Chapter 95 Well, He Thinks Too Much

Yu Lingchu tried hard to follow the requirements of the system, squeezed out a sweet smile, and said sweetly, "Brother Nalan~"

Nalan Shaojin's heart skipped a beat when he heard this cry, and he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

This girl, is she doing something wrong again?

When there is nothing to do, he opens his mouth to be the indifferent and distant Mr. Nalan, and when he asks for something, he calls him "Brother Nalan" softly.

Double standards and ruthlessness, that's for her to play clearly.

When Brother Nalan called out, Yu Lingchu had been paying attention to Nalan Shaojin's expression.

"System, he doesn't seem to show the slightest dislike for my affectionate address."

"Host, you can test it a little more." The system urged.

"Brother Nalan~" Yuling Hatsuda sweetly called out again.

"I'm here." Nalan Shaojin raised the corners of his lips and responded happily.

"Look at the system, he seems very happy."

"Maybe he thinks you are abnormal at this time, and he is also acting with you, host, come on!"

"Really?" Yu Lingchu was not quite sure.

"Really! Really! Host, try again." The system continued to encourage.

The task previously released for Nalan Shaojin was actually very simple. As long as the host treats Nalan Shaojin with a gentle attitude for seven days, the task will be successfully completed, and it will be able to get the system reward points issued by the general system.

But for such a simple task, the host almost failed halfway, and even worse after that.

Now it finally has a chance to coax the host to complete the task, so it can't let it go.

It really needs the point rewards issued by the general system, even if the rewards are small, it is better than nothing.

Lianlian, it is really a miserable system, with so many hosts bound, why haven't I met a worry-free and reliable one...

After listening to the system's words, Yu Lingchu secretly sighed.

Forget it, anyway, I'm already on a video call with Nalan Shaojin, so she might as well figure it out!
"Brother Nalan~ Did you send me all the messages during the day?" Yu Lingchu blinked, showing a shy look, and confirmed to Nalan Shaojin the authenticity of the confession news.

"I posted it." Nalan Shaojin smiled lowly, staring at Yu Lingchu with deep eyes through the screen: "Lingchu, I like you."

Being confessed again, the smile on Yu Lingchu's face almost couldn't be maintained.

She frowned, staring at Nalan Shaojin on the screen: "Brother Nalan~ are you serious?"

Nalan Shaojin looked serious: "Lingchu, don't doubt it, I'm serious!"

" do you like me?" she asked.

"Why do you ask that?" Nalan Shaojin was puzzled.

"I don't think the two of us are very familiar with each other, and the previous experience of getting along with each other is not very... pleasant?"

"Aren't we getting along well?" Nalan Shaojin asked back, and then said with a smile: "But I think getting along with you is very pleasant."

Yu Lingchu: "..."

"System, he actually said that he was happy with me? Did he misunderstand the word happy?"

System: "Host, you are stable, please continue to maintain a gentle and kind attitude to test."

Yu Lingchu looked at Nalan Shaojin with worry in his eyes: "Mr. Nalan, have you been walking around at night recently?"

Nalan Shaojin raised his eyebrows.'re not called Brother Nalan anymore?
Also, what does walking at night mean?
He looked at Yu Lingchu puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Yu Lingchu pointed at the screen and ended the video call directly.

This sudden move made Nalan Shaojin and the system startled at the same time.

The system instantly felt that its heart was bleeding.

Did the host hang up the video call with Nalan Shaojin?
What she hung up on was its hope of getting mission point rewards!

Imperial capital Nalan's house, study room.

Nalan Shaojin stared at the phone screen in confusion, frowning.

This... just hang up when you say hang up, and you don't even say hello?
Did he say anything wrong?
Yu Lingchu asked him what he meant when he said whether he walked at night.

There seems to be a saying that if you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts.

That's not a good word. The metaphor of the comparison is almost that if you do too many bad things, you will get retribution, and if you do too many bad things, you will always show your feet.

If it is interpreted literally, Yu Lingchu asked him if he had been walking at night recently, so if he didn't know, it could be understood that Yu Lingchu was asking him if he had done anything wrong recently?

He confessed to Yu Lingchu, but Yu Lingchu asked him vaguely if he had done anything wrong.

A girl who was confessed to her asked the person who confessed to her if she had done anything wrong recently, so the wrong thing she was referring to should be whether she was attracting others outside.

Thinking of this meaning, Nalan Shaojin couldn't help but smile happily.

A woman is worried that a man is attracting others, what does this mean?
It means you care!
In Lingchu's heart, he also cared about him.

He can't let Lingchu think wildly, he has to speak clearly!
He wanted to tell Lingchu that she was the only thing in his life, his first love.

He wanted to tell Lingchu that before he met her, he had been keeping himself clean. Except for his mother, he had never even touched the hands of other women.

He wanted to tell Lingchu that after meeting her, she was the only one he believed in in his life, and he would defend her like a jade...

Nalan Shaojin took the mobile phone and thought about editing the news.

As soon as he typed a few words, a message from Yu Lingchu popped up on the mobile phone chat page.

It's not text, it's a picture.

Nalan Shaojin clicked on it.

The enlarged picture shows a piece of yellow talisman paper.

Nalan Shaojin looked at the picture in confusion.

Lingchu sent him a spell, which is... what does it mean?
The phone's message rang, indicating that Nalan Shaojin had new news.

Nalan Shaojin closes the picture, returns to the chat page with Yu Lingchu, sees below the picture, Yu Lingchu sends another voice message.

Nalan Shaojin clicked on the voice, and heard Yu Lingchu's crisp voice.

"Emperor Xuanwu is in front of you, gods return to temples, ghosts return to graves, demons and ghosts return to mountains and forests, True Lord Xuanwu is as anxious as a law!"

Nalan Shaojin ⊙⊙?
God... Ma mean?
"Ding dong~"

Yu Lingchu sent another voice.

Nalan Shaojin clicked it full of doubts.

Yu Lingchu's voice sounded again: "Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, go away quickly! Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, Taishang Laojun is here to show his spirit, hurry like a law!"

Nalan Shaojin_

What is this all about?
After the second incantation ended, Yu Lingchu sent another text message.

"Mr. Nalan, I can only help you here. If it's not possible, find someone to take a look."

Nalan Shaojin:? ? ?
Immediately afterwards, Yu Lingchu pushed over another business card.

Nalan Shaojin clicked curiously.

It was a WeChat account of a psychic whose main business was exorcising evil spirits and looking at Feng Shui.

Nalan Shaojin returned to the chat page, and silently deleted the few words he typed just now.

Well, he thinks too much.

(End of this chapter)

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