Chu Qing waited curiously for Yu Lingchu's answer.

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "My home is in Haicheng, you haven't seen me, isn't that normal."

"That's it~" Chu Qing nodded and smiled, "I just said how I searched my mind, but I didn't realize that the emperor has a family named Yu. Haicheng is thousands of miles away from the imperial capital. It stands to reason that your contact with Brother Jin should be Not much, right?"

"Not many."

Chu Qing gave Yu Lingchu a thumbs up: "You can tell that he has a tricky mind after not having much contact with him, what a good eye!"

Yu Lingchu smiled noncommittally.

The system couldn't help complaining: "What good eyesight, the host, you don't have much contact with Nalan Shaojin, but you don't fight wits and courage as soon as you meet. Your evaluation is not pure after suffering a few times. summary of experience."

Yu Lingchu: "If you don't talk to the system, I won't treat you as dumb!"

So shut up you!
What she said really made her not like to hear it, as if every time she met Nalan Shaojin, she would be the one who suffered~
Hadn't she had the upper hand?
Let’s not talk about it, just like tonight, no matter how good Nalan Shaojin played tricks and tricks, he was knocked unconscious by her~
Chu Qing approached Yu Lingchu gossipingly: "Let me tell you, according to my years of observation, Brother Jin is just a smiling tiger! The more gentle and harmless he smiles, the more ruthless he is~ You know the most important thing is what?"

"What?" Yu Lingchu heard Chu Qing gossip about Nalan Shaojin, and hurriedly asked with a curious expression.

Chu Qing didn't hold back, and hurriedly continued: "The most important thing is that Brother Jin's method of dealing with the enemy is too unexpected, and the tricky angle makes people hard to guard against."

Speaking of this, Chu Qing made a gesture of wiping her neck: "Do you know that killing people is invisible? Those who play together in our circle really respect and fear him, and there is no one who does not fear him."

Yu Lingchu opened her eyes wide: "So scary?"

"Pretty scary!"

Chu Qing nodded. Seeing Yu Lingchu's thoughtful look, she thought she was frightened by her words, and was worried that Nalan Shaojin would wake up tomorrow to retaliate against her, so she quickly changed the subject and comforted her: "Brother Jin, although The strength is a bit scary, but it is by no means that unreasonable and brutal person.

As long as it is not deliberately provocative and does not touch his bottom line, he will not be as knowledgeable as you.You knocked him out before, didn't you miss it after drinking? Brother Jin will never argue with you, don't worry about Lingchu! "

Yu Lingchu looked at Chu Qing who comforted her, and said firmly, "Whether he retaliates against me or not, I just want to stay away from him! The farther the better!"

Hearing what Yu Lingchu said, Chu Qing couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't think you need to worry about Lingchu. Haicheng and the imperial capital are thousands of miles away. You and Brother Jin are far enough away."

Yu Lingchu smiled noncommittally.

What's the use of a long distance? Isn't this still not dodging!
I hope Nalan Shaojin won't stay in Yuncheng too much~
"But Lingchu, if you can think like this, you are really sober in the world~"

Chu Qing gave Yu Lingchu a thumbs up again: "Do you know how many girls are bewitched by Brother Jin's skin? They really want to jump on Brother Jin one after another. Of course, not all of them are running Those who went under his skin should have many who came because of his family background and ability."

Chu Qing shook her head when she said this: "No matter what the purpose is, they don't even think about it. Is it possible for them to control and control a person like Brother Jin...

In fact, I've always been curious about what kind of girl Brother Jin will fall into the hands of a girl..."

Han Zexin raised her eyes, glanced at Chu Qing through the car's interior mirror, and said with a smile, "Then it's better to wait and see, and see which girl can win Nalan Shaojin, the high-altitude flower~"

After finishing speaking, Han Zexin took a meaningful glance at Yu Lingchu.

Nalan Shaojin's fiancée was sitting in this car.

However, she is a fiancée who wants to break off the engagement.

"Wait and see." Chu Qing responded with a smile: "When that girl appears, I will order a big flower basket for her, and then I will give her a thumbs up and say to her, sister! The one who can win Brother Jin is definitely not an ordinary person~ "

The car drove through the night.

Chu Qing, who received Zhou Xinran's latest news, temporarily stopped chatting with everyone, lowered her eyes to unlock the phone, stared at Zhou Xinran's new message and started reading.

Zhou Xinran: "My lord, is there any result in drinking PK?"

Chu Qing pursed her lips and smiled: "Yes."

Zhou Xinran sent a curious expression.

Chu Qing smiled and typed back: "Brother Jin used wine to pester Lingchu, Lingchu directly knocked him out and threw him to his bodyguards to take him away."

Seeing Chu Qing's reply, Zhou Xinran was completely shocked.

He rubbed his eyes and read the message carefully.

In the end, the word-by-word message expressed Nalan Shaojin's entanglement and being knocked out.

Zhou Xinran: "..."

It just... feels like the world has suddenly become so mysterious...

He remembered that Brother Jin had told him before that he liked Haicheng's fiancée who was married with his fingertips, why did he fall in love with another one when he went to Yuncheng?
Is it because I was too unfeminine in the past 20 years, and suddenly I became enlightened, and I became acquainted and loved?

Zhou Xinran was staring at the news in a daze, when Chu Qing sent another message.

"I just found out that my friend's family and Brother Jin's family have a very close relationship. I heard that the two grandparents had a fateful friendship."

Zhou Xinran stared at the message from Chu Qing, frowning in thought.

In the whole circle of the imperial capital, who dares to say that he has a life-threatening friendship with Mr. Nalan?
Confused, Zhou Xinran hurriedly replied: "Your friend is also from the imperial capital? Which family is she from?"

Chu Qing's news came back quickly: "Lingchu is not from the imperial capital, her family is in Haicheng."

The word Haicheng instantly touched Zhou Xinran's nerves.

He hurriedly typed and asked, "What's your friend's last name?"

"The surname is Yu, and her name is Yu Lingchu. Do you know her?" Chu Qing asked curiously after answering the question.

After seeing Chu Qing's reply, Zhou Xinran had an answer in his heart.

He said why would Brother Jin pester girls for no reason, so that's the case~
Zhou Xinran replied with a smile: "I don't know her, but I know who she is."

Chu Qing looked at the message sent back by Zhou Xinran, and blinked suspiciously: "What do you mean? Does Lingchu have any mysterious identity?"

Zhou Xinran sent back a grinning expression.

Chu Qing replied angrily and amusedly, "Don't let me know~"

Zhou Xinran teased her: "Want to know? Why don't you hurry up and coax your husband~"

Chu Qing quickly sent a loving and kissing emoji.

"Honey~ tell me quickly~"

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