With Yu Lingchu's performance, the carelessness on Director Qian's face was replaced by surprise.

He stared at Yu Lingchu with bright eyes, and a voice in his heart kept shouting: This is what it feels like!This is what he wants as a third girl.

Innocent but cruel, there is a faint sense of brokenness in the madness that makes people feel distressed.

After finishing the last line in a somewhat crazy manner, Yu Lingchu curled her lips and smiled, her arrogance revealing a villainous demeanor. She waved her hand and ordered: "Tie her up and hang her on the city gate. Sun! Make it! People! Do it!”

The further she spoke the lines, the harsher her tone became, and the look in her eyes that wanted to kill the man became more determined.

After a moment, she turned to look at the tied man again, smiling charmingly and evilly: "I want to see if the girl you put on the top of your heart will be the same after you are dried into a mummy. I will die for you, ha...hahaha..."

After Yu Lingchu finished her performance, she quickly adjusted her state, exhaled, looked in the direction of Director Qian with a smile, and said politely: "Director, my performance is over."

As Yu Lingchu finished speaking, everyone present recovered from the performance just now.

There was a burst of applause, and Sister Feng and Yourong Yan looked at Yu Lingchu with satisfied faces.

If she could have met such a good seedling earlier, she would have been praised long ago.

That guy Ze ​​Xin is really such a smart and beautiful junior sister, why didn't you introduce him to her earlier.

After the applause ended, Director Qian slapped the table, stood up and said excitedly: "Okay! This role belongs to you! I'll have someone prepare the contract right now..."

Yu Lingchu smiled and said generously: "Thank you, Director Qian, for your affirmation. I will work hard to portray the character well. I hope we can have a happy cooperation in the future."

Director Qian laughed, looked at Yu Lingchu and said: "It's a pleasure to work with you! You are very smart. Can I ask, what is your original intention of entering the entertainment industry?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Well...this is a very deep topic.

But the reason why she entered the entertainment industry is not very profound. It is purely to complete the system tasks.

If it weren't for the sudden task assigned by the system, she would never have thought of setting foot in the entertainment industry.

After all, she has always had a career that she worked hard for.

But she didn't want to tell the truth.

After thinking for a while, Yu Lingchu smiled and said: "Director Qian, to be honest, my entry into the entertainment industry was completely accidental.

But no matter what the reason is, I think that since I have entered this industry, I should be down-to-earth and take this job seriously. "

Director Qian nodded: "Okay! Very good! Lingchu, I hope you will always remember what you said today and never forget your original intention. You have to believe that the road you walk one step at a time must be the strongest."

Yu Lingchu nodded and said humbly: "Director Qian, I have taken note of your words."

Director Qian looked at Yu Lingchu with a little more appreciation.

Initially, when the investors contacted him and asked him to give the lead female role to a newcomer named Yu Lingchu, he instinctively felt a little disgusted with this newcomer actor whom he had never met or even heard of.

I really don’t know how much I weigh, what a big face!

He even dared to ask for the female lead in his film!However, due to his strong capital, he did not have the confidence to refuse and was forced to give in.

It is not uncommon in the industry for people to come in and be given a role in a drama. It is not uncommon for someone to star in an important role, only to have their poor acting skills ruin the entire drama.

In this situation where a woman and a man are required, the crew cannot shirk the situation and can only resign themselves to fate.

It can be said that Director Qian had been mentally prepared for this script to be ruined.

But who knew that within a few days things would turn dark and bright.

The investors actually let it go and said that if Yu Lingchu came to audition, they would just let him arrange a relatively suitable role. They did not specify that Yu Lingchu had to play the female lead.

Upon receiving the news, Director Qian suddenly felt relieved after having been holding in his anger for several days.

As long as he doesn't have to play an important role and it doesn't affect the quality of the plot, he is very willing to give this face to the sponsor's father.

Before meeting Yu Lingchu today, he had already planned that if Yu Lingchu failed to pass the audition for the third female role, he would just coax her and arrange some insignificant roles for her.

But he never expected that after auditioning so many actors, it was Yu Lingchu who played the third female lead in his heart.

Director Qian left his seat, walked to Yu Lingchu, smiled and stretched out his hand: "Lingchu, I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"Director Qian, it's a pleasure to work with you." Yu Lingchu shook hands with Director Qian generously. When he took back his hand, he suddenly looked at Director Qian and asked with a smile: "Director Qian, I have read the script carefully and feel that this drama you are planning to shoot , each character is particularly vivid and brilliant, and has its own unforgettable characteristics.

I would like to ask, is there a suitable candidate for the male lead in the play? "

Director Qian smiled calmly: "As for the male lead, we haven't decided yet. Is there someone Lingchu thinks is suitable? Would you like to recommend him?"

Yu Lingchu's outstanding performance just now made Director Qian willing to hear who she wanted to recommend.

Yu Lingchu smiled generously and said: "I don't have any candidates. I just have my own humble opinion. I don't know if Director Qian is willing to give me a favor."

Director Qian nodded: "Of course. I am willing to listen to different ideas and opinions. Some good ideas and opinions can make my work more brilliant, right?"

Seeing that Director Qian was willing to give him a chance to speak, Yu Lingchu immediately smiled and said: "Director Qian is indeed a wise senior, and I admire him very much. Since you are willing to give me a chance, I will take up some of your time and say Just my humble opinion.

The script states that the male protagonist is a boy and a girl, and is handsome and intelligent. I guess the difficulty for Director Qian in finding an actor is that he is a boy and a girl, right? "

Director Qian smiled: "There are many good-looking actors in the entertainment industry. Why do you think I will have trouble with this?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "There are many good-looking actors in the entertainment industry, but if there is only one good-looking actor, how can he meet Director Qian's selection criteria?

It is not easy to be delicate but not feminine, strong but not feminine, romantic but not obscene, charming but not demonic. It is not easy to get these right.

Some actors have matching looks but not the same temperament. Some actors have a similar temperament but their appearance is not in line with the requirements of the script. "

Director Qian listened carefully to Yu Lingchu's words, and even nodded, agreeing: "That's right, several of the actors I tried before were either too feminine, or their looks didn't match up."

When Yu Ling first heard Director Qian agreeing with her, she immediately laughed and said, "I think Director Qian might as well change his mind. Since it's a boy and a girl, why not just find a girl to play the male lead in this drama?"

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