With the script in hand, attack the villain Xianzun

Chapter 98 Discussion on Dao, Fusion

Chapter 98 Discussion on Dao, Fusion

"It's nothing." Hua Wanzhao slowly approached Feng Yanying, "It's just..."

Feng Yanying secretly heightened his vigilance.

"Just, I want to ask Senior Feng for advice."

"Ask me for advice... Dao?"

Hearing Hua Wanzhao's words, Feng Yanying almost broke his defense.

She, a disciple of a mighty venerable at the peak of the Mahayana period, was discussing the Dao with a half-crippled person like herself?
Did he hear it right?
Hua Wanzhao had thought about it for a long time on the city wall before, even if she asked the sect for help, she might not be able to get timely help.

Moreover, since Ming Shen is here, he is in a battle situation, and his judgment of the situation is more accurate than himself, so he may have already told the sect about the situation.

In the novel, how Ning Chenhao and Yun Miaomiao made it to Mu Linxiao's arrival has nothing to do with her, but now they are facing a desperate situation.

In front of you, there is a mighty one.

The former True Venerable of the Late Transformation Stage, Feng Yanying.

Now she can only gamble.

Seeing that Hua Wanzhao didn't speak, Feng Yanying said, "Then, what do you want to discuss with me?"

He didn't know what Hua Wanzhao's plan was.

"I heard that senior Feng practiced the ruthless way, so let's talk about the ruthless way."

Feng Yanying was silent for a moment: "What do fellow Taoists want to ask for advice?"

"Yijian Fengsha is No. 1 in this generation, He Xianxiu said ruthlessly, he is a mutated ice spirit root, he is indifferent, and his swordsmanship is terrific. Two years ago, in the Immortal Gate Grand Competition, I sent another Jindan disciple to be beheaded against the palace." He was seriously injured, and all the Zhan Ni Gongs that He Xian encountered after that were also severely injured by him."


Hua Wanzhao went on to say: "Beidousha is a ruthless Taoist sect and one of the five major sects. It is my first time to go out to practice and I am honored to cooperate with disciples of Beidousha."

Thinking of the first time he saw the disciples of Beidousha, Hua Wanzhao temporarily forgot the serious situation in front of him, and said with a slight smile: "They left really early, but we arrived at the appointed time. Young Master Li stabbed Pei With Ji Tong, Pei Jitong let young master Li suffer a lot, and the disciples behind him immediately showed more or less angry expressions. In the Immortal Competition, I said 'his opponent is a disciple of Beidousha', and Li The young master thought I looked down on Beidousha, and was angry about it."

"What do fellow Taoists want to say?"

"Senior Feng, tell me, what is the ruthless way?"

Feng Yanying: "Those who cut off the seven emotions and six desires are called heartless."

There was no hesitation in answering.

"Then," Hua Wanzhao asked again, "Senior Feng thinks that there are seven emotions and six desires in the Dao of Heaven?"

"Of course not, otherwise how to maintain justice."

"Since the way of heaven is fair and there are no seven emotions and six desires, why—" Hua Wanzhao paused, "Why isn't everyone with a single spiritual root and an innate spiritual body?"

This time, Feng Yanying was silent.

Hua Wanzhao: "Senior Feng, let me ask again, if City Lord Feng sacrifices a living person in order to advance, what should you do?"

"If you do, kill."

"If Feng Bumei is in danger and pushes his fellow disciples out, what will you do?"

"According to the rules of the Ten Thousand Poison Forest, enter the bottom of Youhun Cliff for one month."

"If there is a girl who admires you now and says that there is a way to restore you, but you want to leave Wandulin, sever ties with Luo Xiyan and Feng Bumei, and become a Taoist couple with her, what should you do?"

"...I will refuse."

This time he didn't answer right away, which shows that Feng Yanying still struggled a bit, but his final voice was still firm.

Hua Wanzhao smiled: "Senior Feng, I heard that because of that incident, you broke your body and your heart. But in my opinion, Senior Feng is still ruthless and powerful, just because of that damned The medicine gives birth to demons."


Looking at the distance, Hua Wanzhao said: "As I said just now, if the way of heaven is fair, why is everyone not born with a body, why is there a difference between a single spiritual root and five spiritual roots? People may be heartless and kill Wife preaching the Tao, killing a teacher to prove the Tao is ruthless; people cannot be ruthless, because ruthlessness itself is an emotion."

"Ruthless... is also love...?"

Feng Yanying's expression became stunned.

Seeing that Feng Yanying was shaken, Hua Wan took the last dose of medicine: "Senior Feng's answer to my question just now abandoned all his own selfish desires, and he answered it entirely on the basis of justice and morality. Isn't this in itself a kind of Heartless?"

"Abandoning selfish desires... Upholding fairness and justice... Is it also ruthless..."

The surrounding aura surged wildly.

Hua Wanzhao was overjoyed: she bet right!

She hurriedly took out a formation disk from her storage bag and threw it to him: "Senior Feng, this is a defense formation disk made by my master!"

Feng Yanying nodded, and stepped on the void to go to the battlefield.

In the process of going to the battlefield, Feng Yanying's aura became more and more powerful, and his cultivation slowly recovered.

Nascent Soul Late Stage, Nascent Soul Peak Stage, Early Stage of Transformation God, Middle Stage of Transformation God, Late Stage of Transformation God——

Transforming God into Great Consummation!
"Big... big brother?"

Feng Yuying was lying on the ground, half of her body was bloody, and she looked at Feng Yuying who was walking through the air in disbelief.

All of them were seriously injured, especially Feng Yuying.

These years, Feng Yuying's blows to the evil cultivators were not small. Every evil cultivator hated him to the bone, so when he appeared, most of the attacks fell on him.

If Feng Yuying hadn't brought someone to protect her desperately, Feng Yuying wouldn't have been injured like this.

Even so, three of the people Feng Yuying brought died.

"True Monarch Yushi," Feng Yanying handed over the formation disk that Hua Wanzhao gave him to Mu Linxiao, "Take them away and hide, my thunder tribulation is coming."

At this time, they discovered that thick dark clouds had gathered in the originally starry night sky at some point, and thunder billowed among the dark clouds, flashing blue and white thunder.

"Thank you..."

Their situation is also very bad. If Feng Yuying and the others attracted most of the hatred of Xiexiu, then they were deliberately targeted, especially Mu Linxiao.

"Don't leave."

An indifferent voice sounded, and the powerful coercion controlled all evil cultivators within their own domain.

In the domain, Feng Yanying is an absolute god, even if he is as powerful as a poisonous evil, he will never want to escape.

After the spiritual consciousness locked on Mu Linxiao and the others and fled to a safe range, Feng Yanying suddenly let go of the restraint, but before the evil cultivators could escape, Lei Jie had already landed.

Lei Jie: What's the smell?It stinks!I chop, I chop, I chop!Hack you bastards!
There are 49 lightning tribulations combined, and after the chopping is over, there are not many evil cultivators left.

Except for a few who had top-grade magical artifacts to save their lives, only Du Xie was still intact.

Even if Du Xie can compete with Feng Yanying, the two sides are not in an equal contest: Du Xie has just been devastated by someone else's Lei Jie, and because of Lei Jie's displeasure, he actually suffered serious internal injuries, and Feng Yanying had just risen and merged, and Po Xie hadn't seen blood for decades, so Du Xie was undoubtedly a good target for sword feeding.

The sword that has never been drawn since then has been seen again decades later.

The "buzzing" sound from the sword body is an accusation against the sword owner for 30 years of indifference, and it is also an oath to sweep away rape and evil.

"Du Xie, regardless of whether my matter was related to evil cultivators or not, you have cultivated for 670 years, and you have countless grievances in your hands. Today, under the witness of the Dao of Heaven, Feng Yiying smashed the evil and slashed karma!"

 There is another chapter, it will be very late, this chapter is published first

  Thanks to book friend 20230116928-BE for the recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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