Zhou Xinran||
He doesn't believe it!No matter what, I can't believe that Brother Jin, who is so beautiful and beautiful, would actually do something to pester a girl!

Zhou Xinran replied in disbelief: "This...how is it possible?!"

"How is it impossible? Do I have to lie to you?" Chu Qing asked resolutely. After sending the message, she raised her eyes to look in Nalan Shaojin's direction.

At this time, Nalan Shaojin's eyes were blurred, as if he was a bit drunk.

Seeing this, Chu Qing lowered her head and sent a message to Zhou Xinran, "Brother Jin seems to be getting drunk."

Zhou Xinran quickly replied: "How much did they drink?"

"Brother Jin, Lingchu, and Yan Te helped the three of them drink nearly a bottle of white wine."

Zhou Xinran looked at Chu Qing's reply, thought for a while and replied, "Brother Jin is pretending to be drunk."

Chu Qing sneaked a shocked glance at Nalan Shaojin, and then at Yu Lingchu from the side.

One tried hard to get the other drunk, and the other drank hard and then pretended to be drunk. These two people are really uh.
Chu Qing thought for a while, then lowered her head and replied to Zhou Xinran: "If you want to say that, then I have to remind my friend immediately."

Although Lingchu may not be able to fight Brother Jin in the end, since she said she is on Lingchu's side, she must be able to help.
Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin who took the initiative to pour him wine, and was also puzzled.

She wanted to get Nalan Shaojin drunk so she could get away, but Nalan Shaojin's cooperation made her wonder what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

When Yu Lingchu was wondering, Han Zexin gently tugged at the corner of Yu Lingchu's clothes.

When Yu Lingchu looked over, Han Zexin quickly and calmly motioned Yu Lingchu to look at the phone.

Yu Lingchu received the hint and pretended to be nonchalant to unlock the phone.

In WeChat, there was a message from Chu Qing just now: Nalan Shaojin drinks very well, he might be pretending to be drunk!

Seeing this news, Yu Lingchu smiled slightly.

She knew that Nalan Shaojin was not a cheap lamp, and the other party was playing tricks~
She wants to see, Nalan Shaojin wants to play some tricks.

Yu Ling raised her eyes at the beginning, and raised her wine glass again: "Mr. Nalan, have another drink?"

Nalan Shaojin shook his body slightly, picked up the wine glass, smiled at Yu Lingchu, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

Chu Qing had just informed Yu Lingchu to be careful about Nalan Shaojin pretending to be drunk, when Zhou Xinran sent another message.

"Wife, aunt, don't stand in line! If Brother Jin finds out that we're selling him, then we two won't be able to live a comfortable and peaceful life!"

"Honey, I've already sold Brother Jin~"

Zhou Xinran: "My wife, come back quickly, I will take you to the end of the world~"

Seeing this news, Chu Qing pursed her lips and smiled: "Don't worry, husband, the matter hasn't been revealed yet, so there's no need to run away for now~"

After drinking for three rounds, Nalan Shaojin became more and more drunk.

Yu Lingchu felt that it was almost time, so she pretended to be drunk and stood up: "Hold~ Sorry~ I'm going to the bathroom."

Mu Si stood up and said worriedly: "Lingchu, you drank too much alcohol, let me go with you."

Yu Lingchu shook her body and nodded.

Mu Si quickly supported Yu Lingchu.

Nalan Shaojin looked at them with drunken eyes, stood up unsteadily after him, staggered and rushed towards Yu Lingchu, and asked Mu Si with his tongue out as he rushed, "Where are you taking her?"

Mu Si explained warmly: "I will accompany Lingchu to the bathroom."

"No!" Nalan Shaojin walked closer, squatted down and hugged Yu Lingchu's legs, and said vaguely with his tongue out, "Don't go with her! You are so beautiful, she...she wants to kidnap and sell you!"

Mu Si: "."

Inexplicably, she was charged as a human trafficker?
Yu Lingchu: "."

Shake your yarn!Shake it again and I'll fall!

Chu Qing: "."

Brother Jin is drunk?

Han Zexin: "."

It doesn't seem easy to slip away.
Yan Yan: "."

It's really embarrassing for his master Jin. In order to pester Miss Lingchu, it's all about image and face
Nalan Shaojin hugged Yu Lingchu's legs tightly, and continued to speak vaguely: "Don't be afraid~ Be good~ Don't be afraid~ I will protect you~ Bad guys go away! Go away!"

Yu Lingchu gritted her teeth: "Relax! I'm going to the bathroom!"

Nalan Shaojin acted coquettishly: "Don't let go! If you let go, you should throw it away~"

"I'm such a big person that I can't lose it!"

Nalan Shaojin rubbed his head against Yu Lingchu's leg: "I don't believe it!"

After finishing speaking, he raised his head again, and looked at Yu Lingchu pitifully: "I want to go home~ Can you take me home~"

Yu Lingchu smiled bluntly: "Okay, let me go first."

"No! What if you let go and run away?"

"I'm not running."

"I do not believe!"

"What do you want!"

Nalan Shaojin thought about it seriously and said, "Find a rope and tie our hands together."

"Okay." Yu Lingchu agreed very happily, and then asked: "But where is the rope in this restaurant? Why don't you stand up and let's look for it together, how about it?"

Nalan Shaojin looked up at Yu Lingchu, and Yu Lingchu stared down at Nalan Shaojin.

"Hey~" After a while, Nalan Shaojin smiled drunkenly, showing a coaxing look and said, "Yes, but you have to hold my hand~"

"Okay!" Yu Lingchu tried to suppress his temper, and stretched out his hand to Nalan Shaojin with a smirk: "Now can you let me go and get up?"

Nalan Shaojin hesitantly held Yu Lingchu's hand extended to him, and slowly stood up.

Yu Lingchu looked at him and smiled coaxingly: "Where do you live, I will take you back."

Nalan Shaojin shook his body from side to side, held Yu Lingchu's hand tightly, and smiled in a dazed manner, "Hehe~ I will live wherever Lingchu lives~"

Yu Lingchu was in a dilemma: "But my car is very small, it can only seat four people, and there is no place for you to sit."

Nalan Shaojin blinked, and hummed, "What's so difficult about it~? Let's sit in one car, let Yan Yue and the others sit in another car~"

Yu Lingchu was helpless: "I only drove a car here, I really can't take you!"

Nalan Shaojin chuckled: "No~no~it doesn't matter! My driver~is~outside~waiting~waiting! Lingchu and I~in one car, and others take~another~in another car."

The corners of Yu Lingchu's lips raised slightly.

Nalan Shaojin's driver is waiting outside the restaurant, isn't that all right~
She looked at Yan Yue, and said helplessly, "Where is your car?"

Seeing that Nalan Shaojin seemed to have achieved his goal, Yan Yue hurriedly led the way: "Miss Yu, please follow me."

"Wait a moment!"

Yu Lingchu stopped Yan Yue: "Your Master Jin is too heavy, come and help me to help him."

"Oh." Yan Yue stepped forward obediently.

Seeing him approaching, Nalan Shaojin waved away him, "Go away! I'm not drunk! Only... just~ don't need someone to support you!"

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