Nalan Shaojin sat aside and calmly took in Yu Lingchu's demeanor. He couldn't help but start to reflect on what was wrong with him that made Yu Lingchu always want to keep a distance from him... …

He shouldn't be that annoying, right?

Looking away from Yu Lingchu, Nalan Shaojin looked at Ling Xuan again.

Ling Xuan was sitting in his seat. Although he tried his best to look calm, his slightly tight posture still made Nalan Shaojin see the embarrassment he tried so hard to hide.

He actually made a temporary decision to return to Haicheng this time.

As for the purpose, it was naturally to prune away the flowers and plants with other thoughts lurking around Yu Lingchu.

Nalan Shaojin looked away and looked at the flight attendant standing far away.

The other party received his gaze, smiled, nodded slightly, turned and left.

Not long after, the flight attendant who left returned holding a large bouquet of roses.

And behind her, there were several flight attendants who were also wearing uniforms and smiling decently.

Nalan Shaojin stood up, took the large bouquet of decorated roses from the flight attendant, and handed it to Yu Lingchu with a smile: "I originally wanted to bring it to you in person, but unfortunately my feet are not convenient. "

Yu Lingchu raised her eyes and looked at Nalan Shaojin. She did not reach out to pick up the bouquet of roses, but smiled and said: "This is inexplicable. What kind of flowers did Mr. Nalan give me? I am just a rough man. I don't deserve it." Not worthy of this delicate and delicate bouquet.”

"Flowers match beauty. Why should Lingchu belittle yourself? You have always deserved the best in this world."

Nalan Shaojin bent down and put the bouquet into Yu Lingchu's arms.

Waves of fragrance hit her nose, and Yu Lingchu lowered her eyes to look at the bouquet in her arms.

Nalan Shaojin gave her the flowers, but she couldn't give them back to him. She could only hold the flowers and smile, "Then thank you Mr. Nalan for the flowers."

Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly and sat back down opposite Yu Lingchu, and said, "I specially selected these roses. Does Lingchu know their names?"


Yu Lingchu frowned: "Aren't they just roses? Did Mr. Nalan give each one a name?"

That's really boring!
Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "There are many varieties of roses. Different varieties, different colors, and different meanings."

Yu Ling first heard the unintended meaning of Nalan Shaojin's words.

No matter how much she doesn't understand flowers, she also knows that roses are a bouquet that represents love.

Originally, the roses that Nalan Shaojin gave her felt hot to her hands, but now she had to discuss the language of flowers with her. Is this discussion about the language of flowers?What Nalan Shaojin wants to discuss is clearly feelings!
She didn't want to be emotionally involved with Nalan Shaojin, let alone discuss this topic.

As soon as her mind changed, Yu Lingchu pretended to look at the bouquet in her hand casually, and then said with a chuckle: "I'm sorry, Mr. Nalan, I have no research on these flowers and plants, and I have no interest in doing so."

The smile on Nalan Shaojin's face remained unchanged, and his deep eyes stared at Yu Lingchu with such concentration and tenderness.

What Yu Lingchu said was that she was not interested in studying flowers and plants. What she expressed was clearly that she was not interested in developing a relationship with him.Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly and followed her words: "I was not interested in studying these before. But then I found someone in my heart, and I couldn't help but want to create surprises and romance for her.

It doesn't matter if Lingchu doesn't want to study these, as long as he can enjoy them.

If there are no people who enjoy it, then my efforts will become in vain and meaningless. "

Yu Lingchu lowered his eyes and smiled, only to feel that the flowers in his hands were getting hotter.

Nalan Shaojin continued to smile and said: "Lingchu, the bouquet of roses in your hand is called cappuccino. I think this bouquet of flowers is suitable for you."

After finishing speaking, Nalan Shaojin looked at the flight attendants standing aside.

When those people received Nalan Shaojin's gaze, they immediately stepped forward and lined up beside Yu Lingchu. With decent smiles on their faces, they opened the gift boxes they held in their hands.

The box is opened, and the dazzling jewelry inside shines brightly.

Nalan Shaojin said with a smile: "I remember the last time I visited Yu's house, Lingchu said that what he likes most is money. I have specially collected these jewelry. Every piece of jewelry can be turned into a large amount of money." Money, these are all given to Lingchu, they can be played with or converted into cash."

Yu Lingchu glanced at the jewelry indifferently, then withdrew his gaze and said seriously: "Mr. Nalan, I still say the same thing, no reward for no merit. I appreciate your kindness, you should take the things back, I can't bear it. .”

"I said, Lingchu, you deserve the best of everything."

"I think so too. But I hope to strive for the best with my own ability and ability, rather than getting it through gifts from others."

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu: "These are what you got by your own ability."

Yu Lingchu frowned.

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly, his eyes full of sincerity: "You make my heart happy, and I don't know where to start. I surrender to your personal charm and am willing to give you everything I have. A person can use his own charm to To conquer another person is an amazing ability.

You don't have to feel any burden to accept these, because everything I give to you is my heart and soul. "

After finishing speaking, Nalan Shaojin glanced at the flight attendant standing next to him.

The flight attendant holding the precious gift immediately understood, closed the gift box, turned and left.

Nalan Shaojin didn't give Yu Lingchu a chance to refuse, and said in a non-negotiable tone: "After these gifts get off the plane, I will send someone to deliver them to Yu's house."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Yu Chengze and said with a smile: "Brother Chengze, please give my regards to Uncle Yu and Aunt Yu, and wait until I take care of the matters at hand before I come to visit you."

Yu Chengze smiled: "Shao Jin, you are too polite. You can come over anytime you want to come to the Yu family, we are always welcome."

Yu Lingchu held a bouquet of roses that felt hot to the touch, glanced feebly at the two people who were chatting, and lamented in her heart and the system: "The money Nalan Shaojin transferred to me for no reason before has not found a chance to return it to him, and now He stuffed me with so many jewels that looked like they were worth a lot of money, it was even more difficult than transferring money to me!"

The system was puzzled: "Host, what's so troublesome about this? When it comes time to break off the engagement, wouldn't it be nice if you returned it to him along with the money he had previously transferred to you?"

Yu Lingchu sighed: "You don't understand the system. You can put money in a bank card and transfer it when you use it. But I have to store these jewelry in a safe, just in case something unexpected happens during the storage process. If it is lost or damaged, when I cancel the engagement and return it, do I have to compensate according to the price?"

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