Chapter 75 Slaughterhouse

The black locomotive sped all the way to the suburbs from the parking lot.

"Where are we going?"

Zhan Qinchuan approached Tang Zinian to inquire, and heard the whistling wind, Zhan Qinchuan's broken hair was blown up, which looked a bit funny.

Tang Zinian didn't speak, but just turned the accelerator to the bottom, accelerated, and cornered, his skills were no less than that of a professional driver.

Zhan Qinchuan behind him was thinking, what kind of person is this Tang Zinian?
She seems to be omnipotent, understands Chinese medicine, not only has a close relationship with Xu Xiaolan, the founder of Weiai, but also has a close relationship with Tang Qikun of TZ Group.

Normally, it would be difficult for people from small places to buy a house in Kyoto, but Tang Zinian bought it when he said so.The house in Langyue Bay is not cheap, it is a rich area, Tang Zinian bought a villa, and the full price.

Zhan Qinchuan began to panic. If the paternity test came out, he was really the scumbag who abandoned his wife and son. How could he be worthy of such an excellent Tang Zinian?
Tang Zinian's car finally stopped amidst Zhan Qinchuan's wild thoughts. This is really a large slaughterhouse.

Zhan Qinchuan is ashamed, this Tang Zinian has violent tendencies.

This slaughterhouse is like a small factory, and you can see some small trucks coming in and out.

Entering through the gate, a bloody smell came over his face, Zhan Qinchuan couldn't help frowning, the smell here was too bad.

There was not only the smell of blood, but also the smell of animal excrement, but Tang Zinian, who was beside him, didn't seem to be able to smell these unpleasant smells, but was a little excited instead.

Zhan Qinchuan suddenly remembered that time when they were assassinated, the man who chased them said that Tang Zinian was bloodthirsty.It appears to be true.

Seeing two people who shouldn't appear in such a place, the security guard of the slaughterhouse quickly notified the person in charge.

Soon, a fat man appeared. He stopped the two of them, looked them up and down, and then asked, "You two, do you need anything?"

The person in charge saw that the clothes of the two of them should not be the people nearby. Maybe they needed a lot of meat at home, so they thought of going to the slaughterhouse to buy directly, which would save a lot of money.

But seeing that the two of them are well dressed, they shouldn't be the kind who would come to such a place to save money.

"I'm looking for Lao Mu," Tang Zinian looked around, but he didn't see any acquaintances.

"Looking for Lao Mu? Who are you? What are you looking for?"

The person in charge thought, his slaughterhouse has all kinds of documents, and it is a regular slaughterhouse, so these two people can't be people from the inspection agency.

"If something happens, I'll call him."

Tang Zinian took out his mobile phone and made a call, and the call was quickly connected.

"Little Tang? What do you want from me?"

Tang Zinian looked around and saw no one, so he asked, "I'm in the slaughterhouse now, where are you?"

After hanging up the phone, a man wearing a black flat hat and a waterproof skirt ran out from the room.

Seeing Tang Zinian, the man looked her up and down, and asked, "Little Tang, I haven't seen you for several years, what's wrong? Are your hands itchy again?"

"Is it in stock?"

Tang Zinian's eyes lit up immediately when he saw the man, as if she had lost her sense of smell about the man's smell.

"Of course, the meat from our slaughterhouse is supplied to major supermarkets and vegetable markets in Kyoto."

Lao Mu looked at Zhan Qinchuan beside Tang Zinian and didn't say anything. He just asked Tang Zinian, "I haven't heard from you in the past few years. I thought you were normal."

"Hey, I have old and young and I have to be more stable, but today is a bit special."

Tang Zinian didn't know when she started to show bloodthirsty phenomenon. In short, she was very excited when she saw blood, and even had the urge to drink it.

She once suspected that she had become a vampire.

It is much better to have children after marriage, and the two children healed her a lot.

Today is also because she didn't have a good time going to the martial arts field, which made her feel uncomfortable, so she came here.

"Let's go, I'm busy over there."

Lao Mu led Tang Zinian and Zhan Qinchuan inside, and after a few steps, Tang Zinian looked sideways at Zhan Qinchuan: "If you don't like this place, you can wait outside."

"It's okay, I can take it."

Several people walked in, and the further they went in, they could hear all kinds of cries, chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle, mixed together, and there was only one word left, noisy.

Zhan Qinchuan pressed his ears, the sound was really loud, it was the first time he heard so many sounds mixed together.

When they arrived at the slaughter workshop, Lao Mu handed Tang Zinian a dagger, and pointed to the next compartment, "Be careful, we kill and not abuse."

"I know." Tang Zinian took the dagger and walked into the compartment. Zhan Qinchuan wanted to follow in, but was stopped by Lao Mu.

"You can watch it here."

Zhan Qinchuan followed Lao Mu to a glass window, where he could just see what was going on inside.

Zhan Qinchuan saw Tang Zinian untie the rope of the cow inside, and walked towards the cow with the dagger in his hands.

At first, the cow didn't realize the danger. After the rope was untied, it still wagged its tail and lowered its head to eat the straw on the ground.

Seeing Tang Zinian approaching, it shook its head, and Tang Zinian grabbed the bull's horns. The bull might sense danger, and shook its head from side to side, looking at Qin Chuan's heart in its throat.


With a "chi" sound, the transparent glass was sprayed with bright red cow's blood. At that moment, Zhan Qinchuan was really startled, and he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

The cow's blood on the glass slowly slid down, and through the red blood, Zhan Qinchuan saw Tang Zinian holding on to the cow's horns, and the cow was struggling desperately.

Zhan Qinchuan, who has never fought a cow himself, also knows how strong a cow is, and when life and death are at stake, its strength is several times that of usual.But he couldn't break free from Tang Zinian's grasp until he fell to the ground and died from bleeding.

Tang Zinian's white clothes were all dyed red. She pulled the dagger out of the cow's throat and turned around slowly.

The blood on the dagger dripped on the ground, and Tang Zinian's face was also stained a lot. Zhan Qinchuan watched her approaching him step by step, like a demon.His heart pounded and stopped beating.

Tang Zinian like this is scary and distressing.She has symptoms of bloodthirsty, but outside, she can control herself, even if she is fighting with someone, and seeing blood, she can control herself not to let herself take other people's lives.

But she needs this method to relieve the symptoms. She usually suffers from depression.

"Are you scared?" Lao Mu watched Zhan Qinchuan's subsequent actions and smiled: "I was also scared when I saw her butchering a cow for the first time. At that time, I was thinking, what is this kid? One person slaughtered a cow. After seeing it a lot, I got used to it.”

"How long has she been doing this?" Zhan Qinchuan asked Lao Mu bitterly before he recovered his voice.

 The little heart was thumping, afraid of being blocked, afraid of being called violent.

(End of this chapter)

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