The next day, Tang Zinian realized that he didn't do anything, so he asked Zhan Qinchuan to buy medicine.

"What medicine?"

"That's it, after the fact." Tang Zinian rolled his eyes at Zhan Qinchuan. Why is this man thinking about this?Does it mean that men are very concerned about their own problems?
"You don't want to get pregnant?"

"We have a son and a daughter, so why are you still pregnant?"

Thinking of those two children, Zhan Qinchuan said again: "But I don't have any memories of the past, and I can't feel the joy of being a father. I think my conditions are not bad, and we can have more children."

"Zhan Qinchuan, why are you so selfish? For your joy of being a father, you let me experience the pain of breaking twelve ribs at the same time? Let me experience the pain of cutting seven layers of belly with a scalpel?"

Zhan Qinchuan was taken aback, he really didn't expect to have a child so hard, he leaned down and kissed Tang Zinian's forehead: "I'm sorry, I really shouldn't be so selfish. I'll let people buy medicine, but the medicine is taken Too many days will hurt the body, I use other methods to control it. For example..."

"Hmm..." Tang Zinian hummed, the voice was like a cat scratching, scratching Zhan Qinchuan's heart. The man's mood was relatively high in the morning, but Zhan Qinchuan only felt itchy when he was teased like this. He wished he could crush Tang Zinian under him again.

But he still held back, he saw that Tang Zinian's face was really tired, and she was not feeling well, so he should let her rest more, just rest for a day.

After Zhan Qinchuan left, he ordered his servants to buy medicine, and asked someone to prepare food for Tang Zinian, but Tang Zinian fell asleep all day, and she didn't even eat anything except after taking the medicine and sitting up.

One is that he is really not feeling well, and the other is that he has a headache, which is the result of a hangover, so Tang Zinian seldom drinks alcohol.After drinking too much, not only will you make jokes, but you will also have a headache, the pain of exploding.

In the restaurant on the first floor, because Tang Zinian said that cooking so many dishes before was too wasteful, so tonight the maids only made simple three dishes and one soup.Lin Zhihan and Zhan Qinchuan sat face to face.

Looking at the closed bedroom on the second floor, Lin Zhihan began to say that Tang Zinian was not here: "Qin Chuan, can Miss Tang not come out to eat for a whole day, can her body handle it?"

Lin Zhihan wanted to ask why Tang Zinian was so lazy?Too lazy to sleep in bed all day without eating.

"Hasn't she eaten all day?" Zhan Qinchuan was a little surprised. Tang Zinian didn't look like that lazy person. During the previous design competition, she cooked food by herself for a whole week.

Lin Zhihan shook her head, "No."

At the same time, he was secretly delighted, Zhan Qinchuan found out that Tang Zinian was so lazy, would he be bored?
"Didn't someone send it in for her?"

Lin Zhihan was taken aback, she thought that Zhan Qinchuan would be upset when he found out that Tang Zinian had slept all day, but he didn't expect that all he cared about was that Tang Zinian hadn't eaten all day.

"You won't send her in until she comes out to eat?"

"Qin Chuan, the servants are also..."

Zhan Qinchuan raised his hand and interrupted Lin Zhihan's words, his tone was indescribably cold: "I don't want to hear any excuses, since you work here, you must know your responsibilities. Tang Zinian is my wife, and you actually I don't think there's any need for you to stay after neglecting her so much."

"Qin Chuan, you can't spoil her like this..."

"I don't spoil my wife, do I spoil you? Lin Zhihan, you let me down so much."

After Zhan Qinchuan finished speaking, he found a tray and carried the food up to the second floor.

Listening to the conversation between Lin Zhihan and Zhan Qinchuan, the maid who had been standing behind Lin Zhihan felt a little uneasy. Seeing that Zhan Qinchuan had left, she stepped forward and said, "Miss Lin, I said before that since Miss Tang is not We will send it in when we come out to eat, but you said no. Now Shao Zhan is angry, I wonder if I can keep my job?"

The maid really wanted to deliver food to Tang Zi, but she was stopped by Lin Zhihan, who said that she would not die of starvation after eating a few meals.The maid didn't dare to go against Lin Zhihan's wishes, so she had no choice but to stop mentioning this matter.

This job is indeed a rare and good job for maids.The job is easy and the salary is high. For people like them who have left their hometowns, they really can't find a second job that is better than this.

"It's just a country bumpkin who can't stand on the stage. You really think of her as your wife? You have been working here for some time. You need to know who is the mistress here."

Lin Zhihan still didn't think that Tang Zinian would become Zhan Qinchuan's wife, Zhan Qinchuan was just playing with her.

She didn't believe that Zhan Qinchuan would choose a Tang Zinian who was nothing but the self who had been with him for so many years despite being born in a famous family.

On the second floor, Tang Zinian felt his headache relieved a lot after sleeping for a day, and he was lying on the bed right now on the phone.

What Zhan Qinchuan saw after entering the door was such a beautiful scene. Tang Zinian raised her calf and swayed left and right. She was still wearing that shirt, and she still had nothing on under her clothes.

Tang Zinian was calling Fang Cheng to ask him about the road construction in Yuefeng Village.

"Ma'am, have you found Young Master Zhan?"

"I found it. We are now in country y. Fang Cheng, your Zhan family also has property in country y?"

Fang Cheng, who was far away in China, was taken aback: "No, I never knew that the Zhan family still had property in country y."

"Really?" Tang Zinian was a little puzzled, "Ke Zhan Qinchuan has a big and beautiful castle here, and that's where we live."

"Castle, you are talking about Aine Castle, right?"

Tang Zinian thought for a while, "It seems so."

"My God, Master Zhan turned out to be that mysterious..."

"Honey, why don't you eat all day?"

Just as Fang Cheng was about to say something, he heard Zhan Qinchuan's voice. He immediately shut up and hung up the phone saying that he still had something to do.

"Mysterious what, rich man?" Tang Zinian muttered.

This kind of nonsensical content is only a few chapters, and I still have to write about the protagonist who is very sassy.

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