Chapter 105 80s Replacement Bride (End)

The third couple, but shot themselves in the foot, gave birth to a child and lost their jobs, so they could only start self-employment, but it was also a strange thing, they paid nothing for what they did, they had no business cells, so they had to find a private company to continue Work for others.

Tan Yongnian took his wife and children and moved into the top floor of "Tiange Village" on the grounds that he had many children and the space at home was small. In the two-and-a-half-story duplex house with an attic and an open-air garden of [-] square meters, he hired two nannies to help The daughter-in-law looks after the children and does housework.

In ten years, Beili Street has completely changed its appearance. The surrounding Chengbei District is still old and decaying, but there are 42 sets of 28-story residential buildings, six 29-story buildings, three [-]-story buildings, and fifteen There are three small villas, three pedestrian streets, a huge small commodity wholesale market and many supporting facilities.

This place is no longer the Beili Street, Chengbei District, which everyone despises. But all the kind, honest, down-to-earth people not only live in brand-new buildings, but also find jobs that suit them.

The school is integrated from kindergarten to high school, and the level of teaching staff is quite high. Half of the students in high school go to college. The confidence of education makes the people's backs straighter!

Large supermarkets, tertiary hospitals, single-family cinemas, libraries, repertory theaters, cultural palaces, gymnasiums, etc. are all available.

People don't need to go out of the street to enjoy one-stop eating, drinking and having fun.

More importantly, Tan Yongnian and Hu Anyang led everyone to start a business. The three commercial pedestrian streets, the business of each store is very hot... The daily traffic of the small commodity market is tens of thousands...

Only lazy people can't eat here, but if you work hard, even being a porter is enough to support your family!
Everyone said, what kind of "Tiange Village" is this? It is clearly a realistic version of utopia, and the happiness index of the people living here is very high.

There is a beautiful house to live in, a job and self-worth to reflect, and a place to improve yourself and have fun. People are very happy every day, and the family is harmonious and the neighborhood is harmonious!
When Anyang opened his eyes, he could hear the subtle buzzing sound of the nutrition cabin automatically opening, and the cool air poured in, even the sunlight outside was much more dazzling.

She was a little dazed, her heart was full of indescribable satisfaction and happiness, as well as a little sadness, she couldn't remember what happened in the last plane, even though she still had the rich points and star coin rewards from the system machinery in her ears, but She still felt that she had lost something very important.

After coming out of the nutrition cabin, she staggered a little. After Hu Anyang got used to her body after lying down for a day, she quickly finished washing, changed her clothes and went out.

She took a deep breath and shook her head, all the boring things were washed away by the rain just now.

What important things could she have?All she has is her elder brother who is lying on the hospital bed and needs life support!
Thinking like this, the depression in my heart also dissipated without a trace.

She raised her hand and checked the points and star coins that had just arrived. There were [-] points and [-] million star coins.

Lang Anyang was overjoyed, and hurriedly checked the price of the body vitality booster in the mall. Five thousand points and 50 star coins can be exchanged for a tube.

She did an unknown task, and the astronomical figure for her, a working madman, was doubled!
Lang Anyang exchanged the two tubes without any hesitation, and hurriedly sent them to his brother.

This is the mission department of the Ziyun Time and Space Administration. Each frosted glass room has a nutrition cabin, which is densely arranged like a honeycomb, and it looks like a maze of mirrors. If there is no instruction from the optical brain, Lang Anyang will not I will definitely be able to get out.

When she was approaching the hall, she bumped into a young man, and then she hurried out of the way without looking up at him.

But the young man paused slightly and left with his pockets in his pocket.

"Hey, sister, I can understand your desire to attract Zhuang Gong's attention, but isn't our trick of throwing arms and hugs a little too low?" Suddenly a little girl smiled and grabbed Lang Anyang's shoulders familiarly. .

When the two of them saw each other clearly, the little girl said in amazement: "Sisters are so beautiful, and they sacrificed themselves so much, isn't Zhuang Gong unmoved?"

"Sure enough, he is gay, and he turned a blind eye to you. He doesn't know women at all!"

Lang Anyang also whispered: "Song Daixuan?"

There are many kinds of taskers, but she is just the most common one, fulfilling the wish of the original owner, eliminating the resentment value of the world, so that the parallel world can operate normally.

Usually, the resentment value of a world requires many taskers, like little ants, to eliminate it bit by bit.

However, some taskers, such as Song Daixuan in front of me, can get relatively high-quality tasks and settings, and then when she completes the task, she will conduct a 24-hour live broadcast on the Internet.

After she completes the entire task, there will be professionals who will conduct fine editing, dubbing, soundtrack, etc. to make a complete large-scale TV series!
Song Daixuan is one of these special taskers, a well-known mission star who is good at Ba Zongwen, likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and has a large number of fans who yearn for love.

Some questers are aristocratic families or dignitaries who want to experience life. They spend money to choose the quest plane, the difficulty of the quest, and even point out the questers with a high clearance rate to follow along.

Some taskers have rich experience and a very high success rate, and they are the commissioners of many special tasks, such as helping people pass the level.

There are also some workers who fix the loopholes in the world, such as the program repairer Zhuang Gong who is said to be particularly powerful.

Unfortunately, Lang Anyang only heard about his name, but missed the opportunity to spy on his face just now!
"Yes," Song Daixuan looked at the sign on Xia Lang Anyang's chest with a smile, "Ah, you are a chronicle tasker?"

"Enough!" As expected of a die-hard fan of Zhuang Gong, even an unpopular mission department like Nian Wen dares to risk his life to accompany Junzi!

Lang Anyang was confused by what she said.

"See you little beauty, I'm going to work," Song Daixuan patted her on the shoulder and left.

Lang Anyang also waved his hand and went straight to the hospital.

Although she only stayed in the nutrition cabin for one day when she was doing the task, she still walks a little shaky, not to mention that her brother has been lying on the bed for so long.

Lang Anyang took the towel from the nurse and carefully wiped his brother's face, neck, hands, arms, legs and feet, and patiently massaged the muscles on his legs and feet, pulling his arms and legs from time to time.

"Brother, I found a job with a high salary, and I can work with you every day in the future. Are you happy?"

PS: It's not over, it's just that the story of this plane is over, and a new story and plane will start soon...

The second plane: the abandoned wife of the 90s nouveau riche, so stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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