Chapter 68 Sugar-coated Cannonballs
Father Yu led Nalan Shaojin to a seat in the living room.

The servants of the Yu family served the brewed tea.

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "It's the first time I came to the door, and I don't know what my uncle and aunt like, so I just brought some gifts. I hope my uncle and aunt won't dislike them."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, Yan Yue immediately took the gift box held by a bodyguard and put his hands in front of Father Yu.

Father Yu chuckled and said, "You are too polite, Shaojin. Your aunt and I will be happy when you come. Next time, you are not allowed to bring gifts."

"I will listen to my uncle." Nalan Shaojin replied with a smile.

Yan Yue reached out to open the gift box.

A set of white jade tea sets, a box of top-quality tea leaves that are priceless.

Father Yu's eyes moved.

Nalan Shaojin said with a slight smile, "I thought Uncle would like to drink tea, so I specially prepared these two things. Be careful, please accept it with a smile."

"Haha..." Father Yu said with a cheerful smile, "Shaojin, don't worry, this tea... I like it very much."

"That's good." Nalan Shaojin nodded, then reached out to take the gift box Yan Yue brought, opened it and presented it to Mother Yu.

"Auntie, this is a gift for you, I hope you like it."

A emerald green and translucent emerald bead chain appeared in front of the mother of jade.

That bead chain, each bead is radiant.

Once people take a look, they can't bear to look away.

Yu Lingchu sat on the side, watching Nalan Shaojin give gifts to her parents, and there was only one sentence in her heart: It's over!Egg!up!
This is not a gift, her parents are not satisfied with Nalan Shaojin.

Now that Nalan Shaojin is doing what he likes, he is giving such a precious gift...

Yu Lingchu trembled.

She is afraid.

She was afraid that her parents would pack her up and send her to Nalan Shaojin while she was asleep at night...

After handing the emerald bead chain to Yu Mu, Nalan Shaojin motioned for Yan Yue, and handed a car key to Yu Chengze.

He smiled and said to Yu Chengze: "Brother Chengze, I ordered a sports car for you, and someone drove it together. You can go and see later if you like it."

Yu Chengze stared at the bunch of car keys, his eyes lit up, and asked, "Is it the sports car that followed your convoy just now?"

Nalan Shaojin nodded: "That's the one."

Yu Chengze was delighted: "Shaojin, you are so interesting!"

After finishing speaking, he smiled, and then said a little embarrassedly: "But... your gift is too expensive..."

Nalan Shaojin smiled: "Brother Chengze likes it, then this car has value, and if you don't like it, then it has no value."

Yu Chengze nodded: "I like it! I like it!"

He likes it so much!

Nalan Shaojin is simply too capable!
Gentle and polite, generous, if he was a woman, she would wish to marry him instead of Yu Lingchu!
Yu Lingchu supported his forehead, and said to the system: "It's over~! Nalan Shaojin, this kid, even my brother has not been spared."

The system sighed: "Host, in this family, I'm afraid no one will stand by your side in the future."

Yu Lingchu sighed.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu, and called softly, "Lingchu."

Yu Ling first looked at him.

Nalan Shaojin stretched out his hand and handed her a gift box: "I picked it specially, see if you like it."

After Nalan Shaojin finished speaking, the eyes of the Yu family all fell on Yu Lingchu.

Jade Father and Jade Mother: Shaojin specially gave Ling Chuxuan a gift~ It seems that Shaojin cares about their daughter very much, good thing!

Yu Chengze: His younger sister, who looks like a hero in Liangshan, can be regarded as being chased by someone, right?
Being watched by her family, Yu Lingchu slowly stretched out her hand, took the gift box from Nalan Shaojin, and said politely and distantly: "Mr. Nalan is so kind."

After speaking, she took the gift box and put it aside.

Nalan Shaojin looked at her: "Lingchu is still so polite to me? Just call me Shaojin or Ajin from now on.

Of course, if you want to get closer, you can call me Brother Nalan, Brother Shaojin, or Brother Ajin. "

Yu Lingchu: "..."

I don't want to be close to you at all, thank you!

Brother~ I have already decided to hide from you and leave, why do you still chase after my house?

I can't afford to offend you, but I can't even hide from you?

You are chasing me and hitting me!

Jade Father and Jade Mother looked between the two with gratified eyes.

Father Yu smiled and said, "Lingchu, Shaojin has already said that, so don't call him so out of place in the future."

Yu Lingchu gave a dry laugh: "Hehe."

Nalan Shaojin glanced at the gift box that Yu Lingchu put aside: "Won't Lingchu open it and have a look?"

Mother Yu immediately spoke up to help: "Lingchu, Shaojin specially gave it to you, you should open it quickly and take a look, don't disappoint the kindness of others."

Yu Chengze followed suit, "That's my sister! You open it quickly, and let us see what your brother Shaojin specially prepared for you."

Under the expectant eyes of everyone in the Yu family, Yu Lingchu could only pick up the gift box that was put aside again and open it perfunctorily.

Then, her eyes lit up, and she pretended to be calm and picked up the dagger in the box.

Pulling the dagger out of the scabbard inlaid with sapphires, the blade shone coldly.

Yu Ling knew about this dagger.

This is the work of Mr. Ou Lao, a modern swordsmith.

This Asahi took three years to complete, the materials used were extremely exquisite, the quenching process was extremely complicated, the iron was cut like mud, and hair could be broken by blowing.

Because it was a work of Fengshan, Mr. Ou did not sell the dagger after it was made, but kept it as a souvenir.

Later, a reporter came to interview Mr. Ou, and specially recorded the dagger with the camera.

I saw that interview with Yu Ling for the first time.

She has been practicing martial arts, so she naturally loves and pays attention to weapons and the like.

At that time, the dagger caught her eye, which made her very fond of it.

It's a pity that it's not for sale, so she can only look at it greedily.

Never expected...

One day, this dagger was actually given to her as a gift.

She had to admit that Nalan Shaojin knew how to give gifts...

This wave of sugar-coated shells came down, not to mention that her family couldn't bear it, and she couldn't bear to surrender to the enemy either~
"Ah! Ah! Ah! What about the system? I really like this dagger!" Yu Lingchu stared at the dagger greedily.

The system didn't take it seriously and said: "It was originally given to you, if you like it, just accept it~"

"I'm guilty." Yu Lingchu pursed her lips: "I'm afraid that the price of this gift has already been secretly marked."

The system was puzzled: "Gifts already have a price, don't you spend money to buy things? Why do you have to secretly mark the price? Aren't they all clearly marked? The secret price is a black shop, right?"

Yuling glanced at Nalan Shaojin for the first time, and replied to the system: "It may be a black shop!"

System: "Host, are you saying that Nalan Shaojin might have been tricked?"

"No! It might be me who was cheated."

"?" The system was puzzled: "Host, I am confused by you, why can't I understand what you are saying?"

"Because you are stupid!"

(End of this chapter)

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