Knowing the strength of the body's vitality booster, Lang Anyang was overjoyed, and her whole body exuded joy. This was the happiest day since her father died and her mother remarried and left!
Although her brother can't move yet, he is very lucky to be able to open his eyes, breathe and speak on his own.

"Brother, are you hungry? Can I buy you chicken porridge? This is delicious and nutritious!"

Lang Anran kept looking at his younger sister, still unable to recover from the shock that his younger sister had grown up all of a sudden, remembering how the siblings lived in distress before he fell down, he smiled and said word by word with difficulty:

"Porridge is fine, I just opened my eyes, I can't stand the smell of meat..."

He just regained consciousness, he can speak but his mouth muscles are still a little stiff.

Lang Anyang's eyes were flushed, "Brother, my sister has grown up now, and has found a job to support us both."

"What is chicken porridge? You can eat whatever you want as long as your body recovers!"

As she said that, she lowered her head and ordered two bowls of chicken porridge, one meat dumpling with egg yolk, two tea eggs, and one yellow corn at the restaurant that the siblings loved most when they were young!

She smiled and looked at Lang Anran, "Here, brother, you can only drink chicken porridge and tea eggs, watch me eat rice dumplings and eat corn."

Lang Anran saw that his sister didn't have any embarrassment on her face, so he felt relieved, "Anyang, your taste hasn't changed after all these years."

Not only has it not changed, Lang Anyang has never eaten these!

In Interstellar, eating is a very luxurious thing. A meal costs more than ten star coins, and the purchasing power of star coins is similar to that of seven 80s yuan.

She works several jobs every day, but she can only earn seven or eight star coins, which are all used to rent life support machines and hire nurses.

Usually, she also buys some nutrient solution, pours it into plain water to supplement the body's needs, and eats steamed buns to satisfy her hunger.

Lang Anyang doesn't have any memories of the mission world, so she is grateful for the delicious food she has been familiar with for a long time after eating her extravagant meal.

I am grateful for my own efforts to become a tasker, and also grateful to the Space-Time Administration for giving their brothers and sisters a chance to survive.

However, the body vitality booster can only be used once a month, and the second tube can only be taken after one tube is completely absorbed by the body.

Therefore, Lang Anyang stayed with his brother for two months with the tens of thousands of star coins in his card.

During the day, she went to the Space-Time Administration to study and exercise for eight hours, and spent the rest of the time with her brother.

Lang Anran only knew that the girl worked hard and became an employee of the Space-Time Management Bureau, with generous salary and benefits, but he didn't know that she was a tasker, and every time she was tasked, she might face the danger of not returning!
In two months, Lang Anran spoke sharply, his head could turn slightly, and even his fingertips could tremble with his consciousness.

Lang Anyang signed up for the task for himself, taking advantage of the effect of the body vitality trigger.

Today, she was talking and laughing with her brother for dinner as before. Before going to work, she hugged her brother and patted him on the head: "Brother, if you need something, you can call Brother Nurse. Watch the video for no more than half an hour... you can listen to music and stories... ..."

Lang Anran responded again and again, "I know the housekeeper, hurry up and go to work!"

Before going out, Lang Anyang turned her head to look at her brother again. This was her concern and motivation for her struggle.

She can only succeed and not fail, otherwise, after the money she deposited in the hospital is used up, no one will pity her brother, and that brother can only starve to death!
This is the cruelty of interstellar...

Even if someone is willing to take over his elder brother, it would be even more cruel for him to lie in bed for the rest of his life without a catalyst for his body's vitality.

With the determination to win, Lang Anyang stepped into the nutrition cabin to start the next task.

"Shu Anyang, don't stay shamelessly at our Su's house!"

"Back then you shamelessly relied on us, Xiang Di, and chased you home...Xiang Di was also afraid that you would hang yourself if you cried, made trouble, and messed up his good affairs with Fei Lan, so I pretended to coax you to have sex with you. Get a marriage certificate..."

"Yeah, it would be nice if you got acquainted earlier, but in the end you were really wearing red clothes, and no one came to pick you up, so you came to our house by yourself... Otherwise, his uncle couldn't be pushed out for the sake of the Su family's face. about you……"

"His uncle is also aggrieved. He is a high school student, and he has an iron rice bowl from the grain bureau. How can he be wronged to spend his whole life with you, a rustic junior high school student... He ran away in a few days..."

"Now that his brother-in-law finally came back and wants to divorce you, what's the point of you being so tired? Is it because you can't live without a man?"

"If I were you, I would have thrown myself into the river a long time ago, and I still pretended to have made great contributions to our Su family, making myself sick... Heh, it's obvious that you are messing about by yourself, as if we treated you so harshly ..."

"Look, this is the daughter-in-law his brother-in-law got a license to marry. Which onion are you?"

A group of people were yelling by his ears, Shu Anyang only felt a severe forehead pain, and his whole body was limp and weak. He looked at the people in front of him with double images, and he didn't even have the strength to support himself to stand.

Somebody pushed her, but she fell uncontrollably with that force, the back of her head hit the stone, and hot, wet blood immediately flowed down.

The sharp pain made her grunt, feeling a sense of sadness spread from her heart to her whole body.

All the onlookers gasped in unison, and some even shouted fearlessly: "Killer!"

The woman who pushed people hurriedly waved her hand and said, "I didn't, she did it on purpose! I didn't use any force at all... She wanted to rely on our family..."

"It must be like this. Shu Anyang is afraid that my uncle will not want her, so he touches me..."

The well-meaning people in the crowd said anxiously: "Don't care who is right and who is wrong, Shu Anyang's blood is too fierce, if you don't care, you will die!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a young man stepped forward hesitantly, first went to the stove and took out a handful of plant ash, put it on a handkerchief, and tightly covered her wound for a while, seeing that the blood flow slowed down, he tore it off from the clothes Bound with cloth, "Uncle Chang Zhu, her wound is a bit serious, and the clinic in the commune may not be able to treat it...I'll take her to the town..."

The village chief nodded quickly, and wanted to take money out of his pocket, but was stopped by the wife next to him and winked.

The village chief said embarrassingly: "Hao Ran, you should put the money in advance, and ask for it from the second son Su's family later!"

The young man hummed, carried the person on the bicycle beam, supported him with one hand, and held the handlebar with the other hand to rush to the town hospital.

However, an aunt shouted from behind: "Big guy, you can see that this bundle of Anyang was taken away by another man and put on the front beam... How can such a woman who doesn't cherish chastity be our Su family's daughter-in-law... ..."

The big guys couldn't stand it anymore, the village chief's wife poohed: "Could it be possible to let her lie in your yard and bleed to death?"

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