With the script in hand, attack the villain Xianzun

Chapter 15 The Evil Spirit Hiding in the Lake

Chapter 15 The Evil Spirit Hiding in the Lake
Cui Shu didn't answer, just looked at them straight.

It would be uncomfortable for anyone to be stared at like this, even the usually indifferent Beidousha disciple endured the discomfort in his heart and asked: "Little brother, what's the matter?"

Cui Shu's expression didn't look as decadent as the previous two days. After looking at them for a few times, he said, "The immortal master should leave this village alone."

His voice was hoarse and rough-sounding.

Ming Yiqian: "Why?"

As if recalling an unbearable memory, Cui Shu's body trembled violently, his expression became very ugly, and his breathing suddenly became very short.

After a while, he said with red eyes, "Those people are rotten from the bottom of their bones, they are not worth saving!"

Ming Yiqian naturally knew that there was a problem with the villagers, but he couldn't be sure what kind of mentality this person had in saying these words, so he could only come up with an official response: "I don't know what you have gone through to say this, but it is a fact that there is evil here. I can't just sit back and watch."

Seeing them walking farther and farther, Cui Shu yelled: "Do you think that monk was really called back by the sect! Just mind your own business, you will not end well just like that monk!"

"What did you say?" Ming Yiqian turned around immediately.

Unfortunately, Cui Shu no longer answered obediently this time.

Under the astonished eyes of several people, Cui Shu ran away quickly.

It's really just running.

It's just that that speed is definitely not what a mortal in the mountains should have. Ming Yiqian, who was in the late stage of foundation establishment, didn't even react, and he ran away without a trace.

Mu Linxiao has this ability, but he just let Cui Shu run away.

Hua Wanzhao turned her head and looked at Mu Linxiao. This man obviously knew a lot of things, but he just refused to say anything.

It really is a villain!
Their mission still needs to continue, but after searching for three hours, there is no other gain except that they followed their Cui Shu and said a few unclear words when they went out.

When he was about to go back home, he suddenly saw a signal in the distance.

Then the sound-transmitting talisman on Ming Yiqian's body lit up, and Pei Jitong's voice came from inside: "Come quickly, I found something."

The place where the signal was sent was by a lake.

Could this be the lake where the evil spirit that bewitched Cui Shu lived?

In the novel, the male protagonist managed to deal with Cui Shu, but in the end he triggered the hidden boss and was beaten to hide.

Hua Wanzhao looked at Mu Linxiao next to him, and said in her heart that it was all right, this guy is here now, even if the hidden boss is triggered in advance, Mu Linxiao can solve it.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, her expression changed suddenly, and she hid behind Mu Linxiao.

Mu Linxiao didn't know where she was playing: "Little Master, what's wrong?"

"Can't you smell it?" Hua Wanzhao covered her nose with her hands, her face turned pale, obviously not pretending.

What kind of smell is this? It smells worse than a manhole that hasn't been cleaned for a year!
Mu Lin smiled and glanced at the lake in front of him, and realized.

Hua Wanzhao is a water spirit and is very sensitive to water aura. Her reaction is so strong, it is obvious that there is a big problem with the lake in front of her.

After thinking about it, Mu Linxiao began to cast an isolation spell on Hua Wanzhao.

Hua Wanzhao's complexion really recovered quickly, and she thought that Mu Linxiao could still do personnel affairs.

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, people came one after another.

Each group exchanged search results——

In fact, there is nothing to exchange, except that Ming Yiqian's group discovered Cui Shu's sporadic words that were unclear and difficult to distinguish the authenticity, and it was the lake that Ning Chenhao's group discovered.

As for being able to find a problem with this lake, it was because a disciple of Beidousha in their group carried a spiritual weapon that could sense evil spirits.

After discussing with Li Muhan, Pei Jitong decided to try with the Spirit Purifying Mantra.

"It's daytime now. If the evil spirit is here, there will be natural suppression on the evil spirit. You and I will cast spells together at noon."

Li Muhan nodded.

There is still some time before noon, Ming Yiqian suggested to make some preparations in case of accidents.

Maybe it was aware of the crisis, the forest around the lake gradually gathered evil spirits, and the canopy of the trees could be seen shaking at a certain frequency, obviously something was moving this way.

Beidousha was in charge of the formation, which only needed six people, and Li Muhan immediately ordered the three people who did not need to participate in the formation to be on guard.

On Yijian Fengsha's side, Pei Jitong also asked the disciples who did not participate in the formation to be on guard outside.

Not long after, the true face of the assailant was revealed.

Standing behind Mu Linxiao, Hua Wanzhao retched: Is this the real version of the zombie siege?
Ming Yiqian's face was livid: "Where did these evil spirits come from? Why didn't they find it during the investigation?"

"Fix them first!"

Those things that are moving slowly can no longer be called people or corpses. Each of their limbs is twisted to varying degrees, and broken linen is hung on their bodies. It fell to the ground and made a "呲呲" sound, and at the same time a puff of black smoke came out.

Upon seeing this, the disciples of Beidousha warned: "They may be highly poisonous, so avoid direct contact with them."

These words seemed to turn on a switch, and those evil spirits suddenly rushed towards the group of immortal disciples.

Hua Wanzhao took the lead with her epee, which was almost as tall as she was.

With a wave of the epee, the first few retreated a few feet, giving the other disciples a little room to react.

Before Hua Wanzhao could rush out again, Mu Linxiao swung his sword away from the evil spirits around him, and grabbed her by the collar.

Hua Wanzhao: Who is pulling the back of my fate?

"Little master, you are only in the Qi refining stage, don't rush so hard." Mu Linxiao carried Hua Wanzhao behind him, "Follow me, if the sky falls, there will be a tall man standing against it."

Because of the evil spirit's sudden attack, Pei Jitong and Li Muhan had to cast spells ahead of time.

The two used the purification spell and the exorcism spell at the same time, and the originally calm lake began to surge, and a dark shadow appeared under the water.

It seemed to be a snake, and the lake wasn't that big, so it had to coil up and circle around.

As Pei Jitong and Li Muhan cast spells, the waves on the lake became bigger and bigger.

Hua Wanzhao was picking up experience by Mu Linxiao's side, when she heard a "bang--", she couldn't help but look behind her.

A black snake of more than 30 meters broke through the water and soared upwards.

It was as thick as three adults hugging each other, with dark red lines on its body, but his eyes were blood-red vertical pupils, which made people shudder.

"Why are you in a daze!" Mu Linxiao chopped off an evil spirit who wanted to sneak up on Hua Wanzhao, "Do your own thing, and it doesn't matter what happens over there!"

It can be said that this is the harshest word Mu Linxiao has ever said to Hua Wanzhao since they met each other.

Hua Wanzhao knew she was in the wrong, so she didn't complain or fight back.

However, the monster snake turned a corner in mid-air, plunged into the lake suddenly, and immediately set off a huge wave.

Sideways repelling the evil all the time, Ning Chenhao saw this scene from the corner of his eye and shouted: "Don't touch the water!"

(End of this chapter)

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