Chapter 179 Divorce Storm (Part [-])
Chen Xueling was insulted by Xu Xiaolan's words, she was indeed not as young as Xu Xiaolan and not as beautiful as her.This made her very uncomfortable.How could Fu Zhenhua find such a young and beautiful woman?

A useless person like him should lie in bed for the rest of his life, and watch her sleep and fly with other men.

Saying that, Xu Xiaolan's adulterer also came down from upstairs, and when she saw that man, Xu Xiaolan smiled unceremoniously: "What kind of male god did I think I was looking for, it turned out that he was also a short, poor man .It really is a bitch with a dog, forever."

When the man saw Xu Xiaolan, his eyes were amazed for a moment. Then he looked at Chen Xueling and said, "Madam, the sewer has been repaired. If it continues to be blocked in the future, Madam is calling me."

"You go, I'll be looking for you in a few days."

But Fu Zhenhua couldn't just let this man go, what did they think of him?

It's okay to be in a mess, but he even ran to his house, this is Chi Guoguo's provocation.

"Housekeeper, call the police and say that something in my bedroom is missing."

Since Chen Xueling didn't want steps, Fu Zhenhua wouldn't be polite either, he wanted these two people to pay for what they did.

"Sir, I didn't enter your bedroom, and it's useless for you to call the police."

That man wasn't afraid of Fu Zhenhua at all, he was just a useless person, and Fu Shi couldn't talk to him, so how could he be afraid of Fu Zhenhua.

"No? How did I find your fingerprints in my bedroom?"

As he said that, Fu Zhenhua glanced at the housekeeper, who immediately understood what Fu Zhenhua meant, and asked a few male servants to hold the man down and entered Fu Zhenhua's bedroom.

Then he pressed his hand and left many fingerprints in the bedroom, and forcibly opened Fu Zhenhua's bedside table with his hand, took a valuable watch from it and stuffed it into the man's arms.

Only then did he carry him downstairs.

"You, you are framing!"

"Is there? Who saw it?"

Just as he was speaking, the man's cell phone rang, and when he answered it, it was his wife who had been detained on charges of child abuse, and hoped that he would release her on bail.

Only then did the man realize that Fu Zhenhua was Fu Zhenhua after all, even if he was a useless person, he could not erase the fact that he was from the Fu family.

Fu Zhenhua has been lying in bed for so many years, but the Fu family is still standing. Could it be because of Mr. Fu and that brat Fu Shaoheng?

"You, Chen Xueling, I will give you one last chance and sign it. From now on, we will return to the bridge and return to the road. If you don't sign, then I can only send the two of you to the police station. How long will it take to get out? , that depends on my mood."

Fu Zhenhua handed the divorce agreement to Chen Xueling again: "I hope you can think it over and sign it quickly before I change my mind. Otherwise, you will all go to jail. Can your bastard survive, and how will you live?" , I can't guarantee it."

"Fu Zhenhua!"

Chen Xueling stood up abruptly: "Don't go too far, he's just a child, what's wrong?"

"Why are you so excited? I didn't say I was going to attack a child. It's just that today we ran into him being taken by a woman. The woman called him the child of her husband and a wild woman outside."

"What are you talking about?" Chen Xueling didn't understand Fu Zhenhua's words.

"My realization is that besides you, your adulterer, there are other women. And you are just one of them."

"Forget it, don't sign it anymore, you go directly to the prison and lock it inside, don't come out to harm others."

Fu Zhenhua took the divorce agreement: "You don't need to worry about the divorce, I will handle it here."

The police really came, and after the testimony of Fu's servant, the man was taken away on charges of burglary.

As for Chen Xueling, Fu Zhenhua said that she maliciously embezzled public funds, and also sent Chen Xueling away.

As for the evidence, Fu Zhenhua can easily find it. Before Chen Xueling went to Fu's Accounting Department to withdraw a lot of money. At that time, Fu Zhenhua didn't know that she was cheating. He didn't say anything when he thought that she took it for shopping, but asked Fu Shaoheng to make up for it. just go up.

Now it seems that he is a big fool.His wife used money to support other men, and he was still counting.

After the matter was settled, Fu Zhenhua looked at Xu Xiaolan apologetically: "Today's incident made you laugh."

"It's okay, if it's okay, I'll go first."

"Wait," Fu Zhenhua stopped Xu Xiaolan: "Thank you for sending me back today. If it's convenient for you, stay for a meal. It's my thanks to you."

"There's no need to eat." Xu Xiaolan took out her mobile phone, "If it's convenient, you can leave me a contact information, I can find you if I need your help, right?"

Fu Zhenhua did not expect that Xu Xiaolan would take the initiative to ask for his contact information, and after reporting his phone number, he sent Xu Xiaolan away.

Not long after Xu Xiaolan left, Fu Shaoheng came back with Chen Xueling and his adulterer's son by his side.

"How did you bring him here?"

Fu Zhenhua's face was so black that it couldn't be darker. He was not targeting this child, but the existence of this child reminded him all the time that he was cheated on by his wife.

"I don't want to, but this kid won't let go of me, and his father has also been arrested in the police station. Mom...Chen Xueling..."

Fu Zhenhua sighed: "You find a place to arrange for him, the child is innocent. And that man's wife will still abuse him. No matter how you say it, he can be regarded as your brother. I can ignore it, but you can't ignore him. "

Hearing Fu Zhenhua's words, Fu Shaoheng smiled, and he knew that his father was a man with a big heart.

"Got it, Dad, how did I see the only beloved Mr. Xu leave our house just now?"

"Met in the mall, she sent me back."

When Xu Xiaolan was mentioned, the corners of Fu Zhenhua's mouth could not help but rise.

Fu Shaoheng saw that there was something wrong.

However, he didn't ask any further questions. Fu Shaoheng didn't have much to say about the relationship between his parents.

After Fu Zhenhua returned to his bedroom, he turned on the computer and searched for Weiai. He was surprised again when he saw that the chief designer of Weiai was Tang Zinian.

Tang Zinian is actually a designer.

"Shaoheng, call Ms. Tang and ask her when she is free. Let her come over for dinner. Let's thank her very much."


Fu Shaoheng walked in: "Then I'm afraid it won't work anytime soon."

Fu Zhenhua asked: "Why?"

"Miss Tang is going to participate in Tang Corporation's self-produced program recently. She will be going to a remote area for a long time. She may not have time to come."

Fu Zhenhua was stunned again: "Miss Tang is still an actress?"

"Well, she's filming a drama recently. By the way, grandpa asked me to invest in Tang Corporation's drama because of her."

(End of this chapter)

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