Chapter 85
Taohuayuan Restaurant, the taste of the dishes is very good, next time I come here to eat, Zhao Hengyu doesn't want to meet people who affect his mood.

He believed that other than Zheng Huaizhou, other people should think the same way.

The winter night in the imperial capital was cold but still prosperous.

Jun Ning, wearing thin overalls, chased Zheng Huaizhou out of the restaurant.

"Brother Huaizhou..."

While chasing after her, she apologized pitifully: "It's all my fault, I'm sorry...I've caused you trouble...don't be angry, okay..."

Zheng Huaizhou stopped impatiently.

Jun Ning chased after her, sniffed and said sensiblely: "Brother Huaizhou, just scold me if you are angry, don't hold it in your heart, or you will feel uncomfortable..."

Zheng Huaizhou exhaled: "I'm not angry with you."

A tear fell from Jun Ning's eyes.

She sniffed and tried to squeeze out a smile, like a weak flower that was devastated by the wind and rain, but fought hard and refused to fall.

"Brother Huaizhou, I know that your friends don't like me. I don't want you to make things difficult for me. You don't care about me in the future. Your friend was right. I'm an adult and I can support myself.

Brother Huaizhou, don't worry, I will take care of myself, and you should also take care of yourself. If I have the ability in the future, I will definitely repay you. Goodbye. "

After Jun Ning finished speaking, while trying to smile, she took a few steps back while wiping her tears.

She looked at Zheng Huaizhou's eyes, attached, reluctant and sad.

In the end, as if she had made up her mind, with determination in her eyes, she turned and left.

Zheng Huaizhou's heartstrings were touched, and he couldn't help but chase after him.

Jun Ning is a delicate girl who has no relatives or reasons in the imperial capital, so he can't let her go.

Hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, Jun Ning was secretly delighted.

Her retreat worked.

She knew that brother Huaizhou was kind-hearted and would not really ignore her.

Zhao Hengyu came out of the restaurant and was walking towards the parking lot when he saw Zheng Huaizhou and Jun Ning entangled not far from the entrance of the restaurant.

He curled his lips, two frustrated idiots, what kind of idol drama are they doing here.

Why didn't I find that Zheng Huaizhou was so frustrated and unlucky before.

Suddenly... there is a feeling of inadvertent making friends...

On the streets of the imperial capital, neon lights flashed, and the black car drove smoothly in the bustling night scene.

Nalan Shaojin stared down at the screen of the phone.

It's been a long time since his friend request was resent.

It's impossible for Yu Lingchu not to look at his phone for so long, right?
Deliberately not wanting to add him back?
Too much!

If you don't add it, don't add it!
If he doesn't add it once, he will send a few more friend requests to try!

Nalan Shaojin clicked on WeChat and sent Yu Lingchu a new friend request.

At this time, Yu Lingchu had just come out of the hospital and got into a taxi when the phone in his pocket thought about it.

Yu Lingchu casually took out her phone and glanced at it.

After seeing the bright WeChat friend application on the screen, Yu Lingchu's expression froze.

what ?!
"What's the situation? Didn't you say that after blocking you and then deleting your WeChat friends, the other party will not be able to add them back?

How did Nalan Shaojin's friend request be sent? "Yu Lingchu subconsciously asked the system in his mind.

The system is innocent: "You ask me, who do I ask? Your intelligence information does not come from me."

Yu Lingchu: "...he added me as a friend again..."

System: "You don't need to say it, I saw it."

Yu Lingchu stared at the friend application on the phone screen and pursed her lips.

"what should I do?"

"how could I know?"

The system says it doesn't understand anything.

Yu Lingchu took a deep breath: "No, can't you use the system a bit? Let's just say, apart from releasing some cheating tasks at an inappropriate time, can't you... have a positive use?"

System (¬_¬)
"for example?"

Yu Lingchu thought for a while: "Forget it, you are a pitfall, what else can I expect from you?"

System (¬_¬)
"Host, can you be more polite?"


System (⊙o⊙)
When did the host become so talkative?
Yu Lingchu chuckled: "But you have to understand the system, it's not that I'm being rude, it's that the truth hurts my heart."

System (¬_¬)
It knew that the host was not so easy to talk to.

snort! ╯^╰

Isn't it just the heart-wrenching truth, as if no one can tell it.

"Host, you have time to complain about me, why don't you think about how to deal with Nalan Shaojin."

System reminder.

Yu Lingchu looked down at the phone in his hand.

In the friend request message, there are two messages.

I am Nalan Shaojin.

I am Nalan Shaojin.

What does this mean?
This shows that Nalan Shaojin sent her two friend requests in a row...

Nalan Shaojin, a well-known person, she deleted his contact information so unknowingly, shouldn't his normal reaction be to block and delete her as well?

What does chasing and adding her wechat friend back mean?
Such self-deprecation, is he so angry that he wants to add it back and scold her to vent his anger?

Yu Lingchu stared at the screen for a while, then clicked to accept the friend request.

She must resign her marriage with Nalan Shaojin, but it is not good to offend Nalan Shaojin too much.

Once grandpa's kindness in saving people was exhausted, the marriage would fail, and I'm afraid it would become a feud.

The Yu family still needs to gain a foothold in the business world, she doesn't ask Nalan Shaojin to support the Yu family, but she begs him not to cause trouble in the future.

Yu Lingchu sighed.

so annoying.

Grandpa, grandpa!She kisses grandpa!
You said you can save people if you save them, why did you get me into trouble and come back...

In the dark carriage, the phone in Nalan Shaojin's hand vibrated.

He looked down, with a smile in his eyes.

Yu Lingchu added him back.

He clicked on the screen with his fingers, quickly edited a message, and sent it to Yu Lingchu.

"Why do you block and delete me?"

After sending it out, he felt that this was not good, it was too blunt, like asking a teacher for a crime, he had to modify it.

Yu Lingchu was thinking about how to deal with Nalan Shaojin, when a WeChat message came over.

She had just finished watching, and Nalan Shaojin sent another emoji of aggrieved and crying.

= ()
Yu Lingchu was startled when she saw that cute expression...

Was Nalan Shaojin's account hacked, or was he possessed by a ghost?

What is this sent here?

She can understand Xingshi's questioning, but I'm sorry she can't understand the meaning of this expression...

Yu Lingchu tentatively sent back a message: "Nalan Shaojin?"

Nalan Shaojin stared at the message she replied, thinking.

What does Yu Lingchu's question mark mean?
His WeChat, if not him, could it be someone else?
After thinking for a while, Nalan Shaojin simply sent Yu Lingchu a video chat application.

The phone rang suddenly, making Yu Ling's hands tremble at first.

Seeing the video application sent by Nalan Shaojin, she moved her mouth and cheeks.

You can't hide what should come, pick it up!

 Since it was put on the shelf, I have worked hard every day for [-] (﹏)
  Although I don't know how many people read it, but I wrote it all, and insisted on writing well.Haha, it feels like the psychology of climbing a mountain, wow!so high!Come here, climb, hee hee, wait for me to struggle to a million and eight million words, the streams will always converge into the sea.

  By the way, why is my codewriting so slow? Is it because I am getting old and my brain is rusty? I despise myself who is slow and envy the tentacle monsters
(End of this chapter)

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