shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 221 Chapter 1 Zhang Yi Zhang Yi?

Not being able to concentrate fully on the performance meant that Yu Lingchu's performance was more than a half star lower than usual.

Because of this, Director Wang stopped her performance shortly after the filming started.


After the director stopped, Yu Lingchu's state relaxed, and she looked at Director Wang apologetically: "Sorry director, I'm a bit out of shape right now, can I shoot someone else first, let me adjust it?"

Director Wang readily agreed to her request: "Of course, then Lingchu, you can go to the side to rest for a while, and we can re-shoot after adjusting."

Director Wang was already very satisfied with Yu Lingchu's performance on weekdays, and the boss who invested in the crew because of her was on the scene at this time, Director Wang would naturally not refuse Yu Lingchu's appropriate request.

Yu Lingchu thanked the director, then turned and walked to her rest area.

Nalan Shaojin's eyes followed her closely, and after Yu Lingchu sat down on the chair in the rest area, he walked over unhurriedly.

Producer Li has been carefully by Nalan Shaojin's side. Seeing him walking towards Yu Lingchu, he subconsciously wanted to follow him. Unexpectedly, Yan Yue stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm before he could step out. .

Yan Yue pulled him back and reminded him aloud, "Master Jin wants to talk to Miss Lingchu alone."

Producer Li's slightly raised foot immediately returned to its original position, looked at Yan Yue with a smile, and asked, "Mr. Yan, what is the relationship between Mr. Nalan and Lingchu?"

Yan Yue thought for a while, and said unhurriedly: "Miss Lingchu is a very important person to Lord Jin."

Producer Lee ((-_-)
This answer is really ambiguous.
What he wanted to ask was what was the relationship between Yu Lingchu and Nalan Shaojin, and the answer was so secretive, was it inconvenient to reveal it?
What relationship is worth being so secretive and unwilling to make it public?
Producer Li heard that Yan Yue was unwilling to tell, so he wisely chose to shut up and stop asking, and only looked at Yu Lingchu with unconcealed curiosity.

Nalan Shaojin had already walked to Yu Lingchu's side, found a seat by himself and sat down next to Yu Lingchu, and said with a slight smile: "I wanted to escort Lingchu you back to the place where you lived yesterday, but who knows that suddenly My eyes went dark, and I didn’t know anything. I vaguely remember that you were by my side, Lingchu, before I passed out. Does Lingchu know what’s going on? It happened for no reason, how could I just faint?”

Yu Lingchu ( ̄'i ̄;)

"What else could be going on, of course the host knocked him out with your own hands~
Host, I think you are going to be dangerous, Nalan Shaojin is here to settle a score with you..."

"Don't panic, don't panic."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly, and raised his hand to rub his forehead: "I'm sorry, Mr. Nalan, I drank too much alcohol last night, and my head seems to be broken?"

"Oh?" Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows: "Is it broken? It doesn't matter, we can recall it."

Jade Lingchu T^T
Is there anything to remember, who wants to recall it with you, hello!

System: "Host, that's right, this is definitely going to be settled after autumn!"

Yu Lingchu was depressed: "It's not that I'm talking about you in the system. Apart from reminding me that I'm going to be unlucky, can't you give me some advice to avoid risks?!"

"Then you have to let me think about it."

The system fell silent after speaking.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu: "You are broken, I passed out, so neither of us remember what happened at that time, right?"

Yu Lingchu nodded.

Nalan Shaojin smiled gently and harmlessly: "It's okay, we don't remember, isn't there someone else around? Speaking of how I passed out, Lingchu, aren't you curious?"

Yu Lingchu: "."

Curious yarn!No one knows better than me how you passed out!

She smiled and tried to look concerned: "Mr. Nalan, I think it's meaningless for you to recall to me how you fainted here. I'm not a doctor, even if I know how you fainted." Yes, I won’t treat you either, will I?

What you should do is to go to the hospital for a check-up to see if there is something wrong with your body?Otherwise, how could such a good-looking person be dizzy, right? "

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu and smiled slightly: "After I passed out yesterday, my bodyguards took me back to the hotel. I heard from them this morning."

Nalan Shaojin paused on purpose when he said this, staring at Yu Lingchu with smiling eyes.

Yu Lingchu blinked, and pretended to be confused, "What did they say?"

Nalan Shaojin chuckled, "You knocked me out."

Yu Lingchu frowned, pretending to be serious about remembering.

Nalan Shaojin continued: "You not only knocked me out, you also knocked out Yan Yue."

Yu Lingchu opened her eyes wide in disbelief, and pointed at herself: "Me?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "You!"

Yu Lingchu rolled his eyes, raised his hand and tapped his head: "Really? Mr. Nalan, are you kidding me? Why don't I have any impression?"

Nalan Shaojin said indifferently: "My bodyguard dare not lie to me, and there is no need to lie to me."

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "But... I really don't remember anything~ If I really knocked you out, then I definitely didn't mean it. Mr. Nalan has a lot of adults, so he shouldn't be with a drunk person Common sense, right?"

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu, and smiled slightly: "Of course I don't have the same knowledge as you about our relationship. But I also believe that Lingchu, since you know that you didn't intend to hurt me, you're really sorry for that." , want to make up for it, right?"

Yu Lingchu: "."

Can she say no? !
She looked at Nalan Shaojin, unwilling to make excuses again.

"Mr. Nalan, are you sure that I knocked you out?"

"Lingchu thinks I'm the kind of person who can talk nonsense and blackmail me?"

"Of course not. What I want to express is whether there is some misunderstanding. After all, seeing is not necessarily believing. It was dark last night. Maybe Mr. Nalan's bodyguard was blinded and saw something wrong. no?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly.A pair of deep eyes locked on Yu Lingchu: "What Lingchu said makes sense. If that's the case, why don't you call everyone from last night together, and let's recall together. Did you knock me out? No? , I will make amends to you, yes, how should Lingchu make amends to me?"

Yu Lingchu swallowed her saliva: "Mr. Nalan, people have to look forward, why do you have to be obsessed with past things?"

"Unexplained loss of consciousness, shouldn't I look for the reason?"

Yu Lingchu was silent, and didn't know how to continue to argue for a while.

When she knocked Nalan Shaojin unconscious last night, she never thought that they would meet again after a night!

If she knew she couldn't escape, why should she bother in vain~
What a trick of fate.

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