While winking wildly at the two of them, Han Zexin followed Yu Lingchu's words and said to them, "Have you all finished eating too? It's getting late, let's go back quickly."

Although Mu Si and Chu Qing didn't understand what kind of medicine Han Zexin and Yu Lingchu sold in the gourd, they still cooperated and said, "Let's eat it, let's go."

Nalan Shaojin took a look at the untouched dishes on their table, and said with a calm smile, "It seems that you haven't eaten much. It's the food from this restaurant, isn't it to your taste?"

Hearing Nalan Shaojin's words, several executives became nervous first, and looked at Yu Lingchu and the others in unison.

If these people said that the food was not to their taste, then if they praised the restaurant's delicious food before, it would most likely be considered an exaggeration.

In a simple restaurant without any special features, hosting a reception banquet for the dignified Nalan Group leader, and bragging about how authentic and unique this restaurant is, Master Jin will definitely think that they are playing him...

Why did Special Assistant Yan insist that they choose such a restaurant...

Encouraging them to neglect the leaders of the Nalan Group in such a way, does Special Assistant Yan think that their lives are too comfortable...

This contingency assessment is really exciting...

"The food is delicious." Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "But we girls have a small appetite, so we really can't eat too much, and we want to take away the rest."

I didn't eat a few bites at all, and I was still hungry. Of course, I had to take it away and go back to eat!
"That's it."

Nalan Shaojin smiled.

All the executives breathed a sigh of relief.

The little girl answered very well and did not demolish their platform.

nice girl!
Nalan Shaojin glanced at the untouched dishes on the table, and said with a smile: "Pack it up, and the dishes will not be fresh tomorrow. I just happened to be hungry, and Lingchu doesn't mind adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks, please treat me to a meal." ?”

What does Master Jin mean?
What is adding double bowls and chopsticks?

Everyone is leaving after eating!

Adding a pair of bowls and chopsticks at this time, does it mean to rub off on other people's leftovers? (||_)
Did Mars hit a comet tonight?What kind of unlucky fantasy plot is this? !
First, Special Assistant Yan asked them to hold a reception banquet for Mr. Jin in such a simple restaurant, and after Mr. Jin took them to eat leftovers from other people in this simple restaurant...

This... When did the Nalan Group change to the route of the beggar gang?

Is it because of poor management that you can't even afford to eat?
Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin.

Can she say mind?

Add a pair of bowls and chopsticks, Nalan Shaojin sits here, can she go? !

With an idea, Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "Mr. Nalan, no matter where you go, there is no reason to entertain others with leftovers, right?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "I don't mind."

Yu Lingchu: "."

I!between!meaning!Ah hello!

While talking, Nalan Shaojin had already sat down at the table, looked up at Yu Lingchu with a smile on his face.

Mu Si and Chu Qing looked at Yu Lingchu, then at Nalan Shaojin, then at Yu Lingchu, then at Nalan Shaojin, and finally they looked at each other.

What's the situation?
The system's extremely sympathetic voice sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind: "Host, look at this, you can't get rid of him, you really can't get rid of him~"

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth: "As long as you fight it out, there is nothing you can't shake off!"

She squeezed out a smile, looked at Nalan Shaojin and said, "If Mr. Nalan doesn't dislike it, then you can do as you please. I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you!"

"Farewell to Haicheng, we haven't seen each other for many days, Lingchu is in such a hurry to leave, why doesn't he miss me at all?"

The surrounding audience looked at Yu Lingchu and Nalan Shaojin, gossiping expressions appeared in their eyes.

The smile on Yu Lingchu's face could hardly be maintained.

She looked at Nalan Shaojin and choked out a sentence: "The money owed to you will be paid back in two days!"

The system asked curiously: "Host, when did you owe Nalan Shaojin money?"

Yuling is bored at the beginning, have you forgotten the chat fee he forcibly recharged?

The system came to a sudden.

Nalan Shaojin smiled brightly: "What is Lingchu talking about? When did you owe me money?"

Yu Lingchu was surprised: "Don't I owe you money? If I don't owe you money, how can I think you are so like my creditor!"

Nalan Shaojin smiled deeply: "Really? This is how I feel at the beginning of my life~ Maybe it's a peach blossom debt."

Mu Si and Chu Qing looked at Yu Lingchu in disbelief at the same time.

Jimei beef wow!

When are you scumbag Nalan Shaojin, tell us if you have time~
Yu Lingchu tried hard to force a smile: "Mr. Nalan's joke is really not funny at all! I am the most self-sufficient person, and I never mess with bad things!"

Executives (Д*)
Rotten peach blossoms don't refer to them...Master Jin, right? !
The eyes of the executives silently shifted to Nalan Shaojin.

Mu Si and Chu Qing also stared at them closely.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu looked back at him fearlessly.

What to see!Rotten Peach Blossom is talking about you!
Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "It's a coincidence, I'm also very clean. I've never held a girl's hand in Dalian since I was a child. If we two clean people get together, it will be a good relationship!"

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth.

Just because of your uncle!It's clearly a sinful fate!
Unavoidable fate!
Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu, and said, "I visited my uncle and aunt in Haicheng just a few days ago."

Everyone strained their ears to listen to Nalan Shaojin's words.

Visiting a girl's parents?
What is the relationship between these two people!

"Uncle and aunt said that you have been away from home for a long time, and they miss you very much. Since we met by chance today, why don't I take care of you? Be good, let's have dinner first. Where do you live after dinner, I will take you back."

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth and smiled, "I'm not a child anymore, so I don't need to take care of you! Mr. Nalan, take care of yourself!"

Hiding in Yuncheng and still meeting him, what kind of fate is this, fall!

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she beckoned everyone to leave.

Nalan Shaojin stood up: "Since Lingchu doesn't want to stay for a long time, then I won't eat this meal, and I will send you back first."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he looked at the group of executives standing not far away: "I accept the welcome from everyone. It's just that I have some personal matters to deal with right now. Let's have the welcome banquet another day."

All the executives would also wink, and after hearing what Nalan Shaojin said, they hurriedly said goodbye and left.

Yan Yue sent everyone out.

Walking to the door, one of the executives couldn't hold back, and asked in a low voice, "Special Assistant Yan, what's the relationship between Master Jin and that lady named Lingchu?"

Yan Yue smiled: "If all goes well, Miss Yu will be the future hostess of the Nalan Group! You all performed well tonight, and now you can go home and rest."

The play is over, everyone can leave~
A group of executives left in a somewhat erratic manner.

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