Qiu Yuhua spoke more and more vigorously, "Before you confessed to me that there is such a fool, I was not at ease at the time, and now I don't have to worry... She is a woman who is good-looking, and I think it is the capital of my life... "

Tan Yongnian's expression was gloomy and cold, and he looked sideways lightly, like a preying tiger, which made people feel cold all over.

Qiu Yuhua's words were in his mouth all of a sudden, and he couldn't say anything.

At this time, Hu Anyang had just had enough to eat, he wiped his hands slowly, and directed Tan Yongnian to bring the big brother:
"Just now, this lesbian intentionally asked her family to buy a house for them and his wife in 'Tiange Village'. Brother Yongnian, how can the house we worked so hard to build be defiled by this couple?"

"The atmosphere in this community is very important, so we have to strictly control the quality of residents. This is responsible for the residents in the community. Anyone who hinders the harmony of the neighborhood must go to the community to listen to lectures. Otherwise, just climb the stairs by yourself."

"The stairs placed in the community were bought with our own money. We provided a service to the residents, but we didn't let everyone share it... This is reflected in the distribution of houses and the same. We have the right to refuse certain people. Use... and when dividing houses, we always arrange people with good reputations on good floors."

"So, comrades, even if you bought a house around the corner, you still have to climb up and down, um, it helps you lose weight!"

"At the same time, you can also gain the supervision of the neighbors..."

As she said that, she asked Tan Yongnian to say hello to the sales department of "Tiange Village".

Qiu Yuhua's face became ugly. If she said what Hu Anyang said just now, she didn't take it seriously, but as soon as the eldest brother showed it, it proved that the couple's financial resources were extraordinary.

The phone leaked slightly, and both she and Tang Yuankai could hear the employees of the sales department of "Tiange Village" reporting their homes on the opposite side.

"Hello, this is the sales department of 'Tiange Village'. I am Dong Xiaohui. I am very happy to serve you..."

Tan Yongnian said lightly: "It's me, Tan Yongnian..."

The other side hurriedly said: "Hello, boss, what are your orders?"

Tan Yongnian told about his refusal to buy a house for the family of the propaganda director of Jincheng Chemical Plant.

Qiu Yuhua's heart was so cold.

Although her parents promised that she would buy it when she was pregnant, the family had already prepared the money and was looking for a suitable house, and they even talked about it with relatives and friends.

Now that they have been turned away, where will the Qiu family's face be put?
She glared at Tang Yuankai, pulled him towards her, and said softly, gnashing her teeth: "It's your fault, you solve it!"

"I don't care, anyway, I want to live in 'Tiange Village', my little sisters know about it, if I buy a house in another place, I will be ashamed to see them..."

"Didn't you say that you fascinated people to death? You were so scared that you broke contact?"

"She must be angry with you... As long as you say something nice, let alone hinder us from buying a house, it's okay to give you a few houses..."

Tang Yuankai looked at her in surprise, but his heart was so excited: "But we, we are married..."

Qiu Yuhua rolled his eyes, "Which man doesn't cheat? Don't you go to her when I can't see it?"

"It's better to let me get some benefits than to let you keep secret. Anyway, the two of you can't be together... Otherwise, his man can beat her to death..."

Hu Anyang and Tan Yongnian had good hearing, but they were disgusted after hearing this.

Hu Anyang said even more angrily: "This Zhang Yuhua is still Comrade Li Yuhua. You have to make it clear that I have nothing to do with this Tang Yuankai. I was stupid before and couldn't see through his white-eyed wolf's hypocrisy."

"You reminded me, pay back the money, I don't want my hard work to go to waste!"

"The interest has to be counted, and you can send it to the sales department of 'Tiange Village' later, otherwise, we will go directly to your unit to ask for it, so that people can see what a hypocrite Tang Yuankai is!"

Tang Yuankai looked hurt: "Anyang, how can you say that?"

"Obviously you had a marriage contract and broke up with me first, so I started to pursue Qiu Yuhua. Why did I become a heartless person?"

Tan Yongnian patted Hu Anyang on the shoulder, and said calmly: "You are a big man, let a little girl work all day and night, do part-time jobs, and the hard-earned money is for you to eat, dress, make friends at school, and live a decent life. "

"You were admitted to the university in Kyoto by relying on the key materials she compiled by hand one stroke at a time, and you continued to purchase tutoring materials and other things because of the heavy academic tasks of the university, and accepted her support again as a matter of course..."

"The money was transferred from your country teacher, and then remitted to the capital. Heh, after graduation, you got rid of her burden and wanted to climb high. Although she wrote it in the letter first, in reality you are already pursuing someone else."

"Without her, you wouldn't be able to get out of that small county with your stupid qualifications... It's not so much that you were admitted to the university in Kyoto, it's better to say that my daughter-in-law was admitted, and you copied it by rote. Hers, barely admitted to an ordinary university in Kyoto..."

"What qualifications do you have to say about her?"

Hu Anyang nodded: "That's right, to me, you are just relying on my sense of smell. I put a good puddle of cow dung on the south wall, and I stuck it on the south wall. It's disgusting that your hands were once stained with stinky taste."

"Others regard you as a treasure or a grass, and it has nothing to do with me...don't disgust me in front of my eyes, OK?"

"Remember to pay back!"

Tang. Pretending Chocolate. Yuan. Bullshit. Kai looked at her in disbelief.

He has always regarded himself as someone who can come to Kyoto from a small county, get a solid job, and live in a big house. He is so arrogant.

He didn't expect that he was so unbearable in her eyes...

Qiu Yuhua stared even more, cooperating with himself to pick up some cow dung that no one else wanted?

She was quite satisfied with Tang Yuankai, who came out of the ravine, was optimistic, positive, hard-working, down-to-earth and capable, but now she was a little bit offended.

Tan Yongnian laughed lowly: "Not only do you have to pay back the money, but you also have to add your four-year tutoring fee and the hard work of searching for information... Tutoring takes time and mental work, and the unit price of time is higher than physical labor."

"My daughter-in-law goes to work and spends the rest of the time working for you. She only sleeps less than five hours a day, which is very harmful to her body and mind..."

"Based on the fact that my daughter-in-law spends ten hours a day working hard to improve your grades, and at twice the price of physical labor, the time is 600% more, equivalent to ten yuan per day, which is a total of [-] yuan!"

"Spend [-] yuan to buy a college diploma, feel the atmosphere of the university, and even get a daughter-in-law in the city. Settling in Kyoto, it's very affordable, right?"

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