Hearing the voice that suddenly came out of his mind, Yu Lingchu was stunned for a few seconds, rolled his eyes and complained: "It's not the system, you cheated again?"


"It's not the host! He has upgraded and returned to glory, how can this be a fake corpse in your mouth?
Is he still your little baby?You just use these words to congratulate me on completing the upgrade, right?
You are so ruthless, so cold, so vexatious~
People are sad, people are angry, people don’t want to talk to you anymore, hum(;′⌒`)”

Yu Lingchu was speechless: "What else? You said that you need to lose contact for three hours to upgrade. You can see for yourself how many hours you have been out of contact now? I thought you failed to upgrade and died!"

The system wondered: "Three hours? What three hours? I need thirty hours to upgrade, okay?"

Yu Lingchu frowned: "But I heard it clearly yesterday, you said that you need to lose contact for three hours to upgrade!"

The system is confused and innocent: "Ah? Did I say that? Could it be the host, you heard it wrong? Oh, let's not care about these details~ clang clang clang~ host, your lovely system, I have become excellent~ ~ Come, come, come, a free chance to draw a lottery in the mall, host, do you want to try your luck now?"

While the system was talking, a huge screen suddenly appeared in Yu Lingchu's mind, and a miniature girl in ancient costume flew back and forth in front of the screen.

Yu Lingchu looked at the cute and stunning little girl in ancient costume, and couldn't help asking the system curiously: "System, what is that thing flying around in front of the screen?"

The system is dissatisfied: "What is that thing?! Host, this system will give you another chance to reorganize the language!"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Don't talk about the system, you feel different in an instant after upgrading."

"What's the difference?" the system asked excitedly.

Yu Lingchu thought for a while and said: "To use a metaphor, you used to be as poor as a ragged beggar..."

system (`へ)
ah ah!Very angry!Who is this host calling a beggar!

It is a noble and weak white lotus system!
"Now that you have been upgraded, it feels like you have stepped from poverty to a well-off life in an instant.

Oops~ Don't tell me, this little figurine of real people in ancient costumes flying around after you upgrade is so pretty~ It's so alive, it's as if it's alive.

Eh?Eh?Eh?Why doesn't it fly?Whoops I'm going!With her hands on her hips, is she angry?Hahaha, cute~"

"What a real person figure! I am the system Bailian!" The girl in ancient costume stomped her feet angrily.

Yu Lingchu Д): "The system can also be anthropomorphic?"

"Of course!" The girl in ancient costume pinched her waist, with a smug expression on her face, "When I reach a certain level, I can turn into a real entity and appear in reality, so ah~ host, you have to work hard to do the task, the higher my level is , the stronger the ability, the more benefits it will bring to the host.”

Yu Lingchu was curious: "When you become a real person, do you also look like this now? Or... you can change into whatever you want?"

"This is my original appearance. If I reach a certain level, I can change into any appearance, but there is a time limit for changing into other appearances, and the maintenance period will not be very long."

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly: "Don't talk about it, you are quite cute and beautiful like this."

The system was praised, and immediately circled happily: "Host host, do you want to start the lottery draw now?"

Yu Lingchu nodded: "Let's draw a lottery."

"Okay~ Now open the lottery interface for the host~"

On the screen in Yu Lingchu's mind, a lottery machine appeared.

Countless colored balls rolled in the lottery machine, and after a while, a blue ball rolled out of the machine.

The lottery machine disappeared from the screen, and the side with the words on the rolling small basketball was enlarged on the screen.

The voice announced by the system immediately sounded: "Ding~ Congratulations to the host for getting the NO.12 product of the system's intermediate level, the product name is the truth pill, and the quantity is 3. The host of this pill can use it on any person. Within one hour after using it, the other party will lose the ability to lie. Only tell the truth."

The sound announced by the system fell, and there was a knock on the door.

"Lingchu, open the door, it's me!"

Outside the door, Chu Qing's voice came.

When Yu Lingchu walked over, she opened the door a crack, and Chu Qing couldn't wait to squeeze in.

After entering, she backhanded "bang"!With a bang, I couldn’t wait to close the door of Yu Lingchu’s room, shook the phone in Yu Lingchu’s hand, then looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one else in the room, said mysteriously, “Dang~dang~dang~Brother Jin What do I like and what do I dislike, my husband has sorted it out and sent it~"

Yu Lingchu suddenly became interested: "Really? Show me quickly."

"I'll send you!"

Chu Qing lowered her head and operated the phone.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly took her mobile phone to receive the news.

After a while, Chu Qing's screenshot was sent to Yu Lingchu's WeChat.

She clicked on WeChat and looked down.

The first item on the first line of Nalan Shaojin's list of likes and dislikes reads: Nalan Shaojin, male, has been certified to like female.

Yu Lingchu o_O???
What the hell is this written about?

Just this list, why did it give her an unreliable feeling at first glance? !
Chu Qing also came over at this time, pointed at the first one and smiled at Yu Lingchu: "Brother Jin likes girls, you have proved it~"

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips speechlessly, and Chu Qing continued: "Because before you showed up, Brother Jin was so self-sufficient~ Let me tell you, there are countless women who have wanted to back Brother Jin for so many years, and Brother Jin didn't even show his eyes. For them, that indifferent one~ once made us guess whether there is something wrong with his orientation."

Talking about this, Chu Qing's eyes flickered with gossip, Yu Lingchu shook her head and smiled, and continued to read the following.

Likes and Dislikes: 1. Reading (Finance and Economics, Commerce, Historical Classics, Psychology, Chess Records, etc.)
2. Play chess (Go, Chess, Chess)

3. Play ball (golf, tennis, badminton, bowling)

4. Love cleanliness, mild cleanliness.

5. Don't eat carrots, shrimp, coriander, garlic moss, fruit, durian, mango and all junk food.

6 I don't like vexatious and troublesome people.

7. Don't like others to touch his things.

Chu Qing's husband Lin Lin made a list of more than a dozen items that Nalan Shaojin liked and disliked, and at the end of the list he thoughtfully remarked: That's all for now, if there are any omissions, I will add them when I think about them.

After reading these terms, Yu Lingchu smiled and put her arms around Chu Qing: "Qingqing~Thank you! When I get rid of Nalan Shaojin's entanglement, I will definitely treat you to a big meal~"

Chu Qing was staggered by Yu Lingchu's embrace, and smiled with raised lips: "Lingchu, it's a dangerous job to go to Jinge's minefield to dance disco, you must take it easy."

"Don't worry, I have my sense of proportion!" Yu Lingchu swore.

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