This time Jing Qiaoman took the lead and said in a cold voice: "Why should we ask Wei Qi to pay their bills?"

3 yuan is a lot of money in the provincial capital, not to mention in rural areas and towns.

The Su family didn't look like they were rich at first glance. She knew too well the rascal behavior of her relatives in the countryside.

It can be said that they advanced money for the Su family today, and the Su family refused to accept it later.Could it be that the people in their fifth room have been taken advantage of?

Shu Anyang smiled and raised the passbook in his hand, "It's the same reason, I only care about the result, not the process."

"The only one in your family who can come up with money in one go is Su Weiqi. You can figure it out later. Who told you... I used to be Su Weiqi's wife?"

"Su Weiqi, you will be the big boss in the future, hurry up and make money, can't you?"

"It's okay if they don't pay back the money, they won't have the face to stick with you in the future..."

The last sentence really hit Su Weiqi and Jing Qiaoman, 3 yuan is indeed a lot, but Su Weiqi found a way to make money, and he didn't think it was too difficult to earn. The only thing he was afraid of was that the old man and the old lady would use his money to subsidize other children.

Moreover, the relatives in the countryside are not particular about their work. Once they see their husband and wife making money, why don't they ask for a job or borrow money?

They can reject their relatives, but they can't open their mouths when they come from blood relatives.

Now that they have a debt of 3 yuan, they should buy a clean house, which is really worth it!

Jing Qiaoman tugged at Su Weiqi's clothes, who nodded, "Okay, let's go to the post office now."

At this moment, he couldn't wait any longer. He turned around and took the household registration book and ID card, and went out first, without giving the rest of the Su family a chance to speak...

Coming out of the post office, Su Weiqi brought more than 20 yuan when he returned home, but now it is only more than 7 yuan, but he finally felt at ease.

Looking at Shu Anyang, who has been worn out by life and the years, his conscience finally emerged: "Comrade Shu Anyang, you are actually quite good, but you are too simple and easy to trust people."

"Now that you have 13 yuan in your hands, it must have spread throughout Yandian Village, and even everyone in Zhouyan Town will know about it in two days."

"I don't know if there will be a bigger conspiracy waiting for you at that time. I can only say, I hope you will be safe and happy for the rest of your life..."

Shu Anyang sneered, and when he passed by, he said flatly: "Don't think that you can live the rest of your life with peace of mind. You won't forget what happened back then, right?"

Su Weiqi froze, and then left in a hurry.

Others watched him being held on the head by Mr. Su, and had no choice but to marry Shu Anyang instead of his nephew. In fact, he knew that he had been thinking about this woman since the first time he saw her.

However, Shu An's male sex is too fierce, and even after marrying him, he has to keep the chastity for Su Xiangdi, but he swore to die with scissors!

For two or three nights in a row, he couldn't get close, and he was so angry that he thought of going to the south to work and do business.

Shu Anyang actually gave him one thousand and five, but Su Weiqi saw where she hid the money, and actually stole her father's pension...

These few things are indeed enough for him to remember for a lifetime.

As soon as the person left, Shu Anyang's energy to support himself on the sugar also dissipated, and he suddenly fell down.

Mo Haoran hurried forward to hug him, the woman had a faint smile on her lips, even though she passed out, her hands were still tightly holding the passbook.

Shu Anyang opened her eyes again, and to no surprise she returned to the ward with a tube in her arm and instruments beside her.

Mo Haoran was reading the newspaper at the side. Seeing her wake up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a light smile, "There are too many toxins and garbage accumulated in your body. If you don't clean them up in time, it will easily cause irreversible damage to your organs."

Shu Anyang nodded, "The doctor said that I can eat and drink water?"

Mo Haoran put down the newspaper, stood up and opened the lunch box next to the bed, poured boiling water into it, "This is a dumpling with vegetarian fillings, you can eat some to fill your stomach first, and I will buy you some delicious ones after the dialysis is over."

Shu Anyang looked at the lunch box eagerly.

Mo Haoran reluctantly brewed another glass of milk for her, and let her drink it first with a straw.

The warm milk soothed her screaming stomach, and the energy it generated slowly rushed to all parts of her body along with the heat.

Shu Anyang had the illusion of being alive.It should be that she forcibly fused the memory before, which caused the energy consumption to be too fast. Not only was her body not better than before, but she was tossing her closer to death.

Only then did she turn her head to look at the man, and noticed that his face was pale, apparently not very happy.

"Comrade Mo Haoran, I'm sorry, did I scare you before?"

"Thank you for accompanying me to Su's house to support me and let me seek justice for myself."

Mo Haoran nodded, and only said that he should.

How should it be?
Shu Anyang chuckled lightly and said, "I have money now, so I can just come to the hospital for dialysis on time, and there is nothing life-threatening."

Hearing that the woman was looking for something to talk about, Mo Haoran felt even more uncomfortable.

The doctor said that normal uremia patients can indeed be effectively treated through dialysis, but Shu Anyang's condition is a bit serious. Her organs have been greatly damaged due to excessive accumulation of garbage and toxins in her body, and she is on the verge of strike at any time. edge.

In fact, the doctor told him tactfully that Shu Anyang had already stepped into the coffin with one foot, and it was difficult to pull back from the gate of hell.

She is still so young, she just broke free from suffering, why is she going to die?
Mo Haoran clenched his fists tightly, pursed his lips and asked, "Comrade Shu Anyang, what else do you need, do you need me to help you?"

Shu Anyang glanced at him, seeing the uncontrollable grief on his face, he knew it in his heart.

She lowered her eyelashes slightly, showing that she understood his meaning, with a little fear, unwillingness and despair on her face, "I have nothing to trouble Comrade Mo Haoran."

Mo Haoran's eyes turned red, and she choked up a little, her bright smile in red clothes kept appearing in her mind.

At the beginning, the beauty was so enviable and eager to possess, but now that the woman is lying on the hospital bed withered, it is even more unacceptable.

"So, do you have any other wishes to fulfill?"

Shu Anyang almost laughed out loud. I'm afraid he's not a straight man, is he?
Brightly told people, you are dying, I will help you fulfill your last wish!
If it's someone else, don't you get pissed off in advance?

But she understood that Mo Haoran didn't want the original owner to leave regrets, and the other hand that could only move tightly grasped the quilt, "I have thought about it countless times before, I want to get justice for myself, and I can make a lot of money for Su The family can't climb high... I also thought about having a happy family..."

These are the wishes of the original owner, and they can be regarded as last wishes.

Mo Haoran carefully wrote down these sentences and began to think about them one by one.

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