Chapter 109 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (3)

If Shu Anyang moved his mind too much, he would feel nauseated and hurt.

She had no choice but to lie on her side with her eyes wide open, but in order to avoid the painful wound, she faced the young man, her eyes kept sweeping over him.

In the ward with the lights turned off, there is moonlight pouring down from the window, bright and warm.

Although the biscuits did not contain much nutrition and the conversion of energy was low, it was difficult to heal the wound quickly. As the biscuits were digested in Shu Anyang's stomach, it was like anesthesia, slowly relieving her pain little by little.

Gradually she fell asleep with heavy eyelids.

The young man opened his eyes and let out a long and soft breath.

Stared at by such a pair of beautiful, pure eyes, he is not a wooden man, his whole body is stiff, how dare he move?
He was so busy paying for her examinations that day that he didn't have the time and energy to explain to everyone one by one that he was not her target.

Instead, he explained once that others are more sure that the two are a couple. Who made him more enthusiastic than passers-by and distant relatives?
Therefore, he was too lazy to deal with it.

He has a clear conscience, and he speaks and behaves well. However, he has been in the hospital for a day, not to mention the people in the village, not even the Su family has come to the hospital to take over.

The Su family's attitude of taking it for granted and giving alms made him, a bystander, very angry.

Think about the women on the bed, but they are only 24 or 30 years old, and their faces are more sallow and vicissitudes than women in their [-]s.

It is said that women are made of water. When he picked her up, she was no different from a child, so light that no one could even notice it!
What's more, Mo Haoran clenched his fists tightly. After he sent her, because Shu Anyang injured her brain, he followed the doctor's advice and did a physical examination on her. The diagnosis was extremely bad.

Due to long-term fatigue and malnutrition, Shu Anyang suffered from uremia. Although the hospital has not investigated her cause, it can be called uremia. It is basically the end stage of chronic renal failure. This is a variety of late stages. General manifestations of the kidneys.

If there is a problem with the kidneys, other parts of the body will also be greatly affected. Symptoms appear in the nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system, skin system, and immune system, and substance metabolism disorders.

In the 90s, although uremia can be alleviated or even cured through dialysis, transplantation and other treatment methods, this is not an expensive expense that ordinary people can afford!

He still remembered that when he was a soldier visiting relatives, he returned to the army with his bags on his back. She happened to be wearing a red dress and came to Su's house by herself in a donkey cart.

The little girl is white, her eyes are like the moon falling into the lake when she smiles, and the pear dimples on the corners of her lips have an intoxicating curvature, which makes people sink in at a glance.

At that time, he thought that after he was demobilized, he would marry such a beautiful bride, even if he would spend his entire life loving her.

Who knows, such a girl is hard to find, so he has been single until now...

After all, beauty is born from the heart, and that beauty is not only in appearance, but also the kindness and innocence in the heart intertwined, which makes the beauty of the appearance shine.

Perhaps with the untimely sympathy for her, Mo Haoran looked at the past through the moonlight, the woman frowned slightly, it should be that the illness had begun to torment her, her body was so thin that she was covered with a bedding, and she felt thin .

After seven or eight years of training, her facial features still have a beautiful tail, but she worked under the scorching sun like the women in the village, and she was covered with a layer of darkness, and her face was also sunburned. This beauty was cruelly lost.

Mo Haoran glanced at it, then retracted his gaze politely, staring blankly at the end of the bed in a daze.

After one night, Shu Anyang felt a little more comfortable than yesterday. At least as long as she held her head and didn't do strenuous activities, she basically wouldn't feel unbearable pain.

However, she also ran to the toilet twice at night, tiptoeing, for fear of waking up other people in the ward.

It was dawn, and there was movement in the ward. It seemed that there was no entertainment at night, and everyone went to bed early, so they woke up early.

Washing, going to the toilet, cooking, such a plain atmosphere combined with the early summer breeze, is quite warm and leisurely.

At least it's not like her in real life, she dare not sleep on her own will, and there is no time to wake up when she opens her eyes, she just gets up, washes, eats and works...

Shu Anyang opened his eyes and didn't see the young man, so he looked around the ward curiously.

This is a room of six people. Besides her and the aunt who broke her leg, there is also a child who just got a plaster cast and stayed in the hospital for observation, and a man who just had an appendix operation.

"Your partner has gone to eat, and I saw him leave with a jar," the auntie said with a smile, before Shu Anyang could ask, "I looked at you a few times before I left, probably because I wanted to Let me tell you, I am afraid that you will finally fall asleep and disturb you to rest."

"In these days, there are very few men who are so considerate to their wives and not masculine... It's not like my old man, who has a twisted and stubborn temper..."

Shu Anyang smiled slightly, "Auntie, is this a sweet burden? The uncle must treat you well, otherwise, if you mention him, why would you have a smile on your face?"

The aunt was stunned, and then smiled: "Yes, anyway, I have been with him all my life, and I haven't suffered much... My family is from the countryside, and the old man is a worker. He has a big temper, but he is very protective of our small family. He didn't let me work in the fields... It's just that he doesn't care about family affairs at all, the kind who won't hold the soy sauce bottle upside down..."

"I see him as annoying, don't you see, I don't have a backbone in my heart..."

While talking, the uncle came back and glared at her angrily: "You are talking bad about me again? I heard it from three wards away!"

"It's all said, I'm in charge of the outside and you are in the house. We have a clear division of labor... If you are tired of working at home, let the children help. One by one, go outside to have fun except for studying. If you don't do some work, you know the hardships of life." , how do you have the energy to use it in your studies?"

The two people's complaints about life also made the corners of Shu Anyang's lips smile deeply.

When Mo Haoran walked in, he seemed to see the yearning for a normal married life in her eyes. After a moment of silence, he put the rice he had made on the table.

"I don't know what you like to eat, so I bought some."

Shu Anyang blinked, what does it mean not knowing what she likes to eat?
Perhaps, there are many meals in the cafeteria, and the taste is different from the daily meals at home, so he doesn't know how to choose?

However, Shu Anyang was very pleased with the attitude that he could buy some, but the situation was unclear at the moment, and she didn't know how to treat him, so she nodded with a slight smile.

She looked at the meals, there was a bowl of wontons in chicken soup, two steamed buns with vegetables, a bowl of Yangchun noodles, two tea eggs, a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, a bowl of millet porridge, and Caijiamo...

Shu Anyang's eyes were full of satisfaction, after eating this meal, she was sure that she could temporarily stop the pain all morning!

But she asked politely, "Have you eaten?"

(End of this chapter)

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