shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 37 It's Over, It's Exposed

Chapter 37 It's Over, It's Exposed
Wu Feifei picked up the tea on the table and took a sip.

To be honest, the momentary victory or defeat is actually nothing.

She and Nalan Shaojin met for the first time, and it was normal for Nalan Shaojin to reject her.

After getting in touch with her more in the future, she doesn't believe that she can't make Nalan Shaojin fall in love with her!
If Nalan Shaojin doesn't get married for a day, the position of the mistress of the Nalan family will be uncertain for a day, and it's not certain who will sit!

Then again, even if Nalan Shaojin really got married, wouldn't he still be able to divorce?

Her husband, Wu Feifei, can only be a dragon and phoenix among people like Nalan Shaojin!

After finding out the information she wanted, Wu Feifei got up to leave and returned to her seat.

As the banquet drew to a close, Nalan Shaojin was about to get up and leave, but Wu Feifei walked over holding her father's arm.

Father Wu looked at the Yu family couple with a smile: "President Yu, Mrs. Yu, please forgive me for the poor hospitality."

"What did Mr. Wu say?" Father Yu hurriedly stood up, and began to greet Father Wu politely.

After a few pleasantries, Father Wu took advantage of the opportunity to send out an invitation: "My father loves flowers, and he has grown a lot of precious flowers in this manor. A few friends just wanted to go enjoy the flowers together. I don't know if Mr. Yu and Mrs. Yu are interested in going together. Let’s make friends with flowers, it’s an elegant conversation, hahaha.”

"Then it's better to be respectful than obedience." Father Yu agreed with a smile.

Seeing this, Father Wu took advantage of the situation and looked at Nalan Shaojin: "I heard that Mr. Nalan is knowledgeable and elegant, why don't we go and have a look together?"

"I won't go." Nalan Shaojin smiled lightly: "Today, the Wu family entertained me warmly, and I was a little dizzy because I was greedy for a drink. But my subordinate likes to enjoy flowers, Mr. Wu, wouldn't you mind bringing him one?"

"Of course I don't mind." Father Wu quickly responded with a smile: "Those who can follow Mr. Nalan must be extremely talented and elegant."

The seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, those who can follow Nalan Shaojin's side, they can't be offended.

Yan Yue at the side: "..."

What's so good about flowers and plants?

Master Jin didn't go, why did you push him?

Nalan Shaojin took a look at Yan Yue, and said: "Yan Yue, you will follow Uncle Yu in a while, don't run around and cause trouble for Mr. Wu."

"Yes, Lord Jin."

Yan Yue responded respectfully and understood Nalan Shaojin's intention.

Yu's family is at the bottom of this group of people, and the Wu family seems to be inviting Yu's family to enjoy the flowers together, but in fact, the drunkard's intention is not to drink.

If Master Jin doesn't go, the Yu family will go with this group of people, fearing that they will overwhelm them.

Master Jin didn't ask him to enjoy the flowers, he clearly asked him to follow, to support the Yu family, so as not to meet someone who doesn't have long eyes and treat the Yu family poorly.

Seeing that Nalan Shaojin refused to go with her, Wu Feifei couldn't help showing some disappointment in her eyes.

If it wasn't for an excuse to drag Nalan Shaojin along and increase the chances of contact between her and Nalan Shaojin without showing any signs, who would want to take the Yu family to enjoy the flowers? It's a waste of time!

Sensing his daughter's hand tightening his arm, Father Wu patted his daughter's hand reassuringly, and said to Nalan Shaojin with a smile: "Since Mr. Nalan feels a little unwell, why don't I send you to the guest room upstairs?" rest for a bit?"

Wu Feifei lowered her eyes, hoping that Nalan Shaojin would quickly agree to her father's proposal.

In this way, she can take the initiative to ask Nalan Shaojin to be sent to the guest room, and then carefully serve Nalan Shaojin a bowl of hangover soup, so as to have a chance to get to know him, isn't that the way to go!

Nalan Shaojin smiled faintly: "Don't be so troublesome, I'll go for a walk in the yard outside later to catch some wind, and the alcohol should go away.

Mr. Wu, isn't Ms. Wu going to take someone to enjoy the flowers? Don't keep everyone waiting. "

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, he stood up and left the banquet hall.

Wu Feifei looked at his back unwillingly.

Father Wu forced a smile on his face, and beckoned everyone to the manor's greenhouse.

After leaving the banquet hall, he leaned close to Wu Feifei's ear and whispered, "I'll take this group of people to enjoy the flowers, and you can find Nalan Shaojin sometime."

Wu Feifei's eyes lit up immediately, and she nodded shyly.

The Wu Family Manor is brightly lit at night.

Yu Lingchu tried her best to avoid the people who were active in the manor, and walked into the bathroom closest to the monitoring room.

The contract signed between their security company and the Wu family stipulated that before ten o'clock tonight, they would do their best to ensure the safety of the entire manor and its guests.

The security work after ten o'clock was completely handed over to the security personnel employed by the Wu family for a long time.

Seeing that there was less than an hour before get off work, there were already guests gradually leaving the banquet hall.

Yu Lingchu's spirit did not relax because of the decrease in guests.

Even a second before the off-duty time, if there is a security situation in this manor, it will affect the reputation of their security company.

After washing his hands and coming out of the bathroom, Yu Lingchu still tried his best to shut the people who came and went and returned to the monitoring room.

Nalan Shaojin was walking casually in the manor, the cool night wind blowing on his face, causing chills.

At the corner of the manor courtyard, his gaze inadvertently collided with the oncoming person.

(⊙o⊙) Nalan Shaojin showed surprise in his eyes.

(*)!! Yu Lingchu's eyes revealed panic.

System (⊙ω⊙`)
The host has revealed his stuff...

Although it is not kind to gloat, but I am looking forward to seeing how she ends up.

The moment he met Nalan Shaojin's eyes, Yu Lingchu turned around abruptly.


"What's the matter? Host, are you trying to deceive yourself?

I told you a long time ago, the lie will be exposed sooner or later. "

"Stop making sarcastic remarks to me!"

Yu Lingchu's body tensed up, and she took steps to try to slip away.

A slender and beautiful hand patted her shoulder, Yu Lingchu's head went blank, she instinctively grabbed that hand, and fell over her shoulder, pushing her to the ground.

Nalan Shaojin gasped, and stared at Yu Lingchu with deep and beautiful eyes like stars.

"The meeting with Lingchu is always so special."

Yuling felt like an electric shock at the beginning, and wanted to let go of Nalan Shaojin and run away.

Nalan Shaojin was already on guard and grabbed her ankle with one hand.

"Won't Lingchu help me up?"

"Let go of me first."

"Let go of you, where can I go to reason if you run away?"

Jade Lingchu T^T
"Brother, if I don't run away, you should let go first. If you don't let go, I can't help you up."

"If you dare to run away, I'll tell your parents all about going to the bar for a drink, and dancing at the disco. That's right~"

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "Your parents don't know you're here tonight, do they? I don't know what tricks Lingchu is playing again, do you mind if they find out?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

Seeing that I stayed all night and left work in an hour, why did I fall short in the end!
It's really unlucky to open the door to the unlucky, unlucky home!
If she had known this, she would have suffocated and never even went to the bathroom!
(End of this chapter)

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