shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 356: Host, you ask for blessings

Chapter 356: Host, you ask for blessings

After breakfast, Fang Yu personally drove Yu Lingchu and Tian Tian to the airport.

Fang Yu parked the car in the parking lot and was about to help the two of them carry their luggage into the terminal when Yu Lingchu took the suitcase from him.

Fang Yu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He felt that it was natural for him to send Yu Lingchu and Tian Tian to the airport and help them pick up their suitcases.

Of course, the main thing is to help my girlfriend carry her suitcase as a matter of course.

But now, Yu Lingchu actually stole his job?

What do you mean?
Stealing his chance to perform in front of his girlfriend?
This hateful guy never forgets to turn on his girlfriend anytime, anywhere.

Fortunately, she is a woman. If she were a man, Tian Tian might not be the girlfriend of either of them (ˇˇ)
Yu Lingchu noticed Fang Yu's eyes and rolled her eyes at him: "What are you looking at! If you don't hold your girlfriend, she will leave with me soon, and you won't be able to hold her anymore. Don't cry then."

Fang Yu suddenly realized and showed a rare smile of gratitude to Yu Lingchu, but it only lasted for a tenth of a second.

its not right!
Why should he be grateful to Yu Lingchu? If this woman hadn't kidnapped his girlfriend, how could he have broken up with Tian Tian. <(`^)>
Fang Yu happily took Tian Tian's hand and protected her as she walked forward.

Yu Lingchu rolled her eyes at his back again, and secretly commented on his flash of smile just now: "Nervous? You must be sick!"

Tian Tian was led by Fang Yu and walked forward. She turned back and glanced at Yu Lingchu who was holding all the luggage. She couldn't help frowning: "Brother Fang, it's hard for Sister Lingchu to carry our luggage alone. I'll go." Help her."

While talking, Tian Tian had already taken his hand out of Fang Yu's, turned around and walked to Yu Lingchu's side, reaching out to take the suitcase that Yu Lingchu was pushing.

"Sister Lingchu, please give me some luggage."

Fang Yu lowered his head and looked at his empty hands, then at Tian Tian and Yu Lingchu, and suddenly felt that the world between the three of them was a bit crowded...

What makes him even more depressed is that he feels like he misses the extra person in the world of three...

Yu Lingchu pressed Tian Tian's hand that held out the luggage and said with a smile: "No, this luggage is not too easy for me.

We will have to get on the plane in a while. You better hurry up and spend time with your brother Fang. go quickly. "

Facing Yu Lingchu's teasing, Tian Tian couldn't help but blush slightly, and shyly pretended to be indifferent: "I don't care about this little time..."

Yu Lingchu smiled, glanced at Fang Yu, and couldn't help but joke: "You don't care, some people care very much. You should leave quickly, or his sad eyes will bury me alive in a while."

Fang Yu stepped forward and took Tian Tian's hand again, and while leading her away from Yu Lingchu, he said: "Tian Tian, ​​don't worry, I'm telling you, don't talk about your little luggage. Niu, this girl Yu Lingchu can carry it and walk like flying. She has plenty of strength, so you don’t need to worry about her.

Let me tell you, after you go to Yuncheng with her, you can ask her to help you with any heavy work. You're welcome.

After all, I am his senior brother, and you will be her sister-in-law from now on. Her respect for you is...ah! ! ! "

Before Fang Yu could finish his words, he screamed and covered his buttocks. He turned around with an angry look and saw Yu Lingchu calmly retracting his foot.

Seeing Fang Yu looking back, Yu Lingchu said with a calm face: "What are you looking at! If I hadn't seen you holding Tian Tian, ​​for fear of being too strong to hurt her, I would have kicked her away, believe it or not!"
Who are you, senior brother? Why are you talking nonsense when you open your mouth? You are disrespectful to your elders and disrespectful to your senior sister. It is just the opposite of Tiangang. I have given you a good face recently, haven't I? "

Fang Yu gritted his teeth: "When have you ever given me a good face?"

Yu Lingchu looked at him and raised his eyebrows lightly: "Then do you know why I don't give you a good face?"

Fang Yu asked modestly: "Why?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said coldly and ruthlessly: "You don't deserve it!"

Fang Yu: "..." Tian Tian looked at Fang Yu and then at Yu Lingchu.

Although brother Fang Yu looks a bit pitiful when he is deflated.


Sister Lingchu looks so cool now, I like it so much~{(☆|☆)}
Fang Yuyou was angry at Yu Lingchu and pointed at Yu Lingchu: "" Yu Lingchu disdainfully said: "What are you? Are you sure you want to spend your time arguing with me? "

Fang Yu instantly turned off the engine, muttered in a low voice, "It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge." He took Tian Tian's hand and turned around.

Right now, the most important thing is to seize the time to communicate with Tian Tian.

The world is big, but my girlfriend is the biggest.

The three of them walked into the airport hall one after another. Yu Lingchu followed Fang Yu and Tian Tian. His originally leisurely and comfortable expression suddenly froze after entering the airport hall, and his footsteps stopped.

The system's voice immediately sounded: "Oh, host, I'm telling you that you must be honest and you can't lie. Take a look. If you don't listen to the system, you will be embarrassed in front of your eyes."

Yu Lingchu (* ̄m ̄): "System, I'm giving you a good face again, right?!"

The system immediately panicked, and it did not forget to gloat: "Host, I was wrong, host, you are so lucky..."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Skull hurts...

It would be great if it was her who was dazzled at this moment...

But there are so many what-ifs in life.

The crisis was right in front of her, and what she had to do was not to take chances, but to find ways to avoid it was the best thing to do!

Yu Lingchu looked around with his eyes, planning to quietly disappear into the crowd.

Tian Tian happened to turn around at this time and noticed something strange about Yu Lingchu. She was about to ask, but she saw Yu Lingchu raised his hand to make a silent gesture to her.

The call that was almost on his lips was swallowed by Tian Tian.

Sister Lingchu told her not to ask, so she just shut up.

No matter what sister Lingchu does, she must have her reasons.

Seeing that Tian Tian didn't make any sound, Fang Yu looked over before Yu Lingchu could breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Yu Lingchu was obviously going to go elsewhere, Fang Yu immediately opened his mouth to call out.

Yu Lingchu quickly signaled him not to call her.

However, Fang Yu didn't understand her meaning at all, and shouted at her: "Yu Lingchu, we are over here! What are you doing over there!"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

The fist is hard...

She subconsciously looked towards where Nalan Shaojin was.

Across the crowd of people at the airport, her eyes collided with Nalan Shaojin's.

Nalan Shaojin smiled warmly at her.

Yu Lingchu tugged at the corners of her lips in embarrassment, and her murderous eyes immediately fell on Fang Yu.

Fang Yu felt a chill on his back, and said innocently, "Yu Lingchu, why do you look at me like that? Did I provoke you again?"

Yu Lingchu sneered: "I suddenly realized that you are several times stupid again!"

Fang Yu didn't know why: "No, why did you attack me personally again, Hao Duanduan?"

Tian Tian tugged on Fang Yu's sleeve and reminded, "Didn't you see sister Lingchu's gesture just now? She told you to be quiet."

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