Chapter 320: Looking for a doctor when you are not sick~
"Don't move!" With a sharp shout, Yu Lingchu realized that it was not his fellow gangsters who were coming, but the police.

While she breathed a sigh of relief, she did not hesitate to take action to stop the gangster who wanted to escape.

After kicking down a gangster who was trying to escape, Yu Lingchu ran a few steps quickly, grabbed the collar of a gangster with both hands, and pulled the gangster back hard, and then took advantage of the gangster's body to lean back, and quickly let go Kai grabbed the gangster's collar hand, his palm turned into a fist, and hit the two gangsters hard on the head.

The two gangsters who tried to escape were beaten to death immediately.

At this time, the leading gangster was almost running to the car and was about to open the door and escape in the car.

Yu Lingchu didn't hesitate, the wind blew under her feet and she chased after him. When the gangster opened the car door, he raised his foot and kicked him.

When the gangster saw that she was preventing him from escaping, he immediately swung a knife at her.

Yu Lingchu neatly dodged the knife stabbed by the gangster.

When Nalan Shaojin saw Yu Lingchu chasing the gangster, he immediately led people to help.But before they could get close, after a few moves, Yu Lingchu had kicked the gangster down in front of the car.

Several police officers also came closer at this time and quickly controlled the gangster.

Han Yang, who had no time to help, swallowed silently as he watched Yu Lingchu quickly resolve the battle.

Chasing the gangster and beating him up, how fierce is Miss Lingchu? This is simply too fierce, isn't it?

He turned his head stiffly and glanced at Nalan Shaojin, then looked back at Yu Lingchu.

ah!Miss Lingchu must have given Mr. Jin a sense of security.

It seems like Mr. Jin needs to pay attention to something when marrying her home.
what should I be careful of?

Hmm~ Come to think of it, be careful not to make Miss Lingchu angry, otherwise the sense of security will turn into full of pain!like!

Yu Lingchu also looked in the direction of Nalan Shaojin at this time.

Her eyes moved down Nalan Shaojin's face, and finally landed on Nalan Shaojin's feet.

Yan Yue noticed Yu Lingchu's gaze, leaned closer to Nalan Shaojin, and whispered: "Master Jin, the foot injury you are pretending is probably revealing your secret."

Nalan Shaojin turned his head and glanced at Yan Yue. Yan Yue immediately looked at his nose and nose, and his nose at his heart.

The truth is what it is, and it’s easy to get annoyed by it.

Before Yu Lingchu had time to speak to Nalan Shaojin, a dazzling car light came from far to near.

Everyone's eyes quickly focused on the car approaching in the distance.

The people on the police side were nervously alert to the appearance of the gangsters' accomplices. The arrested gangsters were looking forward to their accomplices falling from the sky to rescue them.

Under everyone's thoughtful gaze, the car drove closer and stopped steadily.

The driver's door opened, Yu Chengze stepped out of the car, and his eyes immediately fell on Yu Lingchu.

Seeing that she was fine, Yu Chengze was obviously relieved.

When Yu Lingchu saw him, he was a little surprised and said: "Brother, why are you here?"

Yu Chengze walked up to Yu Lingchu and replied: "I was worried that something would happen to you and Shao Jin, so I wanted to come over to see if I could be of any help. Are you hurt?"

Yu Lingchu shook his head and smiled, and said quite contentedly: "How can these few little frog thieves hurt me!"

After finishing her words, she looked in the direction of Nalan Shaojin: "Mr. Nalan, I just saw your feet, but they are very flexible!" As soon as Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she heard Nalan Shaojin suddenly say "Oh! " He said, then looked weak and supported Yan Yue, who was closest to him.

"Ouch~ My feet hurt so much~! The situation was critical just now. I was only taking care of my life and forgot about the injuries on my feet. Now that you said this, Lingchu, I suddenly realized that my feet are in terrible pain! Ouch~ Ouch~ I can’t do it anymore! I can’t do it anymore! It hurts so much!”

Yan Yue: (ー_ー)!!
I never expected that Mr. Jin is quite talented in acting.
As a qualified subordinate, what he has to do now is of course to provide clever assists.

"Ouch~!" Yan Yue grinned and said, "Master Jin! Master Jin, please help me gently. My shoulder seemed to have been beaten by a gangster just now. It hurts! It hurts! I'm injured. My body may not be able to support your weight!"

As he spoke, Yan Yue's expectant eyes fell on Yu Lingchu: "Miss Lingchu, can you come over and help me support Master Jin? My injured body may not be able to hold on anymore!"

Yu Lingchu looked at Han Yang who was standing next to Yan Yue and Nalan Shaojin: "They are both so fragile, why don't you take care of them quickly?"

"Ouch~" Han Yang bared his teeth and held his stomach and said: "I...stomach hurts...some bastard just kicked me in the stomach...Ouch~ It hurts so much, are my ribs broken... "

The bodyguard next to Han Yang blinked⊙_⊙

If he didn't lie about his injury, wouldn't he look unsociable?

The key point is that the boss said that he was injured. If he was not injured at all, it would seem that he did not protect the boss hard enough...

Brother Han’s stomach hurts, Brother Yan’s arms hurt, and Master Jin’s feet hurt. So the question is, which part of the body should he say hurts...

After hesitating for less than a second, the clever bodyguard held his waist with both hands and grinned: "The attack just now was too fierce, it seemed that he slipped up to his waist..."

Yu Lingchu: "."

"Ouch~" Han Yang covered his stomach, looked at Yu Lingchu and said, "Miss Lingchu, we are all injured, so please come over and help Mr. Jin."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

At this time, the policeman on the side saw this situation and silently took out his mobile phone: "Call an ambulance. Several people here are injured."

Nalan Shaojin looked at the policeman who kindly helped call an ambulance: "My foot is an old injury. I have already seen a doctor, so there is no need to go to the hospital. They have just suffered injuries and need to go to the hospital for a good check-up." "

Han Yang⊙_⊙

Could it be that his acting skills were so good that he deceived Master Jin into thinking that he needed medical treatment?


Mr. Jin is really a good boss who cares about his subordinates, but his injury is just fake. There is no need to go to the hospital, right? !

Yan Yue(ー_ー)!!
Master Jin dislikes them being a hindrance, so in order to get Miss Lingchu's care, he plans to pack them up and send them to the hospital!
"Lingchu." Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu with a weak look: "They are all injured. Please come over and help me."

Yu Lingchu stood still and turned to look at Yu Chengze: "Brother, since Mr. Nalan needs help, you can go over."

Yu Chengze took a step back without even thinking about it: "Lingchu, I'm relieved to see you're okay. I don't know what's going on with the crew. I have to go back and protect Mu Si!"

After saying that, Yu Chengze quickly ran back to his car, opened the door and got in the car neatly.

The car starts, reverses, and changes direction in one go.

Exhaust gas spurted out, and the car quickly drove away into the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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