shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 329 It’s like a cat playing with a mouse

Yu Mu listened to Yu Lingchu's words in silence.

Yu Lingchu continued: "Mom, I think what you need to do now is to calm down and rationalize everything objectively and calmly before making a decision.

Whether you and my dad finally get back together or choose to separate, I respect your decision.

No matter what your final choice is, my brother and I will take good care of you when you are old.

However, I will never tolerate Zheng Yashuang again just because of you or my dead aunt!If she dares to be in the first grade of junior high school, I will dare to be in the fifteenth grade. It won’t work for anyone! "

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, Yu Mu remained silent.

Yu Lingchu sighed: "Mom, please go to bed early. I'll hang up the phone first."

Yu's mother didn't answer, and Yu Lingchu didn't say anything more. She took the phone away from her ear and hung up.

Tossed and turned overnight.

Early the next morning, Yu Lingchu was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

She got up and opened the door, and saw a neatly dressed Yu Chengze standing at the door.

Yawning lazily, Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze and asked, "Brother, what's going on this early in the morning?"

Yu Chengze stepped into the room, closed the door with his backhand and said, "Didn't you ask me to check where Zheng Yashuang is? I received news last night that she returned to Haicheng and is now staying in Haicheng Hotel."

Yu Lingchu pondered for a moment and said: "Brother, please let people continue to keep an eye on Zheng Yashuang's whereabouts, and then book two tickets for the nearest return to Haicheng. After making the reservation, tell me that the director and I will ask for leave, and you will accompany me back to Haicheng."

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she saw Yu Chengze looking at her suspiciously.

She frowned: "Yu Chengze, what's that look in your eyes?!"

Yu Chengze was speechless: "Tsk! Lingchu, you don't want to fly back thousands of miles to beat Zheng Yashuang to vent your anger, do you?"

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes at him: "Am I the kind of simple-minded person?!"

Yu Chengze muttered: "Then why are you so anxious to go back to find her?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said with an enigmatic look: "The secret must not be leaked~ Brother, you can just listen to my arrangements when the time comes~"

Yu Chengze raised his hand and flicked Yu Lingchu's head, and said with an angry smile: "Pretending to be mysterious~"

Yu Lingchu rolled his eyes and asked as if he was remembering something: "Brother, why did you only tell me the news you got yesterday this morning?"

Yu Chengze blinked: "Oh~ It was too late when I received the news yesterday, so I was afraid of disturbing your rest.

Speaking of Lingchu, was Shaojin... okay last night? "

Yu Lingchu looked at Yu Chengze: "What can happen to him! By the way, brother, you care about him so much. Why didn't you stay last night to appease his fragile little heart? Why did you run away?"

Yu Chengze choked and blinked guiltily: "Aren't I thinking about Mu Si and fearing that something might happen to the crew?"

Yu Lingchu chuckled, raised his hand and patted Yu Chengze's shoulder: "Since I was a child, I have seen that your boy is a guy who forgets his sister when he sees sex. I am really right~!"

Yu Chengze→_→How does that smelly girl talk?
What does it mean to forget your sister when you see sex!

Didn't he do that just to create a chance for her and Nalan Shaojin to get along~
His sister’s iron tree doesn’t know when it will bloom!
The morning sun rises, and the sky is filled with red clouds, making the world bright and gorgeous.

The turmoil on the Internet gradually subsided, and Wu Feifei, who had been worried for many days, rarely had a good beauty sleep.

While she was sleeping, she was awakened by the ringing of the phone.

She opened her hazy eyes, reached out gropingly to pick up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and glanced at the caller ID.

Agent's phone number.

Wu Feifei frowned subconsciously, and couldn't help but feel annoyed that her agent was really lacking in vision!

What's going on? It's worth calling her so early in the morning!
I wonder if she couldn’t eat or sleep well for a while because of the previous online scandal? !
Now that the storm has finally subsided, why can't she be allowed to have a good day's rest and relax? !

Why does it have to be such a disturbing dream early in the morning? !
Feeling angry, Wu Feifei swiped the screen fiercely, put the phone to her ear, and said coldly to the agent on the other side of the phone: "You'd better have something important to do this early in the morning!"

The anxious voice of Wu Fei Fei's agent came from the receiver: "Fei Fei, look online! Something happened again!"

Wu Feifei's remaining sleepiness was instantly shattered by her manager's words.

She sat up from the bed, frowned and asked, "What happened again!"

The agent hurriedly said: "Suddenly it broke out on the Internet that all the apology statements posted on your social account were ghostwritten by others, saying that you have no sincerity in apologizing at all!"

"Hey!" Wu Feifei sneered indifferently: "Is this a thing worth making a fuss about? There are so many celebrities in the entertainment industry who have done wrong things. How many of them will sit in front of the computer and consider every word for the public? Aren't most apology statements edited by the team or written by someone else, and finally published using the celebrity's own account?
Just such a small thing, is it worth calling me so early in the morning?Do you still need me to teach you how to do it? !
Just use the studio account to post a message directly, saying that the apology Weibo I posted was written by myself and was published after being checked by the team! "


The manager quickly explained: "It is said that the person who broke the news also broke your own voice about posting an apology on Weibo! That voice is very detrimental to you!

What’s worse is that I don’t know who broke the news that we had intentionally paid people to recruit those two big names to help you share the public opinion, and there was solid evidence. Now there are fans of those two people in our studio. I'm scolding you on Weibo!
We are contacting people to see if we can delete the post, but judging from the current situation, even deleting the post will not save anything.

Fei Fei, you have some friendship with those two. Give them a call later and see if you can explain yourself. "

When the agent said this, he sighed heavily.

Thinking of the new turmoil on the Internet, she only felt that one was as big as two!
After listening to her agent's narration, Wu Feifei quickly got up and opened her computer to log in to the web page.

But after a good night's sleep, the Internet, which had gradually gone silent, started to sprung up again with negative news about her, and the momentum only increased!
It was as if the public turmoil that had gradually subsided was just a joke made by the people behind her.

Just like a cat playing with a mouse
Give her hope of a comeback, and then knock her back into the abyss!

Wu Feifei gritted her teeth, who is it?Who is targeting her in secret?

It's best not to let her catch that person, otherwise she won't make it easy for him!

Yu Lingchu, who was filming, also quickly noticed the negative news about Wu Feifei that appeared on the Internet again.

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