Chapter 123 Fu Zhenhua Poisoned

"Yuan Qi..."

Tu Jingyang quickly crawled to Yu Yuanqi's side, and took her hand: "You... don't sleep, don't leave us three behind. Yuan Qi, wake up, I haven't bought your favorite peach hairpin yet. "

The 30-year-old Tu Jingyang was crying like tears at the moment, and the tears seemed to be opened, and he couldn't stop them no matter what.

"Step aside!"

Tang Zinian pushed the hospital bed and knocked away several doctors and ran to the operating room. She is now racing against death, and a second of delay will cause irreparable consequences.

"Hey, you..."

When the doctors saw Tang Zinian pushing Yu Yuanqi away, they didn't care about anything and followed.

A group of people pushed Yu Yuanqi to the operating room. Seeing that the doctors were not stopping Tang Zinian from going to the operating room, Tang Zinian let go of the hospital bed, took out his silver needle bag and began to inject Yu Yuanqi.

"She ate something wrong and is about to wash her stomach."

After arriving in the operating room, Tang Zinian washed his hands, put on surgical gowns, and began to order the doctors.

The doctors were a little unhappy to be yelled at by Tang Zinian, but they had seen Tang Zinian's medical skills in bringing the dead back to life, so they didn't dare to talk too much, and obediently followed Tang Zinian's instructions to prepare the gastric lavage equipment.

Tu Jingyang was stopped outside the operating room. He walked back and forth anxiously. The second hand of the clock on the wall had only gone around once, but he felt as if a century had passed.

At this moment, he seemed to be roasted on the fire, as if he was crushed in a grinder, and the torment in his heart could not be expressed in words.

As time passed by, the door of the operating room was still closed. Tu Jingyang didn't know how long he had been walking, until he gave up, and he squatted in the corner without saying a word.

After a long, long time, Tu Jingyang lost all feeling in his legs, and the door of the operating room opened.

At this moment, Tu Jingyang had become demented, he slowly raised his head and looked at the open operating room in front of him, a beam of white light made him unable to open his eyes.

Tu Jingyang realized what had happened when he saw a person in a blue surgical gown coming out.

He quickly stood up and wanted to walk over, but his numb legs were no longer in control, and he fell in front of him when he stumbled.

Tang Zinian hurried forward to support him, so that he didn't fall to the ground.

"Miss Tang, Yuan Qi..." Tu Jingyang opened his mouth with difficulty, as if his mouth had been filled with superglue, every word he uttered was extremely difficult.

Tang Zinian took off the mask: "Don't worry, I always keep my word. She is out of danger, but she is still very weak and cannot move. She needs to stay in the operating room for the time being."

"That's great, that's great..."

Tu Jingyang burst into tears all of a sudden, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were released at this moment, and he didn't care about his image, crying with snot and tears.

Tang Zinian supported him and didn't say anything, but slowly patted his back to comfort him.

This is what Zhan Qinchuan saw when he found Tang Zinian.Tang Zinian held Tu Jingyang who was crying bitterly.

His heart skipped a beat, could it be that Tu Jingyang's wife died?

However, Zhan Qinchuan didn't say anything sad, he just walked over and patted Tu Jingyang on the shoulder.

Tang Zinian was surprised when he saw Zhan Qinchuan: "Why are you here?"

Zhan Qinchuan looked at Tu Jingyang, who was crying facelessly, pulled him up, and prevented him from leaning on Tang Zinian, and said, "Fu Zhenhua has been sent to the hospital."

"Fu Zhenhua?" Tang Zinian had never heard of this name before, and Zhan Qinchuan explained again: "Fu Shaoheng's father."

"Huh? What's going on?"

Tu Jingyang was held up by the collar and stood up straight. Hearing Zhan Qinchuan's voice, he turned his head and looked at the godlike man through his blurred vision.

"Zhan... Young Master Zhan..."

Zhan Qinchuan handed a pack of tissues to Tu Jingyang before explaining to Tang Zinian: "Not long after you left, Fu Shaoheng called you, but you forgot your mobile phone at home. I didn't know that Fu Zhenhua suddenly vomited until I picked it up. Convulsions all over the body, Mr. Fu's preliminary diagnosis was poisoning. He was sent to the hospital for gastric lavage, but he showed signs of respiratory weakness, so he called you."

"How can something so good be poisoned?"

Tang Zinian was puzzled. Fu Shaoheng just said that his father's legs were paralyzed, and he didn't say that he had other diseases.

"I don't know." All Zhan Qinchuan knew was that Fu Zhenhua had a car accident ten years ago, so he remained paralyzed in bed.

Tang Zinian asked while taking off the surgical gown, "Where are they?"

"It's downstairs in the operating room."

Zhan Qinchuan knew that Tang Zinian was here to see Yu Yuanqi, although he didn't know which ward Yu Yuanqi was in, but when he came to the hospital and inquired, he found out that Yu Yuanqi was on the upper floor and entered the operating room.

Only then did he find Tang Zinian.

"You mean let me go and see?"

Before Zhan Qinchuan answered Tang Zinian, Zhan Qinchuan's cell phone rang again, and it was Fu Shaoheng who answered Zhan Qinchuan's call.

"Young Master Zhan, have you found Miss Tang? My father..."

Fu Shaoheng's tone was anxious and weeping, it seemed that Fu Zhenhua's situation was not optimistic.

"I found her, let's go down now."

Zhan Qinchuan hung up the phone and looked at Tang Zinian: "You decide."

Looking at Tu Jingyang, Tang Zinian sighed and put on the surgical gown again: "Let's go."

After walking a few steps, he turned back to his father, Tu Jingyang: "Mr. Tu, don't worry, your wife is out of danger, and there are doctors inside who will take care of your wife. I'll go and see what's going on and I'll be back."

"En." Tu Jingyang's nasal voice was very heavy.

He couldn't stop Tang Zinian from leaving just because he was worried about his wife.

When he arrived at the door of the operating room downstairs, Fu Shaoheng saw Tang Zinian and ran over to grab her arm as if seeing a savior: "Miss Tang, you need to save my dad."

When Mr. Fu saw Tang Zinian, his face was very uncomfortable. He still remembered that he chose Tang Ziyi, who appeared as T's doctor, and let Tang Zinian leave.

"Let me see, I'm not a miracle doctor, I can only do my best."

The Fu family has shares in this hospital, and Tang Zinian was not stopped by anyone when she wanted to enter the operating room, but when she was about to enter the operating room, she turned around and looked at everyone.

Amidst everyone's doubts, he smiled and asked, "Does Mr. Fu have a silver needle on him?"

"Yes, yes." Mr. Fu hurriedly took out a box wrapped in cloth from his pocket and handed it to Tang Zinian, "I will leave my son to you."

"I try my best."

Seeing Tang Zinian's back disappear at the door of the operating room, Mr. Fu raised his hand and slapped himself: "It's all my fault. If I hadn't kept Tang Ziyi behind, what happened today would not have happened."

"Grandpa, I can't blame you for this. You also want to let Dad heal his leg." Fu Shaoheng took Fu Lao's hand and persuaded him.

Fu Zhenshan squatted in the corner and looked at the operating room, and murmured, "Why do you say that there is something wrong with Miss Tang's medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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