Chapter 121 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (15)

Shu Anyang patted his forehead, hooked his hands again, and when he came to him, she leaned closer to the man's ear:

"Do you really don't understand what I mean, or do you mean that you treat me as a Buddha and invite me home to worship, not as a daughter-in-law... Well, warm the bed?"

The woman's breath was shallow, like a butterfly fluttering in spring, sweeping over his ears.

The word warm quilt was more like dropping a bomb into his mind, directly shocking him to the spot.

His face, neck, and ears turned red immediately!

Hearing the woman's unscrupulous giggles, Mo Haoran said stiffly that he had to go to the bathroom, and walked out quickly, his back seemed in a hurry.

When the people left, Shu Anyang's smile disappeared, and he looked sideways at the lush trees outside the window.

She has no memory of her previous life, but she knows from the mission rewards and progress that she has overfulfilled the mission, and not only won the satisfaction of the original owner, but also a gift from heaven.

Two tubes of body vitality triggers made her brother lie on the hospital bed for so long, from being unable to breathe on his own, and his heartbeat had to be stimulated by a machine, until he opened his eyes and could swallow and speak independently!

Shu Anyang is particularly grateful for the development of future technology and the platform of the Space-Time Administration, which enabled her to bring her brother back from his deep sleep.

Although she took back the money the Su family owed to the original owner, how could 13 yuan be able to make up for the pain and hopelessness that the Su family had placed on the original owner for seven or eight years?
The Su family stepped on the original owner and pulled the two boys out of the mud.In the future, Su Xiangdi, the son-in-law of the factory director, and Su Weiqi, who opened a shop and factory in the city, no longer need the original owner, and they can live a good life that is envied by everyone and has no worries about food and clothing.

And all the glory is the hard work of their Sujia Erlang...

Oh, anyway, if it were her, it would be hard to swallow this bad breath if she didn't make the Su family into a prototype!

But right now she is an orphan, and she is also an orphan who will soon be passed down as a rich woman. I don't know how many people want to follow the example of the Su family and use her as a mine.

Therefore, in order to get it done once and for all, she should first get married and then start a career.

Don't say that Mo Haoran is particular about eyesight, why isn't she?
They are all adults, and they really don't have the kind of madness of falling in love at first sight and being obsessed with each other. It's just that they are of the same age, good character, reasonable conditions in all aspects, and they can guarantee each other's loyalty and stand together through thick and thin, which is already very good.

Not long after, Mo Haoran came over with a bag of fruit, first washed a plate of apples, took out one and lowered his head to silently peel it.

Shu Anyang looked at it with his lips pursed. The man's hands were slender and strong, and the peel was even in size and beautiful. When he finished peeling one, the peels were connected together without breaking.

He handed the apple to Shu Anyang who had wiped his hands with a wet towel, while he ate the apple peel...

Shu Anyang paused while biting the apple, because she had no memory of the previous mission plane, and the original owner lost his father when he was very young, and lost his mother ten years ago.They have not felt so cared for and loved by others for too long.

She chuckled and shook the apple in her hand: "It's very sweet and delicious."

The corners of Mo Haoran's lips also rose slightly, "If you like it, I will buy it for you next time."

Shu Anyang finished eating an apple.

The man picked up the apple core she had finished nibbling, and handed her a towel to wipe her hands. His movements were naturally tense.

The patient next to her praised her for being caring, so there are very few men who take care of the family.

This time Mo Haoran actually followed suit and said: "Did you hear that? Comrade Shu Anyang, why don't you agree to marry me earlier."

"When I kept it at home, I treated you like a daughter!"

Shu Anyang glared at him angrily, "Talk to me about this matter after you have settled the family!"

Mo Haoran looked at her suddenly, and asked seriously: "If my parents agree, then you promise to get a marriage certificate with me?"

Shu Anyang leaned over maliciously, and added: "Yes, you tell them the worst side of the matter, if they don't mind, and you are ready to become a monk and continue to be a vegetarian, why should I not agree?"

Mo Haoran still frowned and wondered why he wanted to become a monk and what kind of vegetarian diet should he eat?
Didn't he marry a wife?
But then he understood, and he gritted his teeth in embarrassment and said to her word by word: "I have lived like this for 28 years, so what if I have another two or three 28 years?"

"I just want to take care of you with integrity and righteousness, and find a companion for the rest of my life, can't I?"

Shu Anyang saw that the man had been irritated, so he swallowed the rest of his words.

If an ordinary person were to suffer from her condition, it might not be too long, so how could he talk about the rest of his life?
But she is not an ordinary person, so she really can't joke with him about the length of her life.

Mo Haoran pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, he was a little annoyed that she thought of him so superficially, and felt sorry for her for worrying too much.

After the equipment was removed, Shu Anyang went to the toilet, not wanting to lie down anymore, so he went to the cafeteria with Mo Haoran to eat.

Shu Anyang is used to looking through all the dining windows before ordering food with Mo Haoran hesitantly with his fingers: "I want scrambled eggs with tomatoes, fried pork with bean sprouts, four flower rolls, and a pot of fish soup."

Mo Haoran laughed lowly, "Can I have another mushroom noodle and a steamed fish?"

Seeing the fighting power of the woman at the wedding banquet at noon yesterday, he thoughtfully added some more weight.

Shu Anyang's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "Yes, that's great!"

Mo Haoran's eyes were warm and he said: "Comrade Anyang, you go find a seat, I'll line up for dinner."

Shu Anyang hummed, found a seat by the window, and propped his chin to look at him.

Mo Haoran's heart was soft and tight.In fact, in his heart, she has already been classified as an object by him.

He never thought that the days with a woman would be particularly enjoyable. He likes to worry about her, and even more likes the feeling of her eyes falling on him softly, like the sunshine in winter, which can break through all smog without being scalding hot And cold, so people want to hug.

"Comrade Mo, why are you here? Are you coming to see your comrades in arms again?" A nurse had just entered the cafeteria when she saw the tall and straight figure in the crowd. She stepped forward happily, raised her head and smiled softly. asked.

Mo Haoran subconsciously turned his head to look at Shu Anyang, and seeing the woman raising her eyebrows, he hurriedly said to the nurse: "I'll come and see my partner!"

The little nurse's smile froze, "Ah, is that right? I don't know which lesbian Comrade Mo is dating?"

"To be recognized by Comrade Mo, she must be a particularly outstanding person, right?"

"Why is she hospitalized? If you need anything, just ask Comrade Mo. As a friend, I will definitely help!"

Her voice was slightly urgent.Some people like gentleness, but she especially likes men who are tall and have a sense of security.

With such a good partner, she is a little reserved, how can someone turn around and find a partner?
(End of this chapter)

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