shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 73 Are you going to leave and still not let her go?

Chapter 73 Are you going to leave and still not let her go?
Yu Chengze looked at Yu Lingchu: "Sister, why are you staring blankly? Raise your glass."

Yu Ling gave him a first look, and said bluntly, "I can't drink this wine."

When the Yu family heard Yu Lingchu's words, their expressions changed.

What Yu Lingchu said was clearly denying her fate with Nalan Shaojin.

Father Yu looked at Yu Lingchu with warning eyes.

Nalan Shaojin sensed that the atmosphere was not right, held his cup and smiled: "Since Lingchu doesn't want to drink, then don't drink.

Uncle, aunt, brother Chengze, let's have a drink. "

After he finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass gracefully, and then showed the empty glass to others with a smile.

This action silently showed his connivance towards Yu Lingchu.

The Yu family saw that he was not as knowledgeable as Yu Lingchu, so they quickly drank the wine in the glass.

After finishing a glass of wine, Father Yu and Mother Yu's warning eyes fell on Yu Lingchu at the same time.

Shaojin has been accommodating you and giving you steps, you child don't know good from bad!
Yu Ling lowered her eyes at the beginning, pretending not to receive their meaningful gazes.

Seeing this, Father Yu could only frown helplessly, and turned to greet Nalan Shaojin kindly.

"Shaojin, eat vegetables."

As Father Yu said, he picked up some vegetables with his serving chopsticks and put them on Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate.

Nalan Shaojin smiled warmly, held his chopsticks to taste, praised the dishes with a smile, and found a topic casually, chatting happily with Father Yu, Yu Chengze joined soon, and Mother Yu interrupted occasionally.

Several people chatted while eating, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

Yu Lingchu ate in a muffled voice, which seemed a little out of tune with the harmonious atmosphere at the dinner table.

She just wants to finish this lunch quickly, and then go back to the house and continue to hang out.

A shrimp was caught by someone and sent to her dinner plate.

Yu Lingchu looked along the hand holding the chopsticks, and bumped into Nalan Shaojin's smiling eyes unexpectedly.

Yu Lingchu lowered her eyes and retracted her gaze.

Why did you suddenly give her food?
Can it be that she doesn't exist? !
Yu Lingchu didn't eat the shrimp, picked up some vegetables and put them in his mouth.

At this time, there were two words written all over her body - Resist!
Say, it doesn't make sense to Nalan Shaojin.

Don't scare away Nalan Shaojin.

She can only show with her attitude that she really has no intention of marrying her fingertips.


Regarding Yu Lingchu's resistance, Nalan Shaojin was very indifferent.

He withdrew his gaze from looking at Yu Lingchu, and turned to Yufu and Yumu.

"Uncle Yu, Aunt Yu, I'm here today, one is for a formal visit, and the other is to ask for something."

Hearing that Nalan Shaojin said that he wanted to ask for something, a look of surprise appeared in the eyes of Yufu and Yumu at the same time.

Yu Chengze also looked at Nalan Shaojin curiously.

Even Yu Lingchu couldn't help but look at Nalan Shaojin again.

It's no wonder they were surprised, they really couldn't have imagined that the people in power in the imperial capital Nalan's family begged them for something that everyone would look up to.

This is like, the elephant suddenly opened his mouth and asked the ant for help.

It's just...unbelievable.

Even though he found it strange, Father Yu still happily said: "Shaojin, if you can help me, we will definitely help."

Nalan Shaojin smiled warmly: "It's like this. There are some things in the imperial capital that I need to go back to deal with. I plan to leave Haicheng tomorrow afternoon."

A feeling of relaxation came from the bottom of Yu Lingchu's heart.


Nalan Shaojin is leaving?
Very good!
She happily called the system: "System, give me good luck!"


"Host, you are somewhat like a villain..."

"What villain is successful?"

Yu Lingchu chuckled: "I'm inviting you to join me in sending Nalan Shaojin off."

"Host, Nalan Shaojin is watching you." The system suddenly reminded.

Yu Lingchu hurriedly tried to maintain a calm appearance.

When people said she was going to leave, she immediately showed a happy look, which was somewhat inappropriate.

Nalan Shaojin looked at Yu Lingchu, and said in a clear voice, "Before I leave, I have a heartfelt request."

Feeling that Nalan Shaojin's gaze never moved away, Yu Lingchu pretended to be calm and picked up the juice on the table and brought it to her lips.

This person is about to leave, as long as the request is not too excessive, she thinks it can be satisfied.

"I hope that Lingchu can go to the imperial capital with me."


Yu Lingchu choked on the drink she drank, and coughed in embarrassment.

Nalan Shaojin hurriedly handed over a napkin, and patted Yu Lingchu's back lightly with his palm to comfort her.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Yu Lingchu was choked up by this sip of juice, tears flowed out.

What is this Nalan Shaojin trying to do?

How much hatred, how much resentment? !
Huidi didn't even want to let her go, so he wanted to take her with him?

what is this?Chasing her to play output?

Does he want to use practical actions to tell her what it means to not be able to provoke her, let alone hide it!
Jade Father and Jade Mother frowned at Yu Lingchu.

This girl, with a good fate in front of her eyes, how can she be so good at it, and the situation happens frequently, she doesn't know how to grasp it well!

Yu Lingchu coughed for a while, but finally managed to get over it.

Seeing that her coughing had gradually stopped, Mother Yu forced a smile and tried to find a step for her.

"This kid, when he heard that he was going to the imperial capital, he was so happy that he couldn't control himself. Shaojin made you laugh."

Yu Lingchu, who was still in good spirits, glanced at Mother Yu with reddened and tearful eyes.

Mother!Which eye of yours is glad to see me?

I was so frightened!scare!

Nalan Shaojin patted Yu Lingchu's back with his hands, and said with a slight smile, "It would be my honor if Lingchu is willing to go to the imperial capital with me."

Yu Lingchu didn't speak, so she quickly waved her hands desperately.



Clearing her throat, Yu Lingchu let out a breath and looked at Nalan Shaojin: "Hmm! Mr. Nalan, I'm sorry. I have already promised my senior sister that I will go to the set to play with her in the last two days.

So~ It's a pity that I can't go to the imperial capital with you. "

Nalan Shaojin's eyes darkened, and he smiled calmly: "It's okay, I was the one who was abrupt, I hope Lingchu doesn't mind."

Yu Lingchu quickly smiled: "I don't mind, I don't mind."

After finishing speaking, she picked up the wine glass: "For this glass of wine, I wish Mr. Nalan a smooth journey in advance."

Nalan Shaojin stared at her: "I won't drink the farewell wine. I hope that when I come back, I can drink a glass of wine from Lingchu."

Yu Lingchu gave a dry laugh, put down the wine glass and picked up the chopsticks.

She picked up a piece of fish and put it on Nalan Shaojin's dinner plate.

"If you don't drink, then eat vegetables."

As for the so-called wind wine, go dreaming!
After today, in the next six months, whenever you catch my shadow, I, Yu Lingchu, read the words backwards!

I don't believe it, I can't avoid you~!
Seeing that Yu Lingchu was pretending to be stupid, Jade Father and Jade Mother refused to accept Lan Shaojin's words, and the knives swished towards Yu Lingchu.

Poor boy!

Where did Nalan Shaojin dissatisfy her? Why is he so unreasonable!
Missed this village, where can I find such a good marriage partner in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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