shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 324 Continuing to Show Weakness

Yu Ling pursed her lips and frowned at first, then looked away after a moment, lowered her eyes and held her forehead.

Nalan Shaojin then lowered his head slightly, covering the corners of his lips that couldn't help but rise.

Yu Lingchu was indeed a soft-spoken woman, and she must have felt that she couldn't bear it now.

Holding her forehead and sighing, Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin who wished she could shrink into a ball.

At this moment, she only felt that this kind of Nalan Shaojin was more difficult to deal with than the sinister and cunning Nalan Shaojin.

After taking one look at him, Yu Lingchu turned around and looked out the car window, simply turning his head out of sight.

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyes to look at her at this moment, and when he saw her turning her head to look away, her dark eyes narrowed slightly.

He sniffs.

In the claustrophobic car and awkward atmosphere, subtle movements were infinitely amplified and transmitted to Yu Lingchu's ears with incomparable clarity.

She couldn't help but look back at Nalan Shaojin.

The other party was still curled up, trying his best to show a self-protective posture.

"Mr. Nalan."

Yu Lingchu spoke and broke the silence: "You have to cheer up. After all, the entire Nalan family and the entire Nalan Group need you. If you are not strong, how can you carry all this, right?"

So stop pretending and get back to normal, okay?

If you act like this, I really don’t know how to take on the role!

How could the dignified leader of the Nalan Group be so fragile and careless!
Nalan Shaojin buried his head in his arms and did not respond to Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu looked at him, exhaled and continued: "Since Mr. Nalan can stand at the top of the business world and criticize Fang Qiu, his strategizing, ability, courage, courage, and mind must be outstanding. I think you have been able to rely on me all the way to this day." It is impossible for him to have only the identity given by his family."

When Yu Lingchu said this, his meaning was very clear. I know who you are, Nalan Shaojin, but here you are pretending to be a wolf with a big tail!
What do you want to do?Can you stop pretending?Does it work?
Nalan Shaojin raised his eyes and looked at Yu Lingchu, sniffed, and looked extremely aggrieved: "Lingchu, I am also a mortal of flesh and blood, and I can be afraid and fragile. I am not a god, and I am not fearless. of.
When I am vulnerable, I want someone to comfort me, and when I am scared, I want someone to accompany me and protect me.Am I not worthy of such a simple need? "

After saying that, Nalan Shaojin buried his head in his arms again, looking like he was hurt by Yu Lingchu's words, aggrieved but couldn't bear to blame Yu Lingchu.

"Host! You're really going too far."

The system looked at Nalan Shaojin with sympathy and couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

Nalan Shaojin's muffled voice continued: "I know it's me who has troubled you, and it's my fault for making you troubled. I shouldn't have pestered you to accompany me just because I was afraid.

After a while, the car will drive into the city. I will take a taxi back to the hotel and ask the driver to take you back to the set.You can go about your business and don't worry about me anymore. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what I do, really."

Nalan Shaojin's voice fell, and there was a brief moment of silence in the carriage.

After a moment, Yu Lingchu softened her tone: "Mr. Nalan, I definitely don't mean to bother you. Don't get me wrong."


Nalan Shaojin responded passively: "I understand, Lingchu, you can go and do your work later. You really don't have to worry about me."

Yu Lingchu looked at him and slowly moved to his side: "I didn't consider Mr. Nalan's mood when I just spoke. Don't be the same as me, okay?"

Nalan Shaojin raised his head and looked at Yu Lingchu pitifully with his deep eyes: "Don't worry, Lingchu, no matter what Lingchu does, I won't be angry."

Yu Lingchu awkwardly moved closer to Nalan Shaojin: "Don't be afraid, I will definitely protect your safety."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu: "Then can you give me a sense of security?" Yu Lingchu looked at him doubtfully: "How can I give this thing?"

Isn't it enough for a martial arts master like her to sit next to him to make him feel safe?

Nalan Shaojin heard her question, stepped forward, hugged her waist, and nestled his head into her neck.

Yu Lingchu's whole body froze, and a pair of arms that had nowhere to rest were slightly raised.

The tip of Nalan Shaojin's nose was filled with Yu Lingchu's faint body fragrance. He tried hard to restrain the corners of his lips that wanted to raise. At this moment, he only felt that his chest was filled with something warm.


His voice became a little relaxed: "Hold you, it feels like embracing the sun, warm and bright, and my mood starts to get better if I can't help it."

Yu Lingchu stiffly put her hand on his back and patted him mechanically but gently.

Feeling Yu Lingchu's movements, Nalan Shaojin said sincerely: "Lingchu, you are very good, really very good."

Yu Lingchu felt a little uncomfortable after being praised by him, and turned her head slightly to look out the car window.

Nalan Shaojin only hoped that the road back to the hotel could be longer.
Holding Yu Lingchu in his arms, his heart had never been as warm and peaceful as it was now.

He rested his head on Yu Lingchu's shoulder and fell asleep peacefully without realizing it.

Realizing that Nalan Shaojin had not moved for a long time, Yu Lingchu lowered her eyes to look at him. Seeing that he was asleep, she also closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Seeing that everything had settled down, the system whispered: "Host, the situation was chaotic just now. I haven't had time to ask you yet. When did your brother come to the crew? Nothing happened in the three days I upgraded that I don't know about, right?" ?”

"My brother came to the crew two days ago." Yu Lingchu replied lightly, thinking about the current situation at home, and continued: "A lot of things have happened in the past few days since you were upgraded. Speaking of which, I'm doing just fine. There is something that requires your cooperation in the future."

"What's the matter?" The system was curious and asked quickly.

In the deep night, the car drove smoothly back to the hotel where the crew stayed.

When she noticed that the car had stopped, Yu Lingchu, who had closed her eyes and fell asleep, immediately opened her eyes. After taking a quick look at her surroundings, she lowered her eyes and looked at Nalan Shaojin, who was leaning on her shoulder and sleeping soundly.

"Mr. Nalan?" Yu Lingchu called softly.

Nalan Shaojin moved his eyelids in his sleep.

When Yu Ling saw his reaction for the first time, she called softly: "Mr. Nalan, we have arrived at the hotel."

Nalan Shaojin slowly opened his eyes, looked at Yu Lingchu with a slightly blurred gaze, and raised the corners of his lips.

He sat upright and said with a smile: "I slept peacefully this time, thank you, Lingchu."

Yu Lingchu smiled back at him: "You're welcome."

The driver had already got out of the car, walked to the back seat and opened the door respectfully.

Yu Lingchu took the lead to get out of the car and stood in front of the car door. After Nalan Shaojin got off the car, he rarely took the initiative and said: "Mr. Nalan, let me take you back to your room."

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "Thank you for your hard work."

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Mr. Nalan, you're welcome. It's my duty to protect you. It's not hard."

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