Chapter 61 They Robbed Me
Tian Tian walked up to Tian's mother, and said with a cowardly look: "Mom, let's talk elsewhere, don't influence others at the company's gate."

Mother Tian stared at Tian Tian fiercely.

Tian Tian shrank, looking very scared.

Seeing this scene, the three policemen present frowned.

Father Tian winked at his two sons and daughters.

Tian Baogui and Tian Baozhu understood immediately, and stepped forward to help Tian's mother: "Mom, let's go talk with sister elsewhere."

Mother Tian stood up from the ground.

Tian Tian looked at them timidly: "Come with me."

After speaking, Tian Tian turned around and led the way.

Fang Yu wanted to keep up with Tian Tian, ​​but was stopped by Tian Tian.

"Fang Yu, you've helped me enough. This is my family business. I'll talk to them myself."

Fang Yu looked worried and wanted to continue following.

Tian Tian quickly comforted her: "Fang Yu is fine, I'll be back in a while."

Fang Yu frowned, nodded reluctantly, and watched Tian Tian take Tian's family away worriedly.

Tian Tian led the Tian family to a secluded corner not far from the company.

When she stopped and turned to look at Tian's family, the previous timid look had disappeared.

"I won't go back with you, and you don't want to take any more money from me in the future."

Tian Tian spoke with a sullen face.

When the Tian family heard this, they immediately frowned, and looked at Tian Tian with more and more harsh eyes.

Tian's mother shook off the children who were supporting her, stretched out her thick black fingers, pointed at Tian Tian and cursed: "You little bitch turned against you, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand and hit Tian Tian.

Tian Tian received a slap from Tian's mother, and raised her hand to cover her face.

On the wrist, the pink diamonds shone brightly, reflecting the moving light.

Tian Baozhu, the biological daughter of the Tian family, was immediately attracted by the light of the diamond on her wrist, with a greedy look in her eyes.

Tian Tian looked firmly at the distraught Tian's mother, and sneered: "I have already asked a lawyer to sue, and I want to dissolve the adoption relationship with you vampires!"

"Tian Tian! Your mother and I have raised you so much, how can you be so ungrateful!"

Father Tian frowned, and stood up to accuse Tian Tian in a cold voice.

Tian Tian sneered, and looked at Father Tian sarcastically: "You raise me? You are not guilty of saying this! Don't you have any idea how much blood you have sucked on me for so many years! "

"You little bitch! You should eat our food, drink our food, and be filial to us!"

Mother Tian yelled confidently: "I tell you! You will never get rid of us in your life! You owe our Tian family, unless you die! Otherwise, you have to be filial to us!"

Tian's mother's words stimulated Tian Tian, ​​and she broke down and screamed: "I am dead! I will not let you suck a mouthful of blood from me again! You are a bunch of vampires! You are all devils! I don't owe you! It's you! The orphanage chose to adopt me. If I had a choice, I would rather stay in the orphanage!
I must terminate the adoption relationship with you!I must get rid of you vampires!You make me sick! "

"You little bitch! My old lady must teach you a lesson today!"

Tian's mother went to scratch Tian Tian as she said that.

Tian Tian changed her cowardice of beating and scolding in the past, and rose up to resist.

Sister Lingchu said, you can't be bullied for no reason, you must resist bravely!

She is no longer alone, she is also loved, loved, and supported!
Sister Lingchu is so good and powerful, she must work hard to become stronger and fight against all oppression!
She is not overbearing, but she will never be the weak and bullied again!
Seeing Tian Tian, ​​who was cowardly in the past, who was willing to be beaten and scolded, stood up and resisted. Tian's mother was caught off guard, and Tian Tian raised her knee and elbow to her stomach.

Tian's mother immediately grinned her teeth in pain, half of her fighting strength was removed, she clutched her stomach and stared at Tian Tian bitterly.

Tian Tian's heart is dark.

The trick Fang Yu taught her is really useful.

Tian Tian restrained Tian's mother with one move, and she didn't like to fight, and she was about to run away.

The rest of the Tian family sensed her intentions and hurried forward to stop her.

While pushing and shoving, Tian Baozhu took advantage of the situation to snatch Tian Tian's pink diamond bracelet.

Seeing this, Tian Tian panicked and shouted: "Don't touch my bracelet, you won't be able to pay for it if it breaks!"

"Bah!" Tian Baozhu spat: "I'm sorry for you! What's yours is ours! Brother! Dad! You hold her down, she still has a string of necklaces around her neck, which looks like diamonds, and it's very valuable!"

Mother Tian slowed down a bit, and then joined the battle.

"It's a robbery ~ help!"

Seeing the diamond necklace on her neck being pulled off by Tian's mother, Tian Tian screamed desperately.

"Help! It's a robbery!"

Tian Baogui reached out to cover Tian Tian's mouth.

"You little bitch, what's your name!" Mother Tian slapped Tian Tian.

Tian's father frowned, stopped Tian's mother and said: "Don't hit me, take him home quickly!"

"Woo~ help!" Tian Tian struggled desperately.

Fang Yu rushed out at this moment and shouted angrily, "What are you doing!"

When Tian's mother saw him, she scratched her neck and said bitterly: "I'll take my daughter home, you, an outsider, don't care!"

Fang Yu didn't listen to what she said, rushed over and pushed them away from Tian Tian.

"They robbed me!" Tian Tian lay in Fang Yu's arms, pointing at Tian's family and crying.

Fang Yu immediately turned his eyebrows coldly, and glared fiercely at the Tian family.

"Give it over!"

"What? We don't know!"

Tian Baozhu pleaded with his neck, and quietly put the bracelet in his pocket.

From childhood to adulthood, Tian Tian's things, as long as she likes them, are hers, without exception!
Tian's mother also silently hid the necklace that had just been taken off Tian Tian's neck behind her back, and continued to argue: "Stop talking nonsense, who stole your things! Fang Yu! I am Tian Tian's mother, how dare you treat me like this? I don't agree with you being with Tian Tian! Get out of here!"

Fang Yu protected Tian Tian behind him: "Tian Tian is my girlfriend, and she will be my wife in the future! You don't need to agree to this! I advise you, if you snatched something from Tian Tian, ​​please return it to me obediently! "

"Bah! What is robbery! Her things belong to our Tian family!" Tian Baogui yelled.

Mother Tian said at the top of her voice, "Don't talk nonsense with him! Husband, son, go and bring that little bitch here, let's go home!"

Father Tian and Tian Baogui stared at Fang Yu, stepping closer and closer.

They knew that Fang Yu was doing security work, so he knew how to do it.

Although they are two people, they are still very afraid of Fang Yu who is good at kung fu.

Tian's mother looked at Tian's father and Tian Baogui's cautious and timid appearance, and hated iron and yelled: "Husband! There are two of you, he is alone, you are afraid of farts! I don't believe that he is a junior. Let's do it with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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