shock!The female man is bound to the white lotus system

Chapter 76 Find a Psychiatrist for Master Jin

Chapter 76 Find a Psychiatrist for Master Jin
Yan Yue thought about it: "I think... Master Jin, you are a very wise and charismatic person."

Nalan Shaojin rubbed his chin: "According to what you said, I'm pretty good-looking, and I'm not annoying. Why does she reject me so much?"

Strict reading (óò)
"Master Jin, who are you talking about?"

Nalan Shaojin smiled helplessly: "Who else can be, Yu Lingchu."

Yan Yue rolled her eyes: "Then Master Jin... what are you going to do?"

Nalan Shaojin looked up at Yan Yue, troubled: "Tsk! I don't know..."

Yan Yue frowned: "I don't know?"

Nalan Shaojin looked at him: "Do you have an idea?"

Yan Yue blinked.

Is there anything to be bothered about?

He looked at Nalan Shaojin, and said slowly: "You and Miss Lingchu are married by fingertips, and there is no basis for love. Since she doesn't like you and even rejects you, why don't you give her a favor and let her go?" Marriage contract, let each other be free.

As far as Master Jin is concerned, there are women who are better than Miss Lingchu and flock to you. Why do you have to wrong yourself so much in order to keep the promise of the older generation? "

At the end, Yan Yue noticed that Nalan Shaojin's eyes had become cold and gloomy, subconsciously lowered his voice, and lowered his eyes anxiously.

"Is this your idea?" Nalan Shaojin said slowly, his voice cold.

Yan Yue shrinks his neck.

He had already sensed Nalan Shaojin's displeasure, and quickly remedied: "This is your private matter, Mr. Jin, and it's up to you to decide what to do."

Nalan Shaojin was silent.

Yan Yue sat upright and stared straight ahead of the car without looking sideways.

After a while, Nalan Shaojin said solemnly, "I found out that I like her very much!"

Strict reading (óò)
He turned to look at Nalan Shaojin: "Master Jin, you mean...?"

"Yu Lingchu!"

Nalan Shaojin solemnly said a name, then smiled: "I like her very much..."

Yan Yue swallowed with difficulty.

Did Lord Jin say he was not emotional at the beginning?

Did you say that you are willing to fulfill the marriage contract because it is the same to marry anyone, why not marry someone who can make the old man happy?

How many times has Master Jin been in contact with Miss Lingchu?

How did you fall into the vortex of emotions?
It's no wonder that when he proposed to ask Master Jin to cancel the engagement just now, Master Jin's eyes wanted to kill him.

"Master Jin..."

With the mistake of gaffe just now, this time Yan Yue smiled first, and then asked cautiously and gently: "Can I ask, what do you like about Miss Lingchu?"

Nalan Shaojin thought about it seriously, then shook his head: "I don't know. Anyway, when I'm with her, I feel that everything becomes alive and full of color.

Seeing her stretch her teeth and paws at me like a little leopard, I will find it cute and lively, and seeing her play with me like a little fox, I will find it interesting and happy.

All in all, all contact with her has been a pleasure for me physically and mentally. "

Yan Yue lowered his eyes, his eyes wandered, and he silently sorted out the context of the matter in his heart.

1. Master Jin and Miss Lingchu have no feelings for marriage.

2. In order to make the old man happy, Master Jin is willing to fulfill the marriage contract, but Miss Lingchu does not know why and is unwilling to fulfill the marriage contract, and the two disagree.

3. Due to the disagreement, Miss Lingchu unilaterally contradicted Mr. Jin, and then rejected Mr. Jin, hoping that Mr. Jin would retreat in spite of difficulties.

4. Master Jin knows that Miss Lingchu rejects him, but somehow falls in love with Miss Lingchu.

To sum up, Lord Jin is sick!

This is a proper masochistic tendency!
Master Jin controls the huge business territory of the entire Nalan family. Although he is strategizing and calling the wind and rain, the psychological pressure behind it is also huge.

Being under a lot of pressure and not being able to talk to others, if things go on like this, there will be problems with this mentality.

Now it is a masochistic tendency, will it become a psychological perversion if I let it go?
Now that he has discovered the clues, he must not allow Master Jin to sink like this!
Maybe he should think of a way, quietly arrange a psychiatrist to come to Mr. Jin's side, and moisten everything silently to counsel Mr. Jin about his psychological problems...

Yan Yue was thinking about it when he heard Nalan Shaojin sigh and asked him:
"Hey~ Yan Yue, what do you think I should do to make her like me too?"

Yan Yue licked her dry lips and laughed dryly: "Hehe... Master Jin, I don't have a girlfriend yet. I'm afraid I can't give you advice..."

Before he felt that Yu Lingchu was not good enough for Lord Jin, but now...

He was sympathetic and worried about Yu Lingchu's future situation...

Nalan Shaojin spoke again: "I think she and I are very destined."

Yan Yue laughed dryly.

For Yu Lingchu, this is probably not a bad fate~

"You think, before she was born, we were bound by Yuelao's red thread, and we had a marriage agreement with our fingertips."

Yan Yue: "..."

Yu Lingchu may have committed some evil in her previous life to offend Yuelao...

"Even if she doesn't like me now, it doesn't matter. I believe that sincerity and sincerity are the key to success. She will have no other choice in this life, but to marry me."

Yan Yue's expression was a little dignified, and he mourned for Yu Lingchu from the bottom of his heart.

Master Jin said that from now on, she can only be alone...

Deze Security Company.

With a sweet smile on Tian Tian's face, she walked briskly out of the company's door, and waved to the takeaway boy who was waiting at the company's door: "Here."

The takeaway boy saw her and hurried forward with his things.

A blue taxi approached quietly and stopped firmly at the gate of the security company.

The co-pilot's door opened, and Tian Baogui got out of the car first.

Tian Tian took the milk tea and cake that Fang Yu specially ordered for her from the delivery boy, turned around with a sweet face, and was about to walk into the security company when she heard a familiar, sharp voice behind her.

"Tian Tian!"

Tian Tian's back stiffened, she bit her lip subconsciously, and turned her head to look.

Tian Baogui was standing next to a blue taxi, the back door of the taxi had been opened, Tian's father was getting out of the car, followed by Tian's mother waiting to get off.

Tian Tian took a deep breath, and looked at the eyes of the three members of the Tian family, firm and fearless.

In the face of these bullies and oppressors, she will never give in weakly!
Taking out the phone, Tian Tian quickly clicked on WeChat and sent a voice message to Maodou: "At the gate of the company, the Tian family is here!"

As soon as the news was sent out, Tian Baogui had already rushed in front of her. Without any explanation, he came up and grabbed her arm, pulling her and wanted to walk in the direction of the taxi.

"What are you doing!" Tian Tian asked loudly, kicking Ueda's precious knee.

Tian Baogui was kicked until his knees were bent, and he knelt straight at the gate of the security company on the marble floor.

A burst of pain spread to the brain in an instant, Tian Baogui turned his head with a grin, and the hand holding Tian Tian's arm subconsciously tightened.

(End of this chapter)

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