Chapter 54 Guess who Tang Ziyi is

Knowing that Tang Zinian was coming, Xu Xiaolan went downstairs to greet her in person.

As the headquarters of Weiai, jewelry decorations can be seen everywhere in the company, as well as various promotional posters, with a strong sense of fashion.

Xu Xiaolan led Tang Zinian through the office area and came to her own office.

Tang Zinian asked Xu Xiaolan straight to the point without going around the bush: "Aunt Xu, what happened to that Tang Ziyi?"

Xu Xiaolan was wearing a white professional attire. She brushed her hair and said, "I don't know very well. She just popped up out of nowhere."

"Nian Nian, look..."

Xu Xiaolan showed Tang Ziyi's design drawing to Tang Zinian, and explained: "This is Tang Ziyi's design drawing. She showed it to me after you sent it to me. I have some suspicions that someone moved my design drawing." computer."

Tang Zinian looked at the blueprints. If she didn't look carefully, she would think they were designed by her.

Tang Ziyi also gave Xu Xiaolan other designs besides the design of "Injury". Tang Zinian looked very similar to her style. , all the same except for minor details.

If it is not a professional designer, you will not be able to see it at all, even if you are not yourself.

"Nian Nian, in fact, when she appeared a few days ago, I wanted to tell you when I got her design drawings, but since she appeared until now, she has been doing her best to consider for the company and has not harmed the company's interests, so ..."

Looking at those pictures, Tang Zinian recalled Tang Ziyi's appearance, and suddenly remembered what Fu Shaoheng said in the morning.

This Tang Ziyi was imitating herself.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked open.

Shen Meina came in with two cups of coffee, because Tang Zinian had his back to the door, and Shen Meina didn't see Tang Zinian's face.

"Hey? Miss Tang is back? Didn't you say that you have something to ask for leave today?"

Shen Meina put the coffee in front of Xu Xiaolan, and put another cup in front of Tang Zinian, and then she saw Tang Zinian's face and exclaimed, "Hey, you are not Miss Tang, who are you? You and Miss Tang look very similar .”

"Mina, this is Tang Zinian, one of the founders of Weiai and the chief designer of Weiai."

Xu Xiaolan introduced Tang Zinian's identity, but Shen Meina was confused: "Isn't the chief designer Miss Tang Ziyi?"

"No, it's Tang Zinian." Xu Xiaolan firmly believed that the somewhat lazy Tang Zinian in front of her was the Tang Zinian who loved to fight, loved to race cars, and said he could draw.He is also one of the founders of Weiai.

"Huh? Then she is the one who has been in touch with me all these years? Then...then...who is that Tang Ziyi?"

Xu Xiaolan didn't know who Tang Ziyi was, but this person just appeared out of nowhere, and she looked very similar to Tang Zinian.

"I don't know either, maybe she is Nian Nian's twin sister."

Xu Xiaolan smiled, and handed two pictures to Shen Meina: "Look at these two design pictures."

"Isn't this the design that Ms. Tang designed for this 520?" Shen Meina had seen Tang Ziyi's design, so she naturally thought that it was Tang Ziyi's design.

"Mina, you have also worked in Weiai for so long, take a closer look, what is the difference between these two pictures."

"Different?" Shen Meina leaned closer to take a closer look: "What's the difference? Isn't it exactly the same?"

Listening to Shen Meina's words, Tang Zinian and Xu Xiaolan looked at each other, and the guess in their hearts became more and more certain.

Xu Xiaolan pointed to the one painted by Tang Zinian, "Look here, there is a hidden N here, but this one doesn't, so these two pictures are drawn by two people, and neither of them has seen each other's paintings."

With Xu Xiaolan's pointing finger, Shen Meina could see it clearly, "Really, you can't see it unless you look carefully."

"The thing is so weird. The one with the letter N was designed by Tang Zinian, but the one that looks like a copy was designed by Tang Ziyi."

Shen Meina was completely stunned: "Who is this Tang Ziyi? What's the purpose of coming to Weiai?"

The three people present were not clear about this question, but Tang Zinian had a guess in his mind, and he needed to confirm it before he could say it.

If that guess is said, it will violate the law.

Tang Zinian guessed that Tang Ziyi might be some kind of person, and she appeared to replace her.

But Tang Zinian is a person of flesh and blood, can she be replaced by the kind of person that the law does not allow?She was thinking too simply.

"Okay, Aunt Xu, don't worry. I will take care of this matter. That Tang Ziyi will not hurt others. Don't worry."

Tang Zinian comforted Xu Xiaolan and left. Xu Xiaolan didn't want to keep her. After all, Tang Ziyi was using the office now. She was afraid that she would offend Tang Ziyi, and that Tang Ziyi would do something that would hurt others.

Going downstairs, Tang Zinian made a call after getting in the car, and the other end answered it quickly.

"Old man, have you been researching any weird things recently?"

"You damn girl, I'm your grandfather, why can't you respect me?"

"Grandpa?" Tang Zinian smiled, "I think you want to change your granddaughter?"

"What do you mean? Someone is looking for you?"

Tang Zinian looked up at Weiai's building, and said, "She said her name is Tang Ziyi, tell me honestly, have you done something illegal?"

"Damn girl, you...forget it, I'll find you where are you."

"Kyoto," Tang Zinian hung up the phone neatly, leaning on the chair with her head in her hands, thinking, this Tang Ziyi might have escaped from Grandpa's research institute.

Tsk tsk, she is so courageous, she dared to jump in front of her, she thought she could occupy the magpie's nest if she got some data?

"Tang...Miss Tang..."

Fang Jin, who had been sitting in the car waiting for Tang Zinian, suddenly appeared from the back seat, startling Tang Zinian who was thinking about something.

She actually forgot that Fang Jin was still in the car...

"Where are we going next?" Fang Jin asked confusedly, holding the script in his hand.

Tang Zinian turned to look at the little girl, the scars on her face were still obvious, but she also understood Fang Jin a little bit.

This little girl is an open-minded person, confident, cheerful, and will not be affected by external factors.

"Go home, I have something for you."

Tang Zinian drove back to Peach Blossom Manor. From afar, he saw two cars stopped by the security guard at the gate, and four or five people were negotiating with the security guard.

"You watchdog, I warn you to open the door and let us in, otherwise I want you to look good."

A man in his 20s was wearing a silver-gray suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, but his protruding belly and greasy expression reminded Tang Zinian of a word, dude.

(End of this chapter)

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