Chapter 148 The Abandoned Wife of the Nouveau Riche in the 90s (42)

Although Hao Xuemin's neck was injured, he should lie down and recuperate, but he didn't want to delay the matter. He couldn't watch Jiang Xingwang enter the bureau to eat.

Therefore, Hao Xuemin used a pen and paper to describe the ins and outs of the incident, emphasizing: "Jiang Xiaofang asked me to have dinner at a noodle restaurant and talked about divorce, it was all a conspiracy!"

"The Jiang family wanted to use force to coerce me to leave the house with my children. They even didn't hesitate to entangle the gangsters in the society and even used knives. I will investigate this matter to the end."

"By the way, they also said that they would attack my family... This is a society ruled by law, can they be so rampant?"

"Isn't the organization advocating the eradication of crime recently? I think they can all be models!"

In a word, to the point.All walks of life pay attention to performance, and so do the comrades in the institute. Just hearing this sentence, everyone present couldn't help but straighten their backs and show [-]% seriousness.

What Hao Xuemin wants is this model, but whoever is set as a model, let alone his family is threatened, I am afraid that the Jiang family will be too busy to take care of themselves.

He wants them to suffer the consequences!
After the statement was recorded, Hao Xuemin asked whether the handling of the matter was flexible, such as whether he let go of his mouth, whether it would affect the judgment of the case.

After getting the answer, Hao Xuemin went home satisfied.

For him, even though he has wandered around from the gate of hell, he will definitely be able to divorce the marriage this time!
Jiang Xiaofang, as a coerced person, should be given a lighter or exempt punishment, and the key point lies in Hao Xuemin.

However, Hao Xuemin didn't spend too much time in the camp today because he was frightened and he was unwell, and he ignored Jiang Xiaofang's request to see him, saying that he would come back tomorrow when he recovered.

Jiang Xiaofang was locked in a temporary iron room, and there were a few women who were not easy to mess with.

"What happened?" A woman with permed hair and heavy make-up asked lightly, picking her nails.

Jiang Xiaofang shivered, and stood against the wall, "No, it's nothing..."

The big guy sneered: "No crime, the comrades in that institute are full and have nothing to do, so are you arrested to take care of the food?"

"Everyone who comes in is rarely innocent, don't pretend to be bullied, just like how vicious we are..."

"Let you say it, hurry up and say it, don't be shameless! If you want to say it later, we don't necessarily want to hear it..."

Jiang Xiaofang looked at their eagerness to rush forward, and hurriedly said:

"It's my partner who doesn't behave like a human being, and secretly saves money behind my back. My brother brought someone to support me, but my partner bit me back and sent us all in..."

The big guys listened, and the woman with the perm raised her eyebrows: "Do you believe what she said?"

Everyone curled their lips: "The sentence of bringing someone to support you is too vague. The comrades in the house pay attention to one person's evidence. How can you send you all here with just a few words of your partner?"

"When we are fools?"

They were furious at being locked in, and now they were short of a punching bag.

They're all girls, and this thing looks like a doormat, isn't it just looking for a beating?
As she said that, someone stepped forward and covered her mouth, and the others swarmed up, pinching, twisting and scratching!

Jiang Xiaofang didn't even react, the sharp pain in her body was suppressed in her throat, and tears flowed down her cheeks.When she was in pain, time passed for a very long time. When someone noticed the movement and came over, the big guy had already returned to its original position. Only Jiang Xiaofang was prostrate on the ground, her disheveled hair covered her cold and hateful expression.

The Jiang family favors boys over girls, but she has never endured such humiliation and pain, and all of this was brought to her by Hao Xuemin!

She shivered and curled herself up into a ball, nestling quietly in a corner.

Seeing her silent and timid appearance, everyone lost interest in her.

It was still cool in the morning and night in early May, especially in this icy place, which was naturally cold.

Jiang Xiaofang squatted on the cold ground, not knowing how she survived the night.

As soon as it was dawn, she leaned on the railing, and said in a hoarse begging voice, "Comrade, please call Hao Xuemin for me again. He is the deputy mine manager of the mine. I want to see him!"

The man said indifferently: "Wait, he was almost cut to death, could it be an insignificant remark of yours, and you have to call him to suffer?"

"This incident of yours is really bad. How long has it been since such a blatant fight happened in our mining area... Our director said that we will investigate this matter severely and set an example..."

"And you, don't think that you are innocent. You are the one who benefits. If something goes wrong, you will completely shirk responsibility? How can there be such a good thing?"

When Jiang Xiaofang heard about setting an example, she felt dizzy, "Comrade, what, why are we still being set as an example?"

"We were talking nicely. Someone took the knife, and it has nothing to do with the rest of us. You can't be fooled by Hao Xuemin..."

The comrade sneered: "You think this is just a joke? What confusion? We are very responsible in everything we do, and we pay attention to a piece of evidence. Without solid evidence and basis, how can we lock you up here?"

"You'd better think about how to get Comrade Hao's forgiveness, otherwise, if he disagrees, your life will be ruined."

Jiang Xiaofang was terrified, and asked cryingly: "Comrade, when can I see my partner?"

"My brother and I were both wronged this time. At most, I wanted to scare him. I really didn't think about it... Comrades, you must investigate clearly..."

The comrade looked at her coldly: "Many things, when you decided to solve them by means of huge profits, hidden dangers have already been buried... The young man is angry and irritable, not only Comrade Hao was almost killed, but also the boss's wife His son was almost injured by a beer bottle... It doesn't mean that the injury was not done, and your guilt will be mitigated. If Comrade Xiao Shu didn't stop it in time, this matter would be so serious that people can't even imagine it!"

"Just wait, when Comrade Hao recovers from his injuries, when will we talk..."

When the comrade left, everyone in the iron gate clicked their tongues: "Who am I? It turns out that I am a poisonous woman who encourages people to kill their targets!"

"I just don't like her, this cruel and merciless person, no matter how good at pretending to be, people won't like her..."

"Such a serious thing has happened, she has no regrets on her face, she just wants to avoid responsibility, tsk tsk..."

"If I'm not mistaken, she is the target of our Deputy Mine Manager Hao? Ahhh!"

(End of this chapter)

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