Dark clouds pressed down, and big raindrops fell with a crackling sound.

After filming a scene in the rain, Yu Lingchu got into the temporary tent set up by the crew, and after changing her wet clothes, Mu Si handed her a bowl of warm ginger soup.

Yu Lingchu took the bowl, raised her head and drank the ginger soup in one gulp, and then asked casually: "When did the crew prepare the ginger soup, they were quite careful."

Mu Siwaner: "This is not prepared by the crew."

Yu Ling looked at Mu Si at first, and said with a smile: "It wasn't prepared by the crew, maybe it was prepared for me by the caring little fairy Sisi?"

Mu Si smiled and said: "It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Even if I want to prepare it for you in the wilderness, I don't have these ingredients, right? This ginger soup was sent by Brother Jin."

"Nalan Shaojin?"

Mu Si nodded and continued to smile: "Thanks to you, Lingchu, except for the outrageously good food of the film crew, in this rainy weather, everyone can also get a bowl of ginger soup to drive away the cold through your light."

Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "This drama was filmed by Nalan Shaojin. All the good treatment is because he cares about employees as a boss, and because he is a capitalist with a conscience. What does it have to do with me?"

Regarding Yu Lingchu's eagerness to get rid of the relationship, Mu Si sneered: "Yes, yes, all the benefits and preferential treatment of the crew are because Brother Jin is a conscientious capitalist, and has nothing to do with certain people at all~
Your hair is all wet, sit down quickly, and I'll help you tidy it up again. "

Yu Lingchu obediently sat down in front of the vanity mirror when the phone rang.

Mu Si started to untie the hairband on Yu Lingchu's head.

Yu Lingchu picked up the phone and glanced at the screen, and there was an unfamiliar number on it.

After hesitating for two seconds, Yu Lingchu put the phone to her ear to answer.

Zheng Yashuang's voice came from the receiver: "Cousin, I didn't send people to post those little essays that edited you online, really! I swear! I beg you to let me go, please, don't ruin my career, woo Woo~ I'm about to be driven to death by you... woo woo woo... Can you just let me go for the sake of my aunt and my mother? I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong..."

Yu Lingchu mocked with a smile: "Zheng Yashuang, you really haven't changed at all, you can do it but dare not admit it, you're just as irresponsible as before! Don't tell me what you want to let go, there is no good or bad, only People recruit themselves!
You have fallen into the present situation, it is purely your own fault!I didn't beat the dog in the water, I was already showing mercy for the sake of my mother and aunt!

If you have the ability, you can go through this calamity by yourself. If you still want to continue looking for me, I don't mind, I don't mind letting you go forever! "

"I'm your cousin! How could you treat me like this!" Zheng Yashuang asked sharply.

Yu Lingchu smiled coldly: "When you framed me and made me unhappy, why didn't you say that I was your cousin?

You make full use of the weak blood relationship between us~
If the situation is favorable to you, you will deny your relatives; if the situation is unfavorable to you, you will want to kidnap your relatives?

It's a pity, I have no family affection for you, so...you can't kidnap me~"

"Believe it or not, I didn't post those small essays on the Internet! It's okay for me to take the blame, but Yu Lingchu, think about it for yourself. If you don't find out who hurt you, keep a secret that will be in the dark at any time." There is a danger of stabbing you with a knife, can you be safe!"


Yu Lingchu's answer was very straightforward: "You played tricks on me behind my back, you Zheng Yashuang did a lot, right? You lack so much virtue for me, why can't I still live in peace and joy until now?

People like you who can only play tricks behind your back, in my eyes, are no different from rats in the gutter.Have you ever seen a cat living in the sun that is afraid of mice? ! "

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she didn't give Zheng Yashuang a chance to speak again, and hung up the phone very neatly.

Holding a dry towel, Mu Si helped Yu Lingchu dry her wet hair, and said, "Lingchu, why don't you find someone to help investigate. In case the post that smears you on the Internet is really not Zheng Yashuang's post , we have to find out who is behind the scenes. Otherwise, he is hiding in the dark, and if he can’t harm you this time, there will definitely be another time, and it will be a hidden danger after all.”

Yu Lingchu nodded lightly: "If Zheng Yashuang is really innocent in this matter, then the people hiding in the dark are really scheming. They not only discredited me, but also dumped the blame on Zheng Yashuang, planting blame, snipe and clam. Try to let him play clearly!"

After thinking for a while, Yu Lingchu picked up the phone and called Ling Xuan.

The call was connected quickly, and Ling Xuan's hearty voice came from the receiver: "Senior sister, do you miss your cute little brother?"

Yu Lingchu smiled lightly: "Don't talk to me, I have something to ask you to do."

"What's the matter?" Ling Xuan immediately asked seriously.

"Hack my post online, you can find someone to help me find out the root cause."

"The root cause?" Ling Xuan wondered: "Could it be that the white-eyed wolf that your family has raised for many years did it?"

"She called me just now and she swears that it's not her. I thought I'd better check it out before I can rest assured. If there is someone else, I have no reason to let the other party stay out of the matter after stabbing the knife!"

"Okay." Ling Xuan responded, "I'll find someone to do it right away, senior sister, wait for my news."

"En." Yu Lingchu agreed, and then asked, "How is Tian Tian and the Tian family's affairs going?"

"The court will be held in two days. Our side has a great chance of winning."

"Tell me when the result comes out. No matter what the price is, we must help Tian Tian get out of the quagmire of the Tian family!"

"Well! Sister, don't worry, we all think so!"

In another tent not far from Yu Lingchu's tent, Nalan Shaojin and Yu Chengze were sitting in it, chatting happily.

"Shaojin, let me tell you that your idea of ​​pursuing my sister is completely correct! My sister is a pity for the poor and the weak, born with a chivalrous heart with clear grievances and grievances.

The more tough you are with her, the more she will become stronger when she meets the strong. If you act a little weaker and weaker, her attitude towards you will soften accordingly.

Just remember, my sister is a soft-bodied person, not a tough one! "

Nalan Shaojin nodded, followed by a smile and said, "I see you hit it off with Mu Si just now, how is it going?"

Yu Chengze smiled embarrassedly: "There is no progress. Mu Si has been let down before, I don't want to be too aggressive and scare her.

I plan to start with her as a friend, to care for her as a friend, and to take care of her.When the time is right, confess to her. "

Nalan Shaojin smiled warmly: "So, uncle has identified Mu Si?"

Yu Chengze nodded without hesitation: "Her appearance made me believe that there is such a thing as fate in the world. You don't know, the moment Mu Si appeared in my sight during the video call with Lingchu, I knew it, I was done..."

I’m going on a self-driving tour. I’ll try my best to code. If I can’t code, it may take two days. Forgive me, friends, I want to see the mountains and the sea ()

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