shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 259 Change Until You Are Satisfied

Zheng Huaizhou frowned and hesitated.

Mother Zheng immediately said displeased: "What? It's already this time, you still can't bear to get that girl?"

Seeing that Zheng's mother was about to get angry, Zheng Huaizhou nodded quickly: "Mom, I understand."

Mother Zheng let go of his hand and stood up from the sofa: "I'll wait for you downstairs, you pack up, we'll set off right away."

Mother Zheng left Zheng Huaizhou's room, took the elevator to the service desk on the first floor of the hotel, and said to the hotel staff inside: "My son Zheng Huaizhou booked two suites with you, right? Please return one for us now."

She would like to see, without her son taking advantage of the money, whether the fisherman still has the ability to continue to stay in this five-star hotel!

In the afternoon, the haze dissipated, and the sun penetrated the clouds, casting golden brilliance.

After working hard all morning, the crew finally settled down in the new hotel.

The new filming location is very close to the border, so the decoration and environment of the hotel where the crew stayed this time reveals an exotic atmosphere.

When Yu Ling first came here, she put down her luggage and non-stop led people to familiarize herself with the environment of the hotel. After the security work was arranged, she had time to breathe a little.

It was already past lunch time, Yu Lingchu touched her stomach which was beginning to protest, called her subordinates who hadn't eaten like her, and they went to the restaurant together.

The entire hotel has been taken over by the crew, and the meals are prepared according to the number of people, so even if the lunch time has passed, there are still a few tables of meals for them in the restaurant.

Yu Lingchu led the people to the dining room, but when he entered the room, he saw that all the tables had been cleaned up neatly.

None of the tables had food reserved for them.

Yu Lingchu, who thought he would have nothing to eat tonight, beckoned a restaurant waiter, and was about to ask if the kitchen could prepare some food for them, when the waiter came over and said first: "Are you here for dinner? "

Yu Lingchu nodded: "Yes, is there any food left?"

"Of course." The waiter nodded with a smile: "You find a place to sit first, and I will inform the kitchen."

Yu Lingchu thanked the waiter with a smile, and led everyone to find two tables to sit at random.

Not long after, several waiters pushed the dining cart over to serve the food.

The moment the dishes were brought to the table, Yu Lingchu and his party were a little surprised.

They all thought that the food served in the hotel would have the characteristics of Yuncheng, but the dishes served here were all Haicheng's characteristics.

To be honest, after being out for such a long time, they really miss the taste of their hometown, but they don't know how the hotel thinks of Shanghai city food because it is so good.

Was it arranged by the crew?

But the entire crew came from all over the world, with different tastes, why did they choose Haicheng cuisine?


Then they are very lucky.

Putting the dishes on the dining car on the table one by one, the waiter smiled and said to everyone: "You are all from Haicheng, right? If you have other places, you can tell me, I will tell the chef, we will according to your region, Prepare corresponding hometown dishes for everyone.”

Yu Lingchu glanced at the people around, smiled and said to the waiter: "We are all from Haicheng."

Han Zexin, who was sitting next to Yu Lingchu, smiled and asked, "Is it a special service of your hotel to prepare hometown dishes for people from different places?"

If so, that's really interesting.

The waiter smiled and said: "No. Our hotel does not have this special service. Everything was arranged by Mr. Nalan. According to Mr. Nalan's instructions, the back kitchen has transferred a few chefs from other places. You can order anything you want.”

Han Zexin turned her head to look at Yu Lingchu, teasingly said: "Junior sister, are we in your favor?"

Yu Ling glanced at her for the first time: "Mr. Nalan is sympathetic to his subordinates, what does it matter to me?"

Han Zexin shook her head and smiled: "Junior Sister~ It's useless to cover one's ears and steal one's bell~"

Yu Ling raised her chopsticks to pick up vegetables: "Then according to my senior sister, what should I do?"

Han Zexin thought about it seriously, and said with a smile: "I don't know~ Mr. Nalan is now the biggest financial backer of the crew, and you have nowhere to run."

Yu Lingchu sighed: "Why do you think he is so persistent? Do you want to be so persistent?

I don't understand, shouldn't a person of his status value face the most?I kept avoiding him and rejecting him again and again. Shouldn't his normal reaction be to feel that I don't know what to do, and then walk away? "

After finishing speaking, Yu Lingchu was slightly startled, and suddenly thought of Yan Yue's heartfelt voice he heard last time.

She remembered that what Yan Yue was secretly poking in his heart was: Nalan Shaojin has a tendency to be abused.

So... the current situation is... the more she refuses, the more excited Nalan Shaojin becomes (⊙o⊙)
Well, she was wrong, she shouldn't use the thinking of a normal person to speculate on Nalan Shaojin, because Nalan Shaojin is not a normal person!
By the time Yu Lingchu and his group had finished their lunch, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

After tossing and tossing for so long, things are almost arranged, so Yu Lingchu thought about going back to the room to rest for a while.

She took the elevator up to the floor where she lived, and when she was about to walk to her room, she happened to bump into Chu Qing and Mu Si who came out together.

Seeing Yu Lingchu, Chu Qing immediately greeted her warmly: "Lingchu, are you done with your work?"

"I'm done." Yu Lingchu replied with a smile.

Chu Qing immediately invited: "Sisi and I are going out to play for a while, do you want to come together?"

"No." Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "I want to go back to my room to rest for a while. Where are you going? I will arrange someone to pick you up."

"No need." Mu Si smiled gently: "Qingqing and I just wandered around the hotel, not going...far...places."

The gentle smile on Mu Si's face gradually froze.

Chu Qing looked behind Yu Lingchu and was also taken aback.

Yu Lingchu looked back in surprise, and saw Yan Yue appearing in the corridor of the hotel with a group of people.

Yu Lingchu had a vague premonition in his heart.

She felt... Yan Yue brought so many people, maybe it was for her...

Could it be that Nalan Shaojin felt that she was losing face by repeatedly refusing, so he asked someone to show her some color?
Yu Lingchu looked at the group of people brought by Yan Yue, and estimated in his heart how much chance he had of winning if he did something about it.

Yan Yue also saw Yu Lingchu standing in the corridor, and quickly stepped up to lead the person to the front, and said hello with a smile: "Miss Lingchu, I'm just going to find you."

Yu Lingchu looked at Yan Yue vigilantly: "What do you need from me?"

Yan Yue's smile became brighter and brighter: "It's like this, you didn't like the gift that Master Jin gave you yesterday, didn't you return it this morning? Master Jin specially ordered me to search for some rare treasures for you. You send it.

Master Jin said, if you still don't like it, then we can change it until you are satisfied~"

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