shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 309 Brother, look at him, he is very scheming, hey!

After listening to Yu Lingchu's words, Mu Si felt that most of the gloom in her heart had dissipated, and said with a smile, "I knew Lingchu that you are definitely not the kind of bullshit who swallows your anger."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu, and said with a smile: "Lingchu, you don't need to find someone for the scandal about Wu Feifei. Something that would give her a headache without killing her. It's an honor for her to use her reputation to promote the crew."

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin: "Don't bother Mr. Nalan, I can handle this kind of thing myself."

"Why is this troublesome?" Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly, and said in a calm manner: "This drama is invested by Nalan Group. You are the second female in the drama, and your role is important. Wu Feifei wants to ruin you, It is tantamount to destroying the investment of my Nalan Group, she is not only against you, but also against the Nalan Group!"

Nalan Shaojin said this from the perspective of an investor and from the perspective of safeguarding his own position, but Yu Lingchu couldn't say anything more to prevent him from intervening.

Yu Chengze glanced at Nalan Shaojin appreciatively.

This made him say, from the perspective of interests, Lingchu couldn't refuse him to take action, and made it clear that he and the Nalan Group will be Lingchu's strong backing, no matter what happens, he will not hesitate Stand by Lingchu's side.

"Since Mr. Nalan wants to protect his own interests, I have no reason to stop it. You can do whatever you want."

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly, and the meaning in the words was very clear.

It is you who want to intervene in order to protect your own interests, and I will not appreciate it.

Yu Chengze looked at Yu Lingchu again.

Nalan Shaojin showed his affection openly and secretly, but his sister was really monolithic, and she didn't appreciate her life or death.

Tut tut...

Sure enough, there is an iron tree, it is not easy to make her bloom...

Thinking of this, Yu Chengze gave Nalan Shaojin a sympathetic look.

As far as Nalan Shaojin's condition is concerned, regardless of his family background and ability, his appearance alone is enough to win the hearts of a group of girls. Coupled with his appearance and personal ability, it stands to reason that this relationship will not be so bad no matter what. flat……

Oh~ I almost forgot, as far as his sister is concerned, Nalan Shaojin is bad only because of his good family background.

The rules of the rich and powerful family are imprisoned, you fight over each other, intrigue each other, his sister really doesn't want to get involved.

Therefore, an overly superior family background has instead become a fatal shortcoming for Nalan Shaojin to pursue his sister.

It's just that, he knew this shortcoming, but he couldn't remind Nalan Shaojin.

How does this remind him, is he going to tell Nalan Shaojin that if he wants to win my sister's heart, why don't you try to go bankrupt first?
He must have no brains to dare to say such things to the ruler of a family.

He could only wish Nalan Shaojin the best of luck, as the saying goes, gold and stone are opened with sincerity.

If Nalan Shaojin's love for his sister is firm enough, and his sister is not hard-hearted, she will always be moved.

As an elder brother, Yu Chengze hopes that Yu Lingchu can meet someone who treats her sincerely, tolerates her, and loves her unswervingly.

As for whether Nalan Shaojin is that person, let's wait and see.

Nalan Shaojin naturally heard the ungratefulness in Yuling's first words, but he didn't take it to heart.

It was something he was willing to do, and whether to accept it or not was a matter of the beginning of his life. It was the first time in his life that he was tempted, and he just wanted to go all out.

He believes that sincerity can lead to gold and stone.

He believes that his unswerving sincerity and liking will one day knock on the door of Yu Lingchu's heart.

He looked at Yu Lingchu and smiled warmly: "I have something else, I want to ask Lingchu for your help."

There was some surprise in Yu Lingchu's eyes: "Look for my help? Mr. Nalan has great powers, and my ability is limited. How can I help you?"

"It's about this show. Wu Feifei's actions made me worry that she will do something later, which will affect the review and broadcast of this film.

Although she only appeared in a few scenes in the film, you know that if a bad actor appears in a film, it will have an impact on the broadcast of the entire film.

Whether it can be screened after review, and the consequences of the audience rejecting the entire film because of boycotting inferior artists after the release, are likely to waste my investment and the hard work of the entire crew.

So now that I have discovered this hidden danger, I naturally have to make two-handed preparations.

I hope that you, Lingchu, and the replacement you have found can reshoot the clips starring Wu Feifei as a backup.

In case Wu Feifei kills herself and accidentally becomes a bad artist one day, the film will not be ruined because of her few soy sauce scenes. "

After listening carefully to Nalan Shaojin's words, Yu Lingchu asked, "Since we have already planned to find new people to reshoot those clips, why didn't Mr. Nalan just discard the clips shot by Wu Feifei?"

Nalan Shaojin chuckled: "Didn't you just say, Lingchu, that some actors' moderately scandalous material can attract a wave of attention to the film for free?"

Yu Lingchu also chuckled: "According to Mr. Nalan's preparation, that person's moderate scandal can attract a wave of attention for the film for free, and excessive scandal that can beat her to death can also make a wave of good news for the film." propaganda.

At that time, the crew announced that the editor will replace Wu Feifei's shots as an implicated victim, and they will surely be praised for their foresight, and they have seen through Wu Feifei's actions long ago.

Everyone will still guess what Wu Feifei did on the crew to make the crew make such preparations in advance.

Mr. Nalan is really a cold, shrewd and terrifying businessman who paves his own road with the life and death of others. "

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she took a look at Yu Chengze.

elder brother!

Did you see it?
see that!

This Nalan Shaojin is a deep-minded, cunning, cruel, ruthless, and extremely terrifying guy!

Let me fulfill the marriage contract with him, then I will not face such a scheming person every day, thinking about how to fight with him every day, I am afraid that I will die young...

Catching Yu Lingchu's gaze, Yu Chengze blinked.

Talk about Nalan Shaojin, just talk about Nalan Shaojin, let's see what he does...

Could it be that my sister thinks that his business talent is too low and wants him and Nalan Shaojin to learn how to be a shrewd and ruthless businessman?

"My shrewdness and ruthlessness depend on who I am facing. The sincerity and partiality in my heart are only allowed to one person. If that person stands on the opposite side of me, I will obediently surrender."

While Nalan Shaojin was speaking, his eyes were fixed on Yu Lingchu.

Although he didn't say it, his eyes showed that his preferences and exceptions were given to the person in his eyes at the moment.

Seeing that Nalan Shaojin never let go of any opportunity to express his heart, even if he had no opportunity to create an opportunity, he must express his heart, Yu Chengze only felt encouraged.

A man should dare to love and dare to rush, to launch a love offensive to the girl he likes fearlessly!

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