Chapter 98
"Of course not."

Yu Lingchu smiled, and began to wonder what kind of medicine was sold in Producer Li's gourd.

He dragged her to cry for a long time, but to tell her that a new investor was about to join the crew?

What does this have to do with her?
She is only responsible for the security work, the internal affairs of the crew and the investors. Is it necessary to tell her about the security personnel?

Producer Li heard Yu Lingchu's answer, and laughed: "I knew, Lingchu, you must also feel that the opportunity is not to be missed."

Yu Lingchu accompanied him with a smile and said, "I believe that with Producer Li's ability, it won't be a problem to win the other party's investment."

Producer Li rubbed his hands: "For this investment, I am determined to win, but I need you, Lingchu, to follow along."

Yu Lingchu smiled and looked at Producer Li: "I don't know how I can help?"

The other party has been laying the groundwork for so long, and this is finally getting to the point.

Then she just listen to what the other party wants to say.

"It's like this, the other party agreed to invest, but before investing, they have to come to our filming location for a visit.

Lingchu, you also know that the filming location of our film crew is very close to the border, and the security of the country opposite is not very good, which also makes our border not very peaceful.

Therefore, in order to show that our film crew attaches great importance to the investor, we need to send a most powerful security personnel to accompany and protect the other party's safety.

I heard that you are the best at this group of security personnel.So, I hope you can work hard and take over this task. "

"Just protect the other party's safety?" Yu Lingchu asked tentatively.

If the task is so simple, is it necessary to talk so much nonsense before making the film?
"It's just to protect the other party's safety."

Producer Li replied in the affirmative, and then said in a pleading tone: "Lingchu, this task does not sound complicated, but you need to pay more attention to it, and you must protect the God of Wealth, he is safe from danger After the inspection and leave, the investment of the crew can be in place, isn't it?

Don't worry, as long as you help me with this matter, I will definitely recommend your security company to my peers and celebrities who need to hire bodyguards in the future. "


Yu Lingchu nodded: "I will do my best, when will the other party arrive?"

Producer Li glanced at his watch: "It's 04:30 in the afternoon, and the other party's plane arrives at 06:30 in the afternoon, you can make arrangements and go to the airport to pick him up.

I will send you the person's name, phone number and flight information. "

"Okay." Yu Lingchu nodded and left. After going out, she explained a few words to the people she brought, and then drove the crew's car to the airport.

Producer Li has already sent the phone number, name, and flight information of the boss of the capital.

The other party's surname is Na, and his name is Na Chen.

After arriving at the airport, Yu Lingchu waited almost time in the car in the parking lot, took out the pick-up card she brought, wrote Na Chen's name on it, and entered the airport terminal holding the pick-up card.

The flight was not delayed and arrived on time.

Yu Lingchu waited in the terminal building for a while, when a young man with a backpack walked towards her, finally stopped in front of her, and said with a smile, "Hello, my name is Na Chen, you are from the production team. Come pick me up?"

Yu Lingchu took a quick look at the young man in front of him.

About 1.8 meters tall, neat short hair, handsome and sunny face.

She smiled politely: "Hi sir, my name is Yu Lingchu.

I was sent by the crew to pick you up, and I am also the bodyguard responsible for your personal safety in Yuncheng. "

After listening to Yu Lingchu's introduction that morning, he smiled heartily: "Haha... your crew is really good. Girls should be held in the palm of your hand and protected. How can they be used as bodyguards?"

Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Sir, bodyguards are my profession. Girls don't necessarily need to be protected, we can also be strong."

Na Chen hurriedly explained: "Ling Chu, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to doubt your professional level. It's just that you are so bright and charming, I can't bear to manipulate you."

That morning's words that sounded quite sympathetic, made Yu Lingchu silently label him in his heart: glib, frivolous!
She smiled and said, "If Mr. That minds my appearance, I can wear sunglasses or a mask the whole time we get along."

The smile on that morning's face stagnated.

What he said just now was to praise Yuling Chu for her good looks, and express his affection and pity for her by the way.

Why does Yu Lingchu seem to hear that he despises her? !

This misunderstanding is out of the question!

He quickly explained: "Lingchu, you misunderstood, what I mean is that I can't bear to use you as a bodyguard."

Yu Lingchu smiled brightly: "Then you don't have to bear it, I use money to do things, and it is my duty to protect you.

Mr. Na has worked hard all the way, I will take you back to the hotel to rest now. "

"No!" Na Chen continued to explain without giving up: "What I mean is, I don't want to treat you as a bodyguard, I want to treat you as a friend, is that okay?"

Yu Lingchu smiled: "Then you can do whatever you want, sir. Don't worry, no matter what you think of me, I will do my best to protect your personal safety."

That morning, he followed Yu Lingchu to the parking lot, and continued, "Does Lingchu believe in fate?"

Yu Lingchu smiled and said, "I'm sorry Mr., I don't believe in that stuff."

In a word, it directly blocked the way to strike up a conversation that morning.

That morning was not discouraged: "But I believe."

Yu Lingchu leads the way silently.

Believe it or not, he has a relationship with her!
"Lingchu, have we met somewhere?" Na Chen asked again in a very serious tone.

Yu Lingchu had no choice but to glance at Na Chen, then nodded and smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry Mr., I don't have any impression of you."

That morning smiled brightly: "But why do I feel that I fell in love with you at first sight?"

"It's an illusion." Yu Lingchu smiled slightly: "Then you don't have to doubt yourself, when everyone has illusions, it's good to be calm and calm."

It was like old friends at first sight!

If it wasn't for working to get money, my old lady wouldn't bother to talk to you!

"Does Lingchu have a boyfriend?" Nachen asked again.

"I don't have a boyfriend, but I do have a fiancé." Yu Lingchu replied clearly.

The implication is, don't be mean, my wife is in charge!

Na Chen narrowed her eyes and was silent for a while: "I don't know... which man is so lucky?"

"Mr. That." Yu Lingchu looked at Na Chen with serious eyes: "That's my private matter. I don't think the job of a bodyguard should include reporting my private life to you, right?"

Na Chen smiled brightly: "Ling Chu, don't get me wrong, I don't have the idea of ​​prying into your private life, I just feel very sorry, you are such a good girl, I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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