shock!Hidden married wife turned out to be a boss

Chapter 256 Zhan Qinchuan came to the restaurant

"Yes, I'm pretty good." Tang Zinian didn't show any modesty, and Qin Pulin kept talking. Today, her condition is much better than yesterday's.

Could it be that Zhan Qinchuan went to find her yesterday, and the matter between them was resolved?
"That's really great." Nathan Clegg believed in Tang Zinian, he raised his wrist to look at the time, and said, "There is still one hour before the opening time, the restaurant will be handed over to you, my chef will be in a while Will come, you communicate with him. Good luck."

After Nathan Clegg finished speaking, he went to make a phone call. Tang Zinian listened. He seemed to be saying that he was in his shop and asked his friends to come over to cheer him up.

"Okay, now this restaurant is yours, let's start."

After the other director finished speaking, he found a seat with Director Liu and sat down.

Qin Pulin walked up to Tang Zinian and pushed her: "Boss, can you dance a lion?"

"What do you want?"

"Attract people." Qin Pulin thinks this is the most efficient way to attract people.

"I can't, and do you have the equipment?" Tang Zinian really doesn't know how to dance a lion, and she is not a god, so how could she be able to do everything?
"Oh, let's learn. A ghost like you will know it at a glance. As for the equipment, look for Zhan Qin Chuan. He is so powerful that he will definitely be able to get it."

Tang Zinian: "..."

Qin Pulin felt that his idea was feasible, so he called Zhan Qinchuan, but Tang Zinian didn't even have time to stop him.I had no choice but to go with him.

She went to find Nathan Clegg, and Nathan Clegg just hung up the phone. When he saw Tang Zinian looking for him, he politely put away the phone.

"Madam Q, is there a question?"

"Uh, Mr. Nansen, you can call me Miss Tang."

Nathan Clegg: "Okay, Miss Tang, is there anything you need me to do?"

"No, I just want to ask what is the name of your store."

Nathan Clegg turned on his phone and showed Tang Zinian the photo: "It's called a Chinese restaurant."

On the picture is a plaque, the words "Chinese restaurant" are in Chinese, and there is a row of small characters written in Y characters below.

"Chinese restaurant, it has a nice name, what do you think if it is changed to "Si Shan Bureau"?"

"Si Shan... Bureau," Nathan Clegg repeated these three words in Chinese with difficulty, and then asked, "What do you mean?"

Tang Zinian explained: "This is an ancient department of Huaguo, that is, in ancient times, it was a department that specially cooked meals for the emperors in the palace and the ladies in the palaces. Let's put it this way, this department is like the God who specially cooks meals for you. Eat the same."

"Really? That's great. The customer is God. It's a good name, but there's only one hour left. I'm afraid it's too late to re-do the plaque." Nathan Clegg was instantly captured by the name, and he liked it very much. the name.

"If you agree, just let me handle it."

"Of course I agree. It would be even better if the name could be written by Miss Tang herself."

With Nathan Clegg's permission, Tang Zinian went to do it.

Not long after Qin Pulin hung up the phone, Zhan Qinchuan brought his people to bring what Qin Pulin wanted. It was really a set of big red lion equipment. Zhan Qinchuan also brought a big drum, and Several Chinese masters.

"Young Master Qin, the things are here, do you need anything else? You can tell me, I am familiar with Country Y."

Although Zhan Qinchuan was talking to Qin Pulin, he was looking in Tang Zinian's direction. Tang Zinian should have seen him, but she pretended not to.

Woohoo, his wife is so hard to coax.

"Oh, let me ask Miss Tang."

Qin Pulin naturally also saw Zhan Qinchuan's eyes, and confirmed his guess that Tang Zinian's bad state yesterday must have something to do with Zhan Qinchuan, and there may be something wrong between them.But it's not his business to ask.

"Miss Tang, do you think there is anything else we need? I'll ask Young Master Zhan to prepare for us."

Tang Zinian glanced at Zhan Qinchuan, and then told Qin Pulin: "I have obtained Mr. Nansen's consent to change the name of the restaurant. Since someone is willing to be this errand runner, then you can ask him to prepare a better wooden plaque And a better set of pens and inks. I plan to write the name of the store with a brush and hang it up."

After Qin Pulin conveyed Tang Zinian's meaning, he went to the back kitchen and gave the space to Tang Zinian and Zhan Qinchuan. He didn't want to be a light bulb.

The people in Jing Su's group have already been in the back kitchen, and they also contacted their fans, asking fans from Country Y to come and join them.

After Qin Pulin entered the kitchen, he looked at the ingredients, and then found a pen to write out the menu and handed it to Tang Wan, asking her to handle the needed ingredients.

On Tang Zinian's side, Zhan Qinchuan called and asked someone to deliver the things Tang Zinian wanted, and then looked at Tang Zinian.

But Tang Zinian ignored him and went to see the lion head.

"Nian Nian, is there anything else I need? I can prepare it for you."

But Tang Zinian didn't answer Zhan Qinchuan, and went about his own business.

Being ignored by Tang Zinian all the time, Zhan Qinchuan finally got emotional. He took Tang Zinian's hand and said, "Tang Zinian, can you stop doing this? Even if you treat me as a stranger, if a stranger talks to you, you don't answer yes." Isn't it impolite?"

Tang Zinian still didn't speak.

"Could it be that in your heart, we are not even strangers? Or in your heart, I am not worthy to talk to you? We were so close before, are you going to wipe out the relationship between me because of other people's schemes? Don't you just let Lin Zhihan succeed by doing this?"

"You can eat nonsense, but you can't talk nonsense. How deep is the relationship between us? Don't make fun of me?"

Tang Zinian wanted to pull out his hand, but Zhan Qinchuan's strength was so strong that she couldn't pull it out, and instead it hurt.

"There is no relationship between us. Do you believe this when you say it?" Seeing that Tang Zinian finally spoke, Zhan Qinchuan knew that she also recognized his words, so he continued: "If you didn't love me back then, How could you marry me, have a wedding, and have two children. If you don’t have deep feelings for me, how could you find me again after I left you for three years due to external factors? Just close, if You don't care about me at all, so why would you get angry when you see me being tricked by Lin Zhihan?"

"Who cares about you anymore, stop putting gold on your face."

"You, although we don't have a marriage certificate, we have had a wedding and we are legally married. Although I also think it's disgusting that I was plotted by Lin Zhihan, I'm still innocent. Don't be angry. OK?"

Zhan Qinchuan's 1.8 meter tall man was actually holding Tang Zinian's hand and acting like a baby. Tang Zinian couldn't bear to look directly at the contrast.

"You let me go first."

Zhan Qinchuan: "Don't let go. Unless you forgive me, I will keep holding you. Anyway, you can't break free from me."

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