"Bang!" The sound of Yu Lingchu placing the teacup in her hand heavily on the table interrupted Zheng Yashuang's swearing.

She raised her eyes, looked at Zheng Yashuang coldly, stood up calmly, raised her hand without hesitation, and slapped Zheng Yashuang hard.

Zheng Yashuang staggered two steps after being slapped by her. After she realized it, she covered her face and looked at Yu Lingchu with shocked and resentful eyes.

Yu Lingchu actually hit her again!

Why should she hit her?
In just a moment, Zheng Yashuang suppressed the resentment in her heart and put on a sad and pitiful look on her face: "Cousin, I know you don't like me, but you can't hit me so casually, right?"

"It's you I'm beating!" Yu Lingchu's voice was cold: "You actually used your own parents to make such a vicious oath, Zheng Yashuang, are you really so evil?"

Zheng Yashuang gritted her teeth and argued: "I just want to prove the authenticity of my words. Those posts on the Internet a few days ago saying that you stepped on me to gain more exposure were really not done by me! Since I dare to swear by my dead parents, Isn’t that enough to prove my innocence?”

"So what?" Yu Lingchu asked calmly.

Zheng Yashuang looked at her in disbelief: "What do you mean, so what?! I'm innocent, why should I bear your revenge? If you have the ability, go find the person behind everything. Bullying me is nothing!"


Yu Lingchu sneered: "Aren't you the first to instigate this incident on the Internet? I won't let go of those who hide behind the scenes and try to fish in troubled waters. As for you, you don't deserve the word innocent. You deserve what you deserve. Exclusive!”

"What's wrong with me!"

Zheng Yashuang was still arguing: "I just saw you entering the entertainment industry and wanted to say hello to you. How do I know about this?"

"Shut up!" Yu Lingchu interrupted Zheng Yashuang's sophistry: "I came to you today, not to listen to your sophistry. You yourself know what mood you were in when you spoke on your social account. !

I asked you to meet here today just to clear up a doubt in my mind.

Why on earth do you keep trying every means to target me! "

When Zheng Yashuang heard Yu Lingchu's question, she lowered her eyes to hide the uncontrollable jealousy in her eyes, and said with a smile: "Cousin, why do you think so? Why should I target you?"

Yu Lingchu looked at her intently: "Yeah, why? I'm curious too."

Zheng Yashuang frowned and looked at her: "Cousin, there must be a misunderstanding between us."

"Zheng Yashuang, there is no one else here. You don't need to pretend to be nice to me. You should know that I don't accept your behavior at all. I have already seen clearly what kind of person you are after so many years.

I was willing to tolerate you before, firstly, although your little tricks of trying to win over me are disgusting, they are really not good in my eyes.Second, for the sake of my aunt and my mother, I think it’s okay to reward you with a meal.

Now that you have broken up with each other, you'd better put away your unscrupulous methods. If you have any grievances, put them on the table and speak them out openly. "

Zheng Yashuang bit her lip.

When Yu Ling first saw that she didn't want to be honest and clear, she ordered the system in her mind: "System, give her some information."

The system received the instruction and immediately began to operate: "Okay, the truth pill is put into use, and the target is Zheng Yashuang. The medicine will start to take effect in three seconds.

Three, two, one, the truth pill is taking effect.The host can start asking questions. Yu Lingchu looked at Zheng Yashuang: "What?"Do you dare to do it or not?Zheng Yashuang, you are really like a rat in the gutter, a dog and a fly. You will never be despicable! "

"Why do you say that about me!"

Under the influence of the truth pill, Zheng Yashuang couldn't control her emotions. She looked at Yu Lingchu with red eyes and said confidently: I just strive for what I want. What's wrong with me?Why is it that you, Yu Ling, were born into a rich family and have everything?How am I inferior to you?You are just better at reincarnation than me! "

"So, this is the reason why you have been targeting me?" Yu Lingchu was a little unbelievable.

"Yes! I hate you! I have hated you since I can remember! Why do you live a better life than me! My mother and your mother are obviously biological sisters. Why do you have to live in poverty while you are the daughter of a rich family?"

"Life is difficult? Ha!" Yu Lingchu sneered: "When my aunt and uncle were alive, although your life was not rich and powerful, you could still be said to have no worries about food and clothing, right?"

Zheng Yashuang said unconvinced: "Is it enough to have enough food to live without worries about food and clothing? Why don't you live in such a life without worries about food and clothing?"

Yu Lingchu looked at Zheng Yashuang's expression: "So you are not only jealous of me, but also resentful of your parents, right?"


With the blessing of truth pills, Zheng Yashuang admitted Yu Lingchu's question without hesitation and complained with incomprehension:

"I hate them so much! Especially my bitch, bitch! She is a worthless bitch!
She and your mother were obviously born to the same parents. Look how smart your mother is, she knows how to find a rich man.

Look at her again!It’s like I’ve never seen a man before, and I want all kinds of shit!She found such a useless man and forced me to live a poor life with them since I was born. Why shouldn't I hate her! "

Yu Lingchu was directly shocked by Zheng Yashuang's words and said in disbelief: "Zheng Yashuang, that's your biological mother! She tried her best to provide you with the best life and loved you sincerely. Why are you so cruel..."

"So what!" Zheng Yashuang said bitterly: "If I had a choice, I wouldn't want such a worthless pair of parents!"

Yu Lingchu stared at her and asked the question that arose in her heart: "So when they died, were you sad?"

"No!" Zheng Yashuang answered without hesitation, and said with a crazy smile: "Do you know? When your mother said in front of my parents' bodies that she would raise me, I was so happy that I almost died!
Those two people finally did a good deed. Their deaths gave me the opportunity to become the daughter of a rich family!I even wonder why they didn't die earlier! "

Next room.

Listening to the voice coming from the surveillance screen, Yu Mu felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

She couldn't accept that her sister's bloodline left in the world turned out to be such a cold-blooded, selfish and vicious beast.

Yu Chengze also stared at Zheng Yashuang in the surveillance screen with a shocked expression.

He never expected that his cousin, who had lived together in his home for so many years and seemed weak and weak, could turn out to be such an inhuman thing!

Jade Mother stood up tremblingly.

Yu Chengze noticed her movement and quickly reached out to hold her.

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