Zheng Huaizhou was dumbfounded when he heard Nalan Shaojin's evaluation of himself.

Why did Brother Jin say that about him?He doesn't seem to have offended Brother Jin, right?
He stared blankly at Nalan Shaojin: "Brother Jin, did I do something wrong that made you angry?"

"First, I don't know you well, so don't call me Brother Jin. I don't like people who are clearly not familiar and insist on posting to get close! Second, I have aversion to stupidity, I hope you have self-knowledge."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he quietly glanced at Yu Lingchu.

That idiot Zheng Huaizhou, it's okay to commit suicide by himself, but he still has to act like he has a lot to do with him.

Fortunately, his words should have made his position very clear, and Lingchu should not misunderstand that he and Zheng Huaizhou are all the same.

Nalan Shaojin's voice was heard by Yu Lingchu.

The system couldn't help but said: "Host, Nalan Shaojin really cares about your opinion~"

Yu Lingchu rubbed his forehead: "I don't need his concern."

Zheng Huaizhou was even more confused by what Nalan Shaojin said.

Anorexia?The idiot Brother Jin was referring to was... him?

After a brief astonishment, Zheng Huaizhou glanced at Mu Si with dissatisfaction and disappointment.

Mu Si was baffled by his look.

Zheng Huaizhou's eyes seemed as if she had done something to offend him.

The one who was clearly wrong was Zheng Huaizhou, so what right did he have to be disappointed and dissatisfied with her?
Did she, Mu Si, deserve to be hurt by Zheng Huaizhou?
Mu Si frowned, but Zheng Huaizhou had already looked back at her, and turned to look at Nalan Shaojin eagerly: "Brother Jin, did Mu Si tell you something that made you misunderstand me?..."

There is a kind of pot that comes unexpectedly and inexplicably
"Brother Jin, things are not what Sisi said at all!"

Mu Si: "."

Did she say anything?She obviously didn't say anything, okay?

"is her!"

Zheng Huaizhou raised his finger in the direction of Yu Lingchu, and said with hatred: "It's her vicious instigation of Sisi that made Sisi misunderstand me so deeply! Brother Jin, I heard that you invested in this crew, hurry up Get this woman out of the crew, or she might have to do something that hurts others and doesn't benefit herself!"

Chu Qing looked at Zheng Huaizhou with puzzled eyes.

Does Zheng Huaizhou know what death he is committing?
In front of Brother Jin, slandering Brother Jin's fiancée who is married to his belly, is he afraid that Brother Jin will not have a chance to perform in front of his fiancée, and is rushing to give away his head?

Chu Qing was very close to Yu Lingchu, and Yu Lingchu heard her thoughts very clearly.

Yu Lingchu gave Chu Qing a surprised look.

She deliberately concealed it, but it was unexpected that Chu Qing already knew about her relationship with Nalan Shaojin.

Yu Lingchu looked at Mu Si again.

Chu Qing and Mu Si are so good, presumably Mu Si should already know about her relationship with Nalan Shaojin.

Did Nalan Shaojin tell them?

"And her!"

Zheng Huaizhou finished counting down Yu Lingchu, then raised his finger to Han Zexin, and continued to complain: "This woman is also a troublemaker! It's the two of them singing together, which made Mu Si misunderstand Jun Ning and me more and more. Brother Jin, this Ah~!"

Zheng Huaizhou's accusation was replaced by his blurted cry of pain.

He knelt on the ground clutching his stomach, and the moment he looked up at Nalan Shaojin in disbelief, he happened to meet Nalan Shaojin's deep and cold gaze.

Zheng Huaizhou instantly felt cold all over his body, and the pain after being kicked in his stomach was all weakened by this chill.

He pursed his lips and looked at Nalan Shaojin in a state of bewilderment: "Brother Jin."

Nalan Shaojin's eyes were cold: "Mr. Zheng, it's not your turn to judge my affairs and my people. I will let you pay the corresponding price for your stupidity! Now, get out!"

what!How dare you slander Lingchu and think that Nalan Shaojin is dead? !Let's see if he doesn't kill him!

"Ding~ The system detected Nalan Shaojin's strong maintenance towards the host, triggering a system task to reciprocate."

As the system broadcast sounded, Yu Lingchu raised her heart.

"System, you're fine, don't come to trick me, okay?! Do I look like the kind of weak woman who needs others to protect? So let me tell you, Nalan Shaojin's maintenance is superfluous at all! That superfluous thing , why do you ask me to reciprocate?"

Yu Lingchu's arguing voice failed to interrupt the system's broadcast.

"The host is requested to do something that moves Nalan Shaojin within three days. After the task is successful, the system bound to the host will get an upgrade opportunity. If the task fails, the host's past task rewards will be deducted." Anything."

After the system finished broadcasting the task, it quickly added a weak sentence: "Host, this task that lacks virtue is assigned by the main system."

So, it's not her white lotus system that wants to trap the host, but the evil main system.

So, if the host feels uncomfortable, please scold the host system, don't scold it~
Jade Lingchu→_→

This system, you think it's over if you throw the blame to the main system?
When she can't see it's little thought.

"System, you feel your conscience and say, don't you want to upgrade?"

"Of course I want to. After the upgrade, I can bring many benefits to the host~ For example, I can obtain some custom task release permissions, such as opening some points mall functions, so that the host will not always feel that I am cheating~
Lianlian is so sad to say that the host always says it's a scam~"

Jade Lingchu→_→

"Come on, stop being cute!"

The system grinned: "Host, I've worked so hard to save up enough points to upgrade, I can upgrade once this task is completed, it's a good deal~ I ask the host to complete the task seriously~ I love you~ okay? blah blah blah!”

Yu Lingchu shuddered: "System, you should be normal, this is disgusting..."


whispering sound!An incomprehensible woman!
Zheng Huaizhou knelt on the ground, raised his head in disbelief, and looked up at Nalan Shaojin who was standing upright in front of him.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out why Nalan Shaojin suddenly became so angry with him.

Even if they are not close, but after so many years of friendship, how could Nalan Shaojin turn his back on him for no reason?
Zheng Huaizhou suddenly thought of something, looked at Mu Si in a daze, and then at Nalan Shaojin.

Is Brother Jin trying to help Mu Si?

But Ming Ming Jin and Mu Si are not very familiar...

Could it be that before he knew it, Mu Si and Brother Jin had been secretly hiding their positions?
The more Zheng Huaizhou thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was not impossible.

In this way, it also makes sense why Mu Si, who was gentle and sensible before, suddenly had endless troubles with him because of Jun Ning.

It's possible that Mu Si didn't really mind Jun Ning's existence at all, she just wanted to use the excuse to break up with him, and then fell into Nalan Shaojin's arms!

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