Chapter 53
Xiao An stared at the business card and read the words on it.

"Nalan Group, Nalan Shaojin."

He had never heard of the name Nalan Shaojin, but he knew of the Nalan Group.

That is the existence at the top of the business pyramid.

Xiaoan raised her eyes to Nalan Shaojin, her eyes were clear and stupid: "What is your relationship with Nalan Group? Your business card looks very tall, and the printing is not very distracting.

You just write about the Nalan Group and a string of phone numbers, but you don’t even mention your job title. "

Nalan Shaojin smiled slightly: "I am the boss of Nalan Group."

Xiaoan (⊙o⊙)
He turned to look at Yu Lingchu.

Yu Lingchu nodded slightly.

Xiaoan couldn't help shaking her hands, fixed her eyes on Nalan Shaojin, and moved her head closer to Yu Lingchu: "Chu... Miss Chu, why didn't you tell me that your fiancé has such a good background."

Yu Lingchu: "That's not important."

Xiaoan: "No! It's important! I can't afford to offend this person T^T No! We can't afford to offend him! If you pull me to give him a cuckold, you won't be afraid that he will raise his hand, and our security company will have to be disbanded?"

Yu Ling gritted his teeth at the beginning: "Since I'm here, I'll be safe, you give me something to do!"

Nalan Shaojin looked at the two whispering, his eyes were deep, and he said coolly: "The ancients said that the revenge of killing the father and the hatred of taking away the wife. Since this gentleman robbed my fiancée, he should give his name so that I can give him a name." I just got to know it."

Xiao An mechanically sat up straight, and swallowed hard

He felt that Nalan Shaojin's words seemed to be saying, "Report your name, I will not kill the unknown."

"Ha ha……"

Xiao An desperately pulled out the arm that was still held by Yu Lingchu, leaned her body hard, and distanced herself from Yu Lingchu: "Mr. Nalan, I misunderstood...hahaha...misunderstood!"


Nalan Shaojin looked around Xiao An and Yu Lingchu: "What's wrong?"

Yu Lingchu stared at Xiao An with warning eyes.

Xiao An stood up abruptly, and said with a righteous face: "I hate mistress the most in my life, regardless of gender! If I know that my first sister has a fiancé, then I can't date her!"

Yu Lingchu held his forehead, secretly gritted his teeth...

Xiao An is worthless!

Nalan Shaojin smiled, unable to detect any emotion: "But you have already dated. Why don't you sit down and talk about your love history, maybe I will be moved and I will be able to fulfill you."

Xiao An: "..."

Why am I so unbelievable.

Are you sure yours can be fulfilled, not soaked in a pig cage?

Nalan Shaojin looked at Xiao An with a warm smile, as if ready to listen.

Xiao An could only bite the bullet and said: "Sister Chu's master is my senior uncle, we are from the same school, so we know each other that way."

"And then?" Nalan Shaojin asked, "Which one of you pursued whom?"

"My first sister chased me." Xiaoan answered crisply.

He knows this question, he already made a confession with his first sister yesterday.

Yu Lingchu nodded: "That's right, I chased him. Look at his appearance, his figure, and the size of a little wolf dog, which suits my taste~"

"Really?" Nalan Shaojin chuckled, and said to Xiao An: "Expand and talk about how Lingchu chased you, and how you agreed."

Xiao An looked at Yu Lingchu.

Miss Chu, the question he asked is beyond the outline.

Yu Lingchu frowned and winked at Xiao An.

Fool!What is Chaogang afraid of, edit it now~!

"When did you make love?"

Nalan Shaojin asked again.

When was the first official date?
What did you do on the first date?
"When did you hold hands for the first time?"

"When was your first hug?"

Xiao An: "..."

There are too many super-outline questions, and the current editor does not know which one to edit first...

"I don't even remember?" Nalan Shaojin looked at Xiao An: "You are so careless, how can I rest assured that I will hand over my fiancée to you, huh?"

"Mr. Nalan, it's normal to forget those little things. Anyway, I don't remember." Yu Lingchu made a sound at the right time, and rescued Xiaoan.

"You don't even remember." Nalan Shaojin said in a meaningful tone, "You couple don't even remember such a commemorative event. Could it be that the relationship is fake?"

Yu Lingchu: "..."

This man is really not easy to fool.

Xiao An: "..."

First sister, we seem to have revealed our secrets...

"We... are careless and not meticulous. Who stipulated that couples must remember those things?" Yu Lingchu tried hard to refute.

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "Okay, Lingchu said it's not necessary, so it's not necessary."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Xiaoan: "I'll give you a chance to prove that you really love Lingchu, do you dare?"

"Mr. Nalan!" Yu Lingchu said, "You said that as long as I bring my darling over to see you, I will consider breaking off the engagement.

Now people let you meet, please don't embarrass him.If there is nothing else, we will take our leave first. "

After Yu Lingchu finished speaking, she stood up and pulled Xiaoan to leave.


Nalan Shaojin looked cold.

"Yu Lingchu, if you want me to break off the engagement, you have to let me know how this man is better than me, right?
Otherwise, why do you think that I, Nalan Shaojin, will obediently wear a green hat! "

"I'm sorry for retiring the engagement, please Mr. Nalan hold your hand high."

"For you, Lingchu, I will naturally hold my hands high. But the one next to you...huh...the hatred for taking his wife is utterly overwhelming! I, Nalan Shaojin, are not easy to mess with!
If he dared to rob my fiancée, I would use all resources and power to make him and his relatives and friends live in poverty and depression for the rest of their lives! "

"Nalan Shaojin!" Yu Lingchu gritted his teeth.


The system prompt sounded in Yu Lingchu's mind: "The system mission "Weak and Kind Me" is in progress. The system has detected that the host's anger value towards the mission target has seriously exceeded the standard, triggering a mission failure warning. Please make up for it immediately, otherwise the judgment will be made." Mission failed! The time to make up is 15 minutes. If the host does not make up for it after 15 minutes, the mission will be judged to have failed, and punishment will come..."

Yu Lingchu shook off Xiao An's hand, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"System!!! You get out and tell me how you do it, you can always block me at critical moments!"


"Make it up?! Heh! You tell me how to make it up?! Kneel down and give him a knock, saying that I was wrong, big brother, forgive me?"

System: "emmm... If the host is willing, it's not impossible..."

"The system, you bastard!"

The system shuts off the microphone and remains silent.

Yu Lingchu took a deep breath.

Let's put aside the stupid task of the system, and solve the matter of Nalan Shaojin's revenge on Xiao An for now.

Xiao An was pulled in by her to help, and she couldn't let Xiao An suffer from unwarranted disasters.

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin, and smiled forcefully: "Mr. Nalan ~ no! Brother Nalan ~ don't blame those who have nothing to do with our affairs, okay?"

Nalan Shaojin's eyes darkened, and he sneered, "An irrelevant person? Could it be that you two didn't put this green hat on top of my head together?"

"No!" Yu Lingchu shook his head, and poked Xiao An with his hand: "You tell me, be honest."

(End of this chapter)

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