalan Shaojin retorted: "She is the most enthusiastic at the beginning of Ling. When she sees others in need of help, I don't think she will stand by. Why doesn't she stop?"

Yan Yue thought for a while, and then said: "Is it possible that this road is too remote, Miss Lingchu is afraid that we are bad people?"

"Do you think she will be afraid of this?" Nalan Shaojin chuckled, "That girl is very courageous relying on her kung fu skills!"

Yan Yue blinked: "She may not be afraid of a bad guy, but she is afraid of gangs committing crimes."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue carefully.

Yan Yue quickly explained: "Master Jin, you think, Yuncheng is the border, right?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded.

Yan Yue continued to analyze: "It's not uncommon for criminals from abroad to sneak in, right?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded again.

"Criminals have endless methods of committing crimes. Why can't they just pretend that the car is broken down, one person goes to the side of the road to stop the car, and another group of people ambushes them, waiting for someone with good intentions to stop to help, and the ambush people see the opportunity to swarm up and commit the crime..."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yan Yue: "You mean, Lingchu didn't stop because she regarded us as bad guys?"

Yan Yue nodded: "This possibility is not ruled out."

Nalan Shaojin sighed: "It's because I didn't think carefully and didn't take the current environment into consideration. It's right for Lingchu not to stop! Girls, you just have to have a sense of self-protection. It's great! Lingchu is really good. Great!"

 Thank you for the little friends who voted for the recommendation, more heart~

(End of this chapter)

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