Zhao Hengyu finished speaking in one go, without giving Zheng Huaizhou a chance to speak again, he simply hung up the phone.

Hearing the sound of the phone being hung up, Zheng Huaizhou gritted his teeth in embarrassment.


He is unwilling to help him with such a simple favor, what kind of brother is he!
Zheng Huaizhou was upset, but he had no choice but to find other people's numbers and try to call them.

He made three phone calls in a row, but the replies he got were all the same as Zhao Hengyu's.

Can't help.

If you dare to mess with Nalan Shaojin, I would not dare to make trouble for you.

the other side.

Not long after Zhao Hengyu hung up Zheng Huaizhou's call, the phone rang again.

He glanced at the screen and answered quickly.

The voice of my friend Luo Yi came from the receiver: "Brother Yu, that idiot from Zheng Huaizhou called me just now, guess what he wants to do."

"Let you help him contact Brother Jin and intercede for him?"

"I'll go! Brother Yu, how do you know?"

Zhao Hengyu said calmly: "He also called me just now, but I ignored him."

Luo Yi smiled and said, "I didn't bother with him either. Now that I know I'm in a panic, I'm trying to bully Brother Jin's fiancée and spread rumors about Brother Jin and his own girlfriend, isn't it awesome! A good hand of cards is so bad that it's almost useless." See!

I think, in the future, it's better to have less contact with such an unclear idiot, lest he cause any trouble and we will be implicated for nothing! "

Hearing what he said, Zhao Hengyu smiled and said, "Then why don't you quickly block all his contact information."

Luo Yi chuckled: "I'll block it later, I want to see what stupid things Zheng Huaizhou can do."

Zhao Hengyu smiled uncertainly: "I also want to see what other stupid things he can do. Hang up first, Ayi, I have a phone call coming in."

"Okay." Luo Yi replied with a smile.

Zhao Hengyu ended the call with him and tapped the screen to answer the latest call.

Haoran's voice came: "Brother Yu, did that idiot Zheng Huaizhou contact you?"

"Yes. He should have contacted me before you. He asked me to help him contact Brother Jin and plead with Brother Jin for him, but I refused. "

Haoran sneered: "That idiot knows how to be afraid now. Didn't he disobey everyone when he was playing tricks before? Don't say disrespect to Brother Jin's fiancée, and dare to slander Brother Jin. I think he has lived a comfortable life these years. Comfortable, forget how old you are!"

Zhao Hengyu said with a smile: "If I were him, I would be a quiet man with my tail between my legs in this situation, and obediently let Brother Jin vent his anger.

He and Brother Jin didn't have any deep hatred at all, and when Brother Jin's anger subsided, he wouldn't be able to kill him all. "


After Zheng Huaizhou made a round of phone calls, but no one was willing to help him, he was so angry that he yelled at the air.

"A bunch of disloyal bastards! After so many years of friendship, they are unwilling to do such a small favor!
It's a pity that I still regarded you as friends before!Shit friend!A bunch of ruthless bastards!asshole!And that bastard Nalan Shaojin!What a big deal, as for such an up-and-coming person, wouldn't it be fun for me to find him!

A bunch of bastards!All assholes! "

Zheng Huaizhou's face was ferocious, and when the more he cursed, the more he felt puzzled, the phone in his hand rang.

He took two deep breaths, raised his phone and glanced at the screen.

After seeing the caller ID, Zheng Huaizhou calmed down a little, and put the phone to his ear to answer.


"Zheng Huaizhou, what's going on with you and Mu Si? Are you sure she really betrayed you and got married with Nalan Shaojin?!"

Father Zheng's questioning voice came from the receiver.

Zheng Huaizhou's heart tightened.

He knew that since his father asked this question, he must have questioned his previous statement.

Although the wrong analysis of the relationship between Nalan Shaojin and Mu Si will be known to his father sooner or later.But he hoped from the bottom of his heart that his father would know about it later, preferably after he and Mu Si reconciled.

In this period of time, let my father know that what he said before was wrong, and he will definitely blame him for the Nalan Group's account against the Zheng family, and he will be even more angry with him.

Thinking of what his mother said on the phone, Zheng Huaizhou was flustered for a moment and didn't know how to explain to Father Zheng that he had misunderstood Nalan Shaojin and Mu Si.

"Zheng Huaizhou, talk to me!"

Father Zheng waited for a while but did not get a response from Zheng Huaizhou, and he already had an answer in his heart.

But before he got an affirmative answer, he still had a little luck in his heart.

In the current situation of the Zheng family, if Mu Si and Nalan Shaojin were sorry for his son, then at least their Zheng family stood on the moral high ground.

In this way, he can still try to negotiate with the Mu family as a victim. The Mu family is at a loss, and maybe they will make concessions because of this, and he can also persuade Nalan Shaojin to stop targeting the Zheng family.

But if it is true as what Mu Si's father said, the relationship between Mu Si and Nalan Shaojin is innocent, and everything is his son's delusional guess. Lan Shaojin, I'm afraid she won't give up easily...

Father Zheng tightened his grip on the phone, nervously waiting for Zheng Huaizhou's reply.

It's ridiculous to say that at this moment, he actually expected his son to wear a green hat on his head.

Zheng Huaizhou organized his words anxiously, and said slowly, "Dad, everything is a misunderstanding caused by coincidence. Don't worry, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

Hearing Zheng Huaizhou's answer, Zheng's father staggered for a moment, and then said angrily: "Misunderstanding?! Zheng Huaizhou, you said it lightly! Do you know that the so-called misunderstanding created by your wild thinking will kill our Zheng family!
Did you confront Nalan Shaojin?Does he already know that you speculated about him and Mu Si with dirty and dirty thoughts? "

Zheng Huaizhou couldn't quibble with Zheng's father's questioning every sentence, so he could only try his best to appease Zheng's father.

"Dad, I will take care of things here as soon as possible..."

Zheng's father interrupted Zheng Huaizhou angrily: "How to deal with it? How do you deal with it! Who is Nalan Shaojin? Can he endure you pouring such unkind and dirty water on him for no reason?"

Zheng Huaizhou quickly stated his plan:

"Dad, I'm waiting for Musi outside the set right now. As soon as I see her, I will lower my figure and posture and ask her to admit my mistake and ask for peace."

"You bastard!" Father Zheng yelled angrily, gritted his teeth and said bitterly, "What time is it! Why do you still have the mood to miss your useless children! You really let me down!"

Seeing that Zheng's father was angry, Zheng Huaizhou quickly explained: "Dad! I lowered my stance and asked Mu Si for peace. It's definitely not about love between children. I'm for our Zheng family!"

"For the Zheng family?" Zheng's father sneered, "Just because of the mess you caused, the whole family will suffer! Tell me, what are you doing for the Zheng family!"

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