Chapter 90 Give it to God
After Mr. Yu finished asking, he was about to hang up the phone, when he suddenly remembered Mr. Nalan's entrustment, and asked again: "What do you think of that kid from Nalan's family?"

Father Yu said sincerely: "Everything is very good."


Old Master Yu responded, and then said: "Then you can see what he is doing, and tell Lingchu when he is free, in case the child doesn't see it."

Father Yu heard this and speculated carefully.

What does his dad mean?
You also want to try your best to facilitate this marriage, right?
It should be... right~?

Father Yu remembered Yu Lingchu's performance in front of Nalan Shaojin, and couldn't help but want to talk to his father.

"Dad, Hua Qing and I have talked a lot about Lingchu, but that child..."

"You made some points." Old Master Yu interrupted Father Yu's complaints: "It's fine if you make some points, and leave the rest to God's will. It's late, and your mother and I should rest and hang up."

After Mr. Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone neatly, without any delay.

That's enough, he has given his son all the things entrusted by his big brother.

After the work is done, let's go to rest~
Elderly, don't stay up late~

Yu's study.

Father Yu took the phone away from his ear.

Before he finished speaking, his father hung up the phone.

Why did he feel that his father made this call, as if he was giving him a task?
After the task was explained, I hung up without even saying a word of nonsense...

Dear father, didn't you decide the marriage between Lingchu and Shaojin in the past?
You don't want to hear about your granddaughter's blood pressure-raising performance?

That can't be described as doing what I have always done, it can be called letting go of myself...

Jade father supported his forehead.

He had a hunch that this marriage would fall into the hands of his daughter sooner or later!
Cloud City.

Yu Lingchu returned to the hotel, ate some casually bought food at the entrance of the hospital, took the materials, and began to formulate the next work arrangement.

There are several filming locations for the crew to shoot in Yuncheng. Their security company is responsible for protecting some important staff members of the crew, maintaining the order of the scene during filming, preventing unrelated personnel from intruding and affecting the shooting, and protecting the safety and confidentiality of the crew's work. sex.

In addition, some important shooting equipment of the crew are also within their protection scope.

This time, including Yu Lingchu himself, a total of 31 people came here.

As the main person in charge of this work, Yu Lingchu has to arrange and dispatch these thirty people.

She wants everyone to maximize their value, and at the same time be able to work together from head to tail, so as to deal with all emergencies better and more quickly, and ensure the absolute safety of the entire crew as much as possible.

The mobile phone on the table vibrated suddenly, Yu Lingchu casually glanced at the lit screen, retracted his eyes and concentrated on continuing to make work arrangements for the crew's security.

The system couldn't help reminding: "Host, you seem to owe Nalan Shaojin an explanation."

The host hung up the video call of the other person before, and asked to see if he had deleted the other person. As a result, after more than two hours of checking, there was no reply to the other person.

It's all right now, Nalan Shaojin sent a message to ask.

It looked at the host like this, as if it didn't intend to pay attention to it.

Yu Lingchu was immersed in her work, and she really didn't intend to pay attention to Nalan Shaojin.

Hearing the system prompt at this time, she sneered: "Confession? What does he want to explain? We are all adults, and we should understand that silence is equal to acquiescence.

I deleted him, what a drop!If he is not convinced, come and challenge me now if he has the ability! "

System: "Host, if you are capable, say this in front of Nalan Shaojin."

"I want to say it in front of him. But the problem is that I am thousands of miles away from him now. Do you want me to buy a plane ticket and fly to the imperial capital just to speak harshly to him in person? Is your brain blocked by the system? Donkey kicked?"


"Host, don't think that I don't know, you dare to speak harshly behind your back because Nalan Shaojin is not in front of you.

snort!I haven't forgotten why you came to Yuncheng thousands of miles away! "

Yu Lingchu: "..."

This rubbish system does not understand the reason why it is seen through but not revealed at all.

She rolled her eyes: "I'm too lazy to argue with you, shut up and don't disturb my work!"


Shut up if you can't say it, hum, garbage host!

imperial capital.

After Nalan Shaojin sent a message to Yu Lingchu, he was processing the file on the computer while waiting for Yu Lingchu's reply.

After waiting for a long time, the phone rang several times, but not once, it was because Yu Lingchu replied to the message.

Nalan Shaojin gradually became agitated, picked up the phone on the table and checked the time.

At 10:30 in the evening, half an hour has passed since he sent the message, and there is no movement at Yu Lingchu, has he already rested?
It's getting late, she should be resting.

It's so late, he won't bother her anymore.

Why not just wait until tomorrow morning and say good morning to her.

Nalan Shaojin put down his phone and continued to work on the computer.

In the hotel, after Yu Lingchu made up the work arrangement, she glanced at the time and stood up from the chair.

It was past eleven o'clock in the morning.

People from the production team will arrive one after another tomorrow, and she will bring her people to familiarize themselves with the environment in the morning, so that she can make appropriate adjustments to the work arrangement.

After that, she will arrange for someone to pick up the crew who will arrive tomorrow.

Yu Lingchu stretched her waist and yawned. She was busy with work and had to get up early, so she washed up and went to sleep.

A night without dreams.

In the early morning of Yuncheng, the fresh air seems to be filled with the elegant fragrance of flowers, and the accompanying birds fly by, singing the movement of a new day.

Yu Lingchu, who woke up early, was refreshed, and began to get busy without a moment's leisure.

The sun rises in the east, and time passes unconsciously.

Yu Lingchu's phone in her pocket vibrated twice.

She took out the phone and glanced at it.

Nalan Shaojin sent her a message.

"Lingchu, good morning."

Yu Lingchu took a look at the time on the phone, it was ten o'clock in the morning.

It's almost noon, good morning, good morning!

Send good morning at lunchtime, Nalan Shaojin doesn't just wake up from sleepwalking, does he?

After glancing at the message, Yu Lingchu didn't reply, and just put the phone back in his pocket.

She is busy here, so she has no time to talk to Nalan Shaojin who just woke up from sleepwalking.

Imperial Capital Nalan Group.

Yan Yue knocked on the door and walked into Nalan Shaojin's office.

"Master Jin, the meeting later will start immediately, you can go over now."

Nalan Shaojin sat still, picked up the phone and took another look.

Yu Lingchu didn't reply him a message.

After ten o'clock, Yu Lingchu hasn't woken up yet, right?

Could it be that the girl slept too late yesterday, so she hasn't woken up until now?
Not right either.

If she slept late yesterday, why didn't she reply to his message last night?

Didn't see it or didn't reply on purpose?
Should he make a video call to her now?

 Thank you Qingci for your recommendation, monthly pass, and rewards, thank you for your support, my friends
(End of this chapter)

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